Tell about your school, your schoollife, girls from your school and was you popular in school...

Tell about your school, your schoollife, girls from your school and was you popular in school, had top tier gfs and lots of sex in your school time?

20yo khv here


king of high school vagina

Why is the frog crying then?

He wanted to find a meaningful relationship instead

I've been told that meaningful relationships are jew lies is that correct?

Sexual promiscuity is a jewish trick to keep you away from meaningful relationships

kissless hugless virgin

Cyka blyat kurwa.

Best years of my life

B-but a-user i'm virgin


>tfw thought i found a meaningful relationship but she dumped me after 3 years because she was an immature little harlot

Shall i preserve it or lost it to a hooker?

Give it to a nice girl

Ty for your words of wisdom based finn poster

I should have had sex in school. I'm still a virgin at 25.

how do you keep your intrest in sex after being a virgin for so long?
I lost all hope and stopped caring at 21

Was bullied in middle school, failed gym because it was hell, failed math because I'm dumb. Girls didn't care for me and me being an autistic uggo didn't help. Now 19 and a NEET

My brother on the path to wizardry another 25 lvl mage aprentice here

Hey me too

Uhh, tread through a decent enough school life. I was what'd be called by Americans a "social butterfly", in that I'd be able to sit myself with the popular kids, or the jocks, or the nerds at my leisure, who weren't really bothered by my being with them, probably all to do with that I had the reputation of "that kid you're nice with" (don't ask). In essence, Aussies would say that "I got around".

But I never really did anything to integrate myself in any of those groups, and nor they in trying to round me on their outside-school leisures. Pretty much ended alotting my weekends to reading and browsing the interwebs, and got diagnosed with autism when I was 17 so my parents (mainly my mother) got off my back for having little to no friends.

Eh no. Got asked a lot when I was 13 or 14, but my appearance quickly degraded, and has never really recovered.

Well you know the answer. At least I'm not bitter about it.

It was full of academic try-hards and lazy intelligent people.

The girls were nice. I was a normal person in terms of my school based standing. I sat at a table of like minded guys and talked about sports. I mostly didn't try at all, but was smart enough to just get straight As. I liked high school, it was the easiest period of my life. College only sucked because the financial aspects made me work full time while attending.

All of my girlfriends were from another high school in the next town. I had sex with one person in high school.

I think American high schools are stereotyped to be incredibly cliquey, but my experience was that people interacted with whoever they wanted to. Sure there were some people who were always in the same group, but it isn't the tribal shit TV likes to make it out to be.

studying at school was very hard for me, i didn't have much time for social activities, i had 1-2 hours of free time per day and i've been spending it playing vidya

until i drop in highschool, i changed schools 15 time.currently neet and stopped dreaming or having expectations from life.

are youu me

Don't worry, lad. Girls are gross and bring lots of trouble.
Plus, you don't need enforced relationships to prove that you're great.

bic tell everything

Why do they look inbred?

what about you

Lemme guess, that Harry Potter in the middle migrated to USA and is now inventing some robots to kick them on camera?

Never fit in. Didn't make real friends until i got out. Hate all the bullshit as a teenager. Sadly it turns out that offices are exactly the same lol.

Pretty popular. Lots of fun and partying last two years and trips with friends on weekends. Didnt really have a serious relationship but had plenty of sex.
Some of the best years of my life so far

high school(11-12 grade) suxed.
before that was ok.

School was important, though mostly because education is emphasized among Jews. So most of my time was studying or doing homework.
High school was a change. I took charge of the school's robotics team, the Jewish Student Group and finally got a gf. Also discovered I had epilepsy, so that was awful.

I kissed a girl for the first time in my life last year, at 22.

You can imagine how my teenage years were.

Started drinking and fucking in bars in 10th grade(15 years old).It is actually boring now.The last time i had sex was 2 months ago.

>Almost everyone on Sup Forums is a NEET, virgin or some sort of loser

That actually explains a lot about the posting quality here.