Who do Poles have such a massive inferiority complex...

Who do Poles have such a massive inferiority complex? Why do they get so angry when people imply similarities between them and Russians, when there's nothing wrong with it?

You two are brothers and should learn to get along.

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R1b is the superior haplogroup

Moor pls

Because you're a retarded fatfuck with no knowledge about anything.

Because our culture is completely different that theirs. They are not part of the latin-christian civilization. If your cunt would border them you would understand, its not a matter of genetics but a inferior culture.

Do be so mad

There's literally nothing wrong with being western Russian, I hope you realize this

Spain-> No racemixing for 900 years
USA-> 43% rate of racemixing in 50 years
Go fuck your nigress and shut up

How is their culture inferior in comparison to Polish?

I would understand if you said their culture is inferior to German culture or something, but to Polish..?


They're into cuckery as well

>when there's nothing wrong with it?

You are wrong. Russians are servile, power worshipping scum that set eastern europe atleast 50 years back and infested western europe with communism.

To each their own lol

Oh, sorry I though you actually wanted to learn something, but its just another 'i want to troll those butthurt poles' thread.

>that crossflag

Nordic Estonia??

They have a superior/inferior complex with a complete lack of self awareness.

>Poles have superiority complex


>pssst... the war... Germany...

Poles are seriously the second most butthurt nationality on Sup Forums.

have you ever met a Polish and Russian person?

Poland's law system is based on Roman law.

Poland is ethnically homogeneous.


russians are mentally ill homo sovieticus bydło with imperialistic tendencies

we want nothing to do with them

But you're Russians with alot of consonants

more like russians are poles with too few of them

*yawns* Focus now, Burger, for I shall exert mine butthurt over thine imagination.

Imagine a fucking big comet hits New England during your Civil War and Dixies win it. Then war with Mexico erupts and Dixes lose it miserably, becoming Mexican protectorate and eventually part of Los Estados Unidos, with Spanish being the ony official language and many other small but painfull disgraces, like abolishing of slavery by decree of El Presidente Santa Anna Bella Donna, who is praised around the world for that.

And after 200 years then A FUCKING LEAF comes and says that the only difference between Dixes and Mexicans are language issues. Your reaction is?

i don't anything about american history but i agree with this

lol without the Vatican you're just Russians

Viva Putin

Good word comrade.

Hvala Russijo!

Nope. Without Vatican we would be Czechs.

You had one job

>tfw 5% slav

Haha, I am R1a yet I'm less Slavic than you

You can have both at the same time. IT just manifests under different instances.

why give the jews your DNA?

>Imagine a fucking big comet hits New England during your Civil War and Dixies win it. Then war with Mexico erupts and Dixes lose it miserably, becoming Mexican protectorate and eventually part of Los Estados Unidos, with Spanish being the ony official language and many other small but painfull disgraces, like abolishing of slavery by decree of El Presidente Santa Anna Bella Donna, who is praised around the world for that.

This is the worst alt history scenario I have ever heard.

Slavs aren't white

It's a draft I've just pulled out of my ass, so I'm not saying it's a well done job.

Because I'm curious about my heritage.

not satisfied with just being Finnish?

Give citizenship and state sponsored blond gf then, Sven. And do it FAST



Nah, I want to know how much Mesolithic European genes I carry etc. also.
Finnish R1a (Y10805) is ancient Indo-European and predates Slavs, actually. It branched off of M558 at its base, around 4400 years ago.


Watch and learn what it means to be a Slav


Stop being rational and accept Slavdom.

I am basically a direct descendant of some ancient Indo-European branch in Finland. Meanwhile in Balkans, there are ancient Khagans walking around who who carry basal N (found in Finns at 60%, not much elsewhere in Europe):


Population genetics truly is fascinating.

But according to your graph Poles and Russians have roughly the same amount of the same R1a clade?

Learn the difference between yDNA and auDNA, burgerlard

t. ivan


R1a is objectively superior to R1b.

R1b is the celtic gene

There are non-Celtic branches of R1b

t. buttblasted celtshit

t. buttblasted slavshit

Slavs spread out far and wide, Celts are practically nonexistant.


>There are non-Celtic branches of R1b

Celts were assimilated into French, English, Spain and Portugal.

R1b is the mark of the cuck, they got cucked out of Eastern Europe (Baltics in particular), in Asia Minor and Western Europe (Celts).

>America is 56% white and more than 50% of Americans are into cuckolding

R1b is also found in significant numbers in northern Germany and Scandinavia where the Celts never settled. It is thus not exclusively Celtic.

They cucked the entirety of Western Europe and all of the New World, places infinitely more important than, say, the Baltics. Also The R1b Celts were cucked by R1b Romans, so that is irrelevant.

