
anybody here from venezuela?

>are things as bad as everybody says?
>do you plan to leave?
>why hasn't Nicolas Maduro been fucking lynched yet?
>how do you think the country could be improved?

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Sup Forums is banned in venezuela

this is some next level shit right here

flooding into colombia typical

Pablo Iglesias and Juan Carlos Monedero thanks you for illegaly financing their communist party :)

I am a Greek

Not Venezuelan, but I can answer since I talk with one on a daily basis.

>are things as bad as everybody says?
No, they are worse.
>do you plan to leave?
The majority of Venezuelans want to get the hell out.
>why hasn't Nicolas Maduro been fucking lynched yet?
He controls the military and police forces and they support him. People have been killed in protests.
>how do you think the country could be improved?
This is an academic question. Economically, Venezuela should control inflation, liberalize trade, and implement measures to ensure foreign investment in the country. Politically, it should reform its institutions to eliminate or at least diminish voter fatigue, cronyism, and corruption.

>Tfw Venezuela could be an advanced oilbux country like Saudi Arabia or even Norway but it got CHAVEZ'D

>are things as bad as everybody says?
>do you plan to leave?
Im in Spain.
>why hasn't Nicolas Maduro been fucking lynched yet?
The army is very numerous and powerful.
>how do you think the country could be improved?
That country of shit is not worth anything.

>The majority of Venezuelans want to get the hell out.
In this case you should change your immigration regulations ..... --- yea, I know, my flag...

>native venezuelans leave or starve to death
>germany and the EU declare all muslim refugees be sent to venezuela
>first south american caliphate is born

Most Hispanic countries want to welcome them, precisely Rajoy wanted to recognize them as refugees but your fantastic country consider that racist (THANKS YOU GERMANY! :DDDD) and as the third party most voted in Spain is chavist nobody wanted to get wet anymore.

Honestly, no one has problems in hosting them, they are quite normal people. The criminal trends
is related to the marginality that derives from the enormous poverty created by socialism.

This is strange. Why should the chavist (Podemos?) party host the victims of chavist politics?
They are the living proof that """"socialism of the 21th century"""" just means poverty.
In Germany we say: If the Sahara becomes communist they soon will run out of sand.
How can a country with these huge amounts of oil reserves become such a shithole

why? i understand why you would not want to take refugees from another culture, but they are south americans like all of us

This is very gentle.
But would it be better other South American countries supply Venezuela with food, technical help and medicine instead of taking in hundreds of thousands or even millions into their countries?
Most of the people leaving Venezuela would probably be the educated middle class on which each nation relies.

we cant even help our own, most of south america is broke

>it be better other South American countries supply Venezuela with food, technical help and medicine instead of taking in hundreds of thousands or even millions into their countries?

We tried it before. The govermment take all the food and suplies, you know....

If Communists give the Sahara, then in a couple of years they will have to buy sand for it

because the problem is the government, everything happening there is fault of Maduro and Chavez, the problem is not the food, they could have as much food as they want to if it wasn't for chavismo, the only way to help venezuelans is be taking them out of that country or taking down the government

>but your fantastic country consider that racist (THANKS YOU GERMANY! :DDDD)

>How can a country with these huge amounts of oil reserves become such a shithole
They had a time when Venezuela was prosperous, specifically in the 1970s, when the Arabs proclaimed an oil embargo.

The problem is that they didn't take any steps to make sure that prosperity continued over time. They had zero fiscal responsibility, took many money loans, and wasted that money like a nouveau riche. They misunderstood or simply ignored the concept of the Dutch disease.

And so, when the time of prosperity passed by, they found themselves in a precarious economic position. That's when all the problems started, because people got tired of the traditional political parties and started to give support to people like Chavez, who took advantage of the opportunity to advance his own agenda.

They were elected legally. Now people are angry and not satisfied so they will not vote for them again. And if they refuse to leave:
>taking down the government
Maybe this is the best solution.
Just imagine the other European countries had helped the French in the late 18th century. The French revolution and the birth of the modern republic never had happened.

Everything is fine actually

>are things as bad as everybody says?

>do you plan to leave?

>why hasn't Nicolas Maduro been fucking lynched yet?
There's people that still support him, those that don't have left the country already, some people benefit from this situation, and opposition morale is low after the military beat the shit out them during protests. Everyone's too afraid/don't give a shit anymore. And like said, the police and military are on Maduro's side so there's no one to help civilians.

