
It's an edition about nothing

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quite possibly the greatest thing to come out of america
name ONE (1) unfunny seinfeld episode or joke


got a lot done today
proud of myself

episode 78


best clarke and dawe lads?


local news doing a /bamboozle/ today lads.


mummy just put my curry in the oven
only a korma though because the spicy ones are for pakis

got no one to enjoy the remaining sunshine with so im just going to get depressed and smoke weed

How the fuck do I stop having a sore throat

don't quite get the Sup Forums april fools joke
someone explain please


Binged the entire thing over a week and I didn't laugh ONCE.
>muh whats the deal with x
>they do z even though y
I still watched it though because I became attached to the atmosphere and characters

iktf senpai. had one the past 2 weeks

very strange. never had something like this before

Jerry... that's in Sweden.

and merged, for example, to form same with and

korma is the runt of the curry world

Central London was a mistake.

The hordes of tourists make it deeply unpleasant.

like what

having corned beef on creamcrackers for the old breakfast

>you will never attend an elite Japanese high school

why did I have to be born in America

>bbc gives constant covereage to leftist protests/whatever pakis are up to
>literally not a word on todays protest
woah....reely maid me fink

and tikka massasala

Sup Forums being pony'd is genuinely funny. Good job hiromoot

kramer racist rant on stage

Nobody would argue with that tbqh. Tikka masala is on the same level though.

lost my bankcard yesterday and was shitting it thinking I dropped it somewhere and some cunt found it and bought a load of shit via tap-mode until I found it earlier in my fucking shoe

just had a kebab lads.

protests lose their effectiveness when you have one every 4 days

Pakis and gooks make London unlivable

if you were a jap born in japan it would just be like going to a yank one

most of them fetishise the idea of going to american high school or british private school, it's all relative lad. Be happy with what you have x

life goes on and it gets so heavy

won a free now TV with my maccies

I remember a few years ago the local radio station said they were going to fill in a popular pond where people feed swans with cement and build housing for refugees there.

Better times.

going to walk around waitrose to look for single women in my area

>eating halal meat

should probably just kill yourself.

you've been ruined by dry english wit
can't laugh at the court jew's jokes anymore

oh right


wearing size 30 jeans lads, put a book in the waistband and there was so much space it fell down to my knee haha

really need to eat more x

people feed swans cement in ireland?

which EU member states are going to pay higher financial contributions to make up for the money they're losing from Britain leaving?

and which one will get the most pissed off about having to pay even more EU taxes?

>Eating McDonald's
>Watching television

Runt squared tbqh

>american anime

fuck off

rorke mong

most kebab shops don't use halal meat

>if you were a jap born in japan it would just be like going to a yank one
there are no elite american high schools

Nothing less than what those angry, hissing cunts deserve.

chelsea tho lol

you think swans are bad?
look at these munted cunts

bit haram 2bh

alri 4-eyes lmao

news round-up:

not even blacks like migrants

pakis up to their noncery again

what's today's protest?

>watching random news on TV
>clips of protests over some random 'govt using crisis to covertly consolidate their power' bullshit from Venezuela
>a country where there is literally no food and scant electricity supplies at the moment
>literally every protester is recording the whole thing on their smartphones

looks like he knows his way around a wetherspoons or two

>be australian
>have irish genes
>instinctively terrified of birds

lets have the details

watching a programme about killer whales on netflix its called built for the kill: killer whales

thought nonce meant retard and then found out it meant pedo
found this out the hard way

lots of people fantasise about going to american high school because of your shit films

i can tell by the name that it's yank garbage
turn it off

my grandmother thinks it means retard and she always calls her dog a nonce haha

don't have the heart to tell her what it really means

why isn't the bbc reporting on stuff like this? bloody politically correct brigade

got an interview for the RAF monday lads. shitting it.

>we didn't get prank'd

which board would you like to see Sup Forums merged with?

What's with all the youtubers showing off their £100,000 cars when they get something like 250,000 views a video?

How do they afford it?

The films/shows don't even come close to how amazing american high school is

lmoa what a nonce

swans are awful cunts and 2bh I like that about them. they don't give a fuck and will just swim up to you along the river bank and start shit with you for no good reason haha

high interest loans

>tfw trying to explain shrinkage to a girl as she's laughing at your willy

/trv/ and /his/

might actually make this board interesting and intelligent again

this list needs updating every fucking week


you'll do great x

youre 100% correct and i literally already have

getting shot doesnt seem that amazing desu

Royal As Fuck

>it's a war about nothing

we merged with 9gag 2 years ago and nobody noticed

which boards got merged then? been working all day so haven't seen any aprils fools shenanigans

I don't give a shit about films or anime or dramatized social experiences.

I just wish I had that academic experience.
I wish my parents had sent me to cram school everyday until 10pm.
I wish I had been forced to actually study instead of playing vidya all the time.

we merged with reddit 1 year ago and nobody noticed

Sometimes you get stabbed


ww1 was more about nothing than ww2

hitler and stalin were looking for a fight with the rest of europe

Sup Forums /ck/ = /cock/
/m/ /o/ = /mo/
/mlp/ Sup Forums = /mlpol/
/fa/ /p/ = /fap/
/c/ /an/ = /can/
/fit/ /lit/ = /fitlit/

we merged with Sup Forums yesterday and nobody noticed



They ripped off my general!

>after weeks of unbearable tension following the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the great European powers have declared war on one another in a bitter struggle for something that is sure to be determined by the war's end.
did a chuckle

why do blacks pretend to be hard all the fucking time? you're not a fucking gangster so stop acting like one.

Just had a delicious bacon sandwich

i like you

Put a glug of red wine in the chilli

t. beta little cuckboi

meat is murder

how warped does someone who goes to a private all boys school come out?