40% Asian women refuse to date Asian men

what went rong?

They're trying their best to "integrate"?

Little weenies.

They want the BWC

Asians have been mentally colonized by white people

She's pretty. Who is she?

I wonder if he's sleeping. If not, he'll be shitposting soon


>west is getting blacker and browner each year
>some engrish teacher thinks that some self hating SEA's matter in the bigger picture

I would refuse Asian men, if I were a woman too.
is a half white half Jap girl btw.

We should never have fucked all their women..


>Australian flag defending asians
Memes aside op has no source and the number is ridiculously high.

rosa kawashima

They seem so damn sick of Asian men with tiny dick


because white women refuse to take care of their bodies


Meanwhile irl


Meanwhile in reality

>4 american cities
you tried

Actually what OP and WMAF shills don't want to tell you is white men get ugly asian

Why do white men get UGly asians?

I'm sure op was originally talking about westernized asian women in his post?

And meanwhile irl

And this is WMAF irl

because most asian women are ugly?

Amazing WMAF

WMAF btfo

I don't get it, this guy is seriously above her league

Why don't you get it? White men get ugly asian

How do you interact with qt asian girl to date her?
I'm dumb white boy with yellow fever

pretty good meme pic. Replace the okcupid one with this though. It's hilarious because of






Meanwhile irl


WMAF irl


Meanwhile irl

Meanwhile this is WMAF

What OP doesn't want you to know

White men only get ugly Asian

Deal with it

>itt: insecure r/AsianMasculinity Icuck

If I ever need a detective I'll be sure to hire /asianmasculinity/.
You guys seem really incredible at finding just about any image that reinforces your pathetic points.

WMAF reality

Which is plenty

White men get ugly Asian

Deal with it

Welcome to reality loser

>can't handle reality

They're all doing it wrong. You pump and dump them, not have kids with them

WMAF the reality contra WMAf fake photos

White men get ugly asians

Deal with it

WMAF the truth

>born as a manlet in the tallest country in the world
I seriously hope you don't curse your son/daughter with this terrible fate.

Damn how insecure do you have to be to have this many fucking pictures

Those are fakes

Meanwhile irl

>being this triggered
Keep sperging out, Chang

You're not proving your point m8. If anything you're just convincing everyone that Asians like dating white guys

>triggered WMAF can't handle truth

My gf is Dutch.

The height difference between westerners and Asians is mostly due to differences in diet though.
I know a half Chinese girl who is 1.90m.

Finnish man with his white gf

Meanwhile irl

>denial the post

Asian chick are boring as shit. White/mixed girls all the way

can you explain the population size of china

And yet white men get ugly asians

Denial of what ricenigger?

What do the dutch eat that makes them so tall then?

pls respond

And yet this is the acerage white man

Loser can't handle reality that white men get ugly asians

Get over it

This is the average white man

You were in denial when the Dutch poster posted Asian qts with white dudes. This is bait

There are plenty of examples above that say otherwise, you're just too insecure to face the reality and do you best to convince yourself they're fake. Damn asian """"men"""" are truly pathetic.

Stamppot, zuurkool met rookworst, broccoli met krieltjes en rundervink.
Drink lots of milk as well, from a really young age.
And go everywhere by bike, so the calories don't become fat.

Except all those are just photoshoots

This is reality

Get over it

>I know a half Chinese girl who is 1.90m.

It's not diet. I knew a guy whose Greek father was like 1.7m and his Japanese mother was 1.6m. He was 1.9m last time I saw him. Mixed people are freaks.

Stop making Asian guys look bad.

She looks a lot better than the guy.

All of the guys in the pictures you post wouldn't get good looking white gfs either, and the scarcity of good looking WMAF couples is largely due to the scarcity of good looking Asians in general.

Full Asians who grow up in western countries are also a lot taller.
A Dutch guy of Chinese parentage I know here is only slightly shorter than I am, and I am 1.91m

The dating success of Filipino monkey women is due to the rampant obesity of White men.

He is right. That is practically how WMAF couples around London look like


Why is Peter Chang so triggered by this?

Is that how fenno Swedes are made?

love these threads

That's not true and you know it.


good friend of mine moved to china to his wife and child.
his wife gets treated by her friends like she won the lottery of life and his son gets treated like a god walking among men because he looks chinese with fair skin and big european eyes.

asians dont crave the BWC but white genes.

The guy in the back with the beard is hot

nah more females are overweight or obese in the U.S. than men

KÄÄBIK Kääbik hahhaahaa kääbik :DDD

higher status white man attracts higher status Asian woman

simply being white will not get you a good looking Asian female, no matter what the memes say

>white pigs keep posting in this no source thread

OP is white expat without doubt.
White are worse than niggers...

I don't why you guys like Asian women, they're not even that good. They have shit tier facial features, ass, and tits. Then you have to factor their bitchy personality and overall bitterness they always have. white and Latina women>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

t. Pedro Hernandez

>t. Ching Chang Chung-Ho

Chink/gook wymyn with freckles are top tier

Gold digging