>how do you think the country could be improved?
Kill all chavistas.

Cantv only, not intercable.

>Now people are angry and not satisfied so they will not vote for them again.
The courts can probably rule some bullshit that will keep him in power.

But you are right, they fucking deserve what they got.

lmao they literally beat the fuck out of their oposition
are you really comparing south american socialism to the french revolution

that sucks, maybe mootxico will invade and shit will get a bit better

Stay safe, user

You have more understanding than I have.
I just thought that it is always better when people help themselves and to create something they can be proud of.

>How can a country with these huge amounts of oil reserves become such a shithole
Because government wanted to and people allowed them to. From what I experienced myself and what other people have told me:

Chavez was a huge figure in the country and spent nearly all of his rule brainwashing people into glorying him as some sort of savior figure. Like any dictator you've seen before, the guy made the whole world revolve around him, and politics in Venezuela became less about supporting the politician that provided the best plans for the country and more about supporting muh chavez legacy because muh comandante supremo. He had charisma, so the more stupid fucks would support him based on petty things like "he has a strong language" or "he doesn't care about insulting people on live tv, I like him". And if you DARED to speak against him you're instantly marked as a traitor and you'd be risking your job or access to government provided services just for choosing not to suck his dick.

And if I recall correctly, there are some actual cults revolving around him, mostly centered in Caracas, where most of the country's santeros and witches reside (yes).

Maduro has been basically using Chavez to make everyone follow him, but everyone knows the guy has no charisma like Chavez did, and the people that follow Maduro do so only because they're still attached to Chavez and see him as some sort of shitty extension of him, somehow.

In all of these years where both Chavez and Maduro rules, neither of them had to present concrete plans or debate whatever they wanted to do with the country because they could convince people by just acting like dicks on tv and everyone would clap like idiots. And as long as they have government programs that give free shit to people, they're happy. They don't care what socialism entails or any politics as long as they throw them some neat plasma Tv or a new kitchen. They're easy to please like that.

The government most basic strategy to make venezuelans support them is bread and circus. 90% of government programs are about giving free shit to people to buy their loyalty and guilt trip them into supporting them, even if their plans are shitty.

The thing that defines a dictator the most is ego: a man that has too much ego will never let go of power, no matter the cost.

This, combined with how there was a strong gap between the poor and the rich before Chavez gained power, and he took advantage of how jealo-- I mean, frustrated poor people of the working class were with this. He divided people by branding anyone that didn't support him as a traitor (usually the evil rich), and overall creating hatred and division between people, and starting what is today's social crisis in venezuela.

In most of his campaigns, being poor was good because it automatically makes you a good person, and being rich was bad people having money makes you evil (even though most chavistas have luxuries not even the average venezuela could afford in a lifetime). So even though the country was becoming a shit hole, people let it slide because Chavez spent 14 years brainwashing them that poverty was good.

I could go on, but it's more or less what you hear, Chavez spent 14 years drilling into people's heads all sort of fucked up ideas, and now they see the consequences. The system is too corrupted and everyone realizes that, so no one bothers to do anything anymore.

My only regret is that they didn't accept help from other countries when they offered to because they were still delusional that they could solve this with just protests and "following the constitution" (pro tip: dictators don't give a shit about the law). It was obvious it wasn't going to work, but oh well.

Thanks, I will.

I hope so.

According to them, our opposition to hosting Syrian refugees and wanting to host Venezuelans is based on a deep Islamophobia and Hispanism that we inherited from the time of Franco.

They are Germans, they are the cancer of Europe do not try to make sense.

I hope you can leave or that everything improves, remember that in Spain we wait for you with open arms.

Suerte macho, no se que más hacer.

Thanks for that long post, bro. Hope you will stay safe.

The primary goal of any future Venezuelan governments, socialist or capitalist, is to diversify exports and revive the manufacturing sector.

>remember that in Spain we wait for you with open arms.
Thanks, once I get my shit together in Colombia I'll consider Spain.

Si puedes ir a uno de los dos escoge primero Colombia, en España hay mucho podemita y son muy hijos de puta con vosotros, sin contar el desempleo.

dont bother, they don't have any jobs. Unless you see it as a gateway to a better yuroland country.

Ya tengo el ticket para Colombia, pero no me quiero quedar alla por mucho tiempo. Supongo que luego vere a donde me voy.

¿Por qué no?

People I know have gone to places like Canada, Australia, Spain, but most of Venezuelans are going to either Chile or Argentina, since they heard immigration is easier over there (don't ask me, I haven't investigated myself much).

There's also the problem that most Venezuelans aren't fluent in english, much less any other language that isn't spanish. And Spain is the only spanish-speaking country they know in Europe. I was thinking in England but Brexit is making me doubt if that's an option any more. And Trump doesn't want me, either.

Queria irme para Europa, ya que tengo amigos alla. No conosco a nadie en Colombia.

Thanks for the insight. I was actually listening to a commentator today make a pretty damning remark calling Venezuela a Caracazo.

fuck germans hope they get blown up by every arab they can

¿En España dices que conoces?

I have never heard of anything like this.
What does you make believing Germans or the German government is against hosting Venezuelans?

You know things are bad when moving to Colombia without any capital sounds appealing to you.

I don't understand why would germoney consider it racist?

Tengo amigos en España y Inglaterra.

I saved money for like 2 months until I get a job, and even then I think I'll do better than in here.

Take care, bro.

Which city are you planning on moving to?

Maduro gave up on that decision. Things are back to "normal" there.

Now Paraguay...

Because Spain didn't want Muslims, but then wanted Venezuelans and since they rejected the muzzies first the Germans said no to Venezuelans.

Countries aren't bffs 4eva just because they're in the same region. Take their middle class and Venezuela falls further into ruin, just as planed.

I've got some (very) distant relatives in a couple of cities. For now, Barranquilla.

Germany looks so nice. Unfortunately I don't know German.

>But would it be better other South American countries supply Venezuela with food, technical help and medicine instead of taking in hundreds of thousands or even millions into their countries?
They have tried to, I've read that some countries tried to send medical supplies when we ran out of medicines, but government blocked their help. For now, our Chinese overlords are taking care of medicines, transportation and food. Seriously, there's a bunch of chinese people in here, and there are more each passing day.

Thanks, I will.

Wtf why is germoney acting like Venezuelans are white? How the fuck is this racist when both people are non whites?

>Wtf why is germoney acting like Venezuelans are white?
A lot of them are, a lot of european emigrated there until the 60-70s

Love your culture is nazi.

There's a lot of debate on this, but I'd say only a small percentage of the population is 100% white. Most of the population is mixed race, there's a lot of families made of black and white people (I could be mistaken by a white very easily, but I have a black grandmother and black uncles). Race and ethnicity are a messy business in here, but is safe to say everyone has a black sibling or relative.

Nobody said whites, there are whites yes but it's more on the cultural side.

Zou you won't take deeez beacefool Islamic derrorist, I mean refugees??? dhen you wants to take hispanic refugees?! No dast racist!!!!

Poland had the same problem they had a lot of people from Ukranie but there isn't muslism as... They aren't refugees for the UE.

>But would it be better other South American countries supply Venezuela with food, technical help and medicine instead of taking in hundreds of thousands or even millions into their countries?

Argentina tried we were told we were fascists for trying to disrupt the goberment with propaganda

Mixed with black?? Did you mean Native American?

That happens too, but not as often. Yes, there's black people in here, too.

No, blacks who were once African slaves. Also some amerindians

I'm sorry, I will never see how this is racist. It makes absolutely no sense, cause then Spain could just say germoney is racist against hispanics. It just seems like germoney wants niggers and sandniggers to be in their country in particular.

If I were you I'd go to bogota instead, Barranquilla isn't that good 2bh

Don't say you're sorry because I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. I'm just kind of explaining what their ""logic"" is which is you either accept who we tell you to accept or we won't allow you to accept who you want. Your conclusion is spot on or at least it seems that way, they want to islamize Europe.

I was told Bogota was expensive, and is hard to get a job.

Colombians from all over the place have flooded bogota in the last couple decades because that's where the money is. As a bilingual you can get a job really easy there. Autopista norte and calle 140 there's a big call center which pays more than 2 minimum wages and not too far from there there's a heavy Venezuelan neighborhood called cedritos aka cedrizuela. They will hook you up.

Huh, I'll write that down, thanks for the info.

No problem just redpill Colombians about the dangers of voting for the left if you choose to stay. FARC are planning on taking over through political means and they'll do anything. Good luck arepa bro.

Quality posts like yours are rare on this board

Come here, so far I have a positive opinion of venezuelans as immigrants

>even millions into their countries?
they are mostly middle class and they don't come by the millions, this can't be compared with what's going on in Europe.