
EEA edition lmao.

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It's ON lads




dont care if im considered working class desu

just want to live a fairly comfy life

watching vids of jacob rees mogg on the 'tube
very funny man

it's shit

i don't want /fit/ meatheads on my /lit/

me and the lads

runt life

hmm yes very interesting how conservative """principles""" align very nicely with maintaining the power and wealth of the upper class

something is deeply wrong with irish people



There will be some mental fight videos if the McGinley's show up

then stick to /lit/ you weedy little cunt

well duh conservative is just being conservative to change



i can't believe anyone who uses Sup Forums of all sites could support tories when they're adamant on government surveillance and stuff like arresting people for hate speech.

what's so good about it


Good depiction of modern-day Romania. I am Rumenian.

>Now that he was alone, his dress became more bizarre. He often wore a grey linen suit, cravat, lizard skin shoes and a Panama hat while carrying a briefcase during the day, telling anyone who would listen that he had a well-paying career. He often wore an electric blue suit with flared trousers and a ruffled shirt to the restaurant he frequented. The restaurant owner recalled: "It was horrible. Everyone was laughing at him, even the customers. I really felt suddenly quite sorry for him. I realised this guy didn't really have any friends."[6]

>With Harvey and his father dead, Bryant became increasingly lonely. From 1993 to late 1995, he visited various overseas countries fourteen times and a summary of his domestic airline travel filled three pages. He hated the destinations he travelled to, as he found that people there avoided him just as they did in Tasmania. However, he enjoyed the flights, as he could speak to the people sitting adjacent to him who had no choice but to be polite. Bryant later took great joy in describing some of the more successful conversations he had with fellow passengers.[4]

>In late 1995, he became suicidal after deciding he had "had enough". He stated, "I just felt more people were against me. When I tried to be friendly toward them, they just walked away". Although he had previously been little more than a social drinker, his alcohol consumption increased and, although he had not consumed any alcohol on that day, had especially escalated in the six months prior to the massacre. Bryant's average daily consumption