R1b got into the Baltics through these guys but wouldn't make much of it.


non sense, R1b are the alphas who conquered the best part of europe, enjoy your never ending nights and huge snowfalls you fucking betas.

the alpha of the group gets the best piece of the cake as always


But that is objectively wrong. The New World was a bunch of primitive tribes who never stood a chance against R1berians with R1a technology. R1berians fled Eastern Europe like a bunch of cowards in fear of aR1an bulls.
>Also The R1b Celts were cucked by R1b Romans, so that is irrelevant
No, it isn't, because you Bretons still carry weak cuck genes.

This. It's like R1a (and especially N1c) retards can't understand that some lands are superior to others. Owning all of, say, Siberia may look impressive on a map, but it is pretty much useless compared to owning even a part of Western Europe. If these haploshits were so great, why didn't they conquer the superior lands from us R1bs?

First understand that Y-haplos are shit that can sway in any direction. Some Africans have more R1b than Europeans. Real DNA, genetics that determine actual physical traits, are stuff like WHG which is predominant in the Baltics.

R1a is actually the Scythian-Sarmatian gene

I2a1 is the real Slav gene

That map is exaggerated. There was probably some Celtic influence that far north, but the Celts only really extended to the southern Netherlands and if you go by toponymic evidence, Celtic settlement in the Low Countries was essentially absent.

it means an ottoman ruler got cucked by a slav at some point


The center of the pre-Roman celtic civilization was Vienna.

Celts dominated all of western europe until the roman empire cucked them.

That doesn't make R1b exclusively Celtic, though.

Indeed R1brother, indeed.

those are dinarics senpai. they're ethnically not slav

>That doesn't make R1b exclusively Celtic, though.

R1b matches exclusively with Celts.

Except it doesn't

>mfw an american tells me R1bs are cucks because they got cucked by R1bs


Celt in denial

t. Paddy

>that can sway in any direction
It stays the unchanged throughout a direct paternal or maternal line, therefore it is convenient for wewuzzing, whereas autosomal makeup with very fragile and changes each generation.

Ottoman R1a is Indo-Iranian you retard

Australia was founded by Irish prisoners

Cucked by R1a :^)

My ancestry is purely from English free settlers.

Take a deep subclade Y-DNA test, you might be surprised my Celt friend.

Y and mtDNA haplos go through bottleneck processes etc. Best example - Finns.

Real genetic features are not determined by Y haplos. Y haplos have nothing to do with how a person looks likes.

Those traits are determined by actual DNA which Y-haplo retards can't seem to understand. The Y-haplo can be whatever, it does not determine what the person's genetic traits are. Any African American probably carries R1b and I1a, does it make them a Scandinavian like you Finns are?

I intend to do so

Sure Shannon O'brien


>Y and mtDNA haplos go through bottleneck processes etc. Best example - Finns
Doesn't change the fact that it tells our direct paternal and maternal descent, which, again, is convenient for wewuzzing.
>Real genetic features are not determined by Y haplos. Y haplos have nothing to do with how a person looks likes.
See above.
>Those traits are determined by actual DNA which Y-haplo retards can't seem to understand.
Like I said, autosomes are very fragile and change within each generation. Wewuzzing about your 5% WHG isn't as interesting as wewuzzing about your direct paternal line.
>Scandinavian like you Finns are
Estonia pls, we're not Scandi at all.

R1a were constantly sold as slaves to non whites

>Estonia pls, we're not Scandi at all.
Yes you are. Without Swedish influence you would be some shithole like Karelia.

No we aren't. Less than 5% of Finns are North Germanic aka Scandinavian by blood.

>Of the 28% of I1 in Finland, 65% belong to the exclusively Finnish L287 (downstream of L22) and particularly its L258 subclade. A few percents more belong to other subclades that are also specifically Finnish (e.g. L300). The rest (5-10%) generally resemble more closely Swedish I1. The Swedish-like subclades are unsurprisingly found primarily on the west and south-west coast of Finland, where Swedes have settled in historical times and where Swedish is still spoken. This is also where most of the R1b (3.5%) and Scandinavian R1a-Z282 (3%) is to be found. The Scandinavian I1 in Finland is found at a similar proportion to R1b and R1a as in Sweden. In contrast, Finnish I1 is found in all the country, where hardly any Germanic Y-DNA is present strongly hints that the I1 in Finland is pre-Germanic origin.

You're getting it mixed up, without Russian influence Karelia would be like Finland.

Don't worry, I didn't read over his post properly and assumed he was talking about you being Scandinavian culturally, not genetically.

>5% WHG
What the hell, we are among the most WHG people on earth. WHG is actual genes, Y-DNA haplos are a little indicator in the chromosome about ancient travels but it's not real gene pool, real DNA. Some Somalis have more R1b than Western Europeans.

And I know you're not Scandi, you're a genetic isolate, an island within Europe.

You can't just discard something that tells your ultimate origin. It is very much real DNA, no matter how much you want to ignore it.

R1bosses and aR1ans should ally to remove the nIggers(Balkans not included obviously)


>to remove the nIggers(Balkans not included obviously)

The N1Cggers?

2bh there is nothing wrong with I as long as it remains benevolent towards us. N1c is our enemy, however, and must be destroyed.