Who is the best documentarian in your country?

Who is the best documentarian in your country?

>stacey dooley

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I'd stacey her dooley iykwim tbqhwyf

brits are cute

very rare english qt

I'm so sick of the "ugly british women meme"
>Daisy Ridley
>Emilia Clarke
>Keira Knightley
>Emily Blunt
>Rachel Weisz
>Rosamund Pike
>Natalie Dormer
>Sophie Turner
>Kate Beckinsale
>Hayley Atwell
>Gemma Arterton
>Emma Waston
>Maisie Williams

All Goddess-tier beauties.

She looks Dutch.

yea you got 10 cute girls in your country, you think your sweden or something?

i want to taste her shit when its still 98 degrees.

Right as it leaves her rectum.

Id suck the shit out of her ass and beg for more.

your country is gross

She needs to be 2D girl and to be blacked

Exactly my thought

> Natalie Dormer
I ended up watching the last GoT seasons just because of Queen Margaery desu

>>Maisie Williams


too attractive to be a lowlandsnigger

Bernard de La Villardière, here smoking a joint before driving, for research. The man is a true reporter.

Keira Knightley is truly stunning, I will give you that. She is a bit too thin nowadays, but she's still quite the beauty.

Oh, and Rosamund Pike is also very beautiful.

why are British burnettes so superior to British blondes?

Alex Navalny



>Foreigners think she's cute

She looks like a filthy chav.

Also, fuck her for saying GuP is CP, fucking flame-headed nigger.

None of those women are attractive.

She looks alright, mate.

But that's not Louis Theroux.

She does look working class, weird desu

it's a good look though.
shes the perfect slag


She is the slag that reformed herself and is now trying to be middle class but soon he accent comes out and she gets shagged behind a chippy

>stacey dooley
>best documentary maker

You fucking pathetic little worm.

Of all the animes she could call CP she choose GuP?

yes, I wanted to post him cuz he is the best from your wet islands

>>Daisy Ridley
>>Emilia Clarke
>>Keira Knightley
Doesn't look like British
>>Emily Blunt
Not even cute
>>Rachel Weisz
Doesn't look like British
>>Rosamund Pike
>>Natalie Dormer
Sexy but not pretty
>>Sophie Turner
>>Kate Beckinsale
Doesn't look like British
>>Hayley Atwell
>>Gemma Arterton
>>Emma Waston
Doesn't look like British
>>Maisie Williams
Not even a human

Either him, or Nick Broomfield. Chris Terrill deserves a nod too.

He's made some pretty bold claims about Russian politics, in that Vladislav Surkov is fucking around in Crimea/east Ukraine by confusing the facts. Do you agree with that?

I have not watched his last documentaries, but it seemed to me that he was too nice about the Russian authorities.

his best works are Power of Nightmares/Hypernormalisation
The latter of which you can watch on youtube, I highly recommend it, however depressing it is.

yes, I know and "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace" was great too



Why are brits so good at making documentary?

>saying GuP is CP
What the fuck

Uhmm im sorry

>Doesn't look like British
What a useless fucking statement.
The fucking brain on you, lad. Pitiful.

Josh Gates

This show is also pretty comfy


they all look horrible, inbred or just average except for maybe Kate Beckinsale and Rosamund Pike

t. arseblasted weeb nonces
Just accept that you're mentally ill

English women are munters face it mate.

If you left the house you'd know that.

>light eyes


Barely any genetic difference between brits and dutch

She is ALMOST good looking

It's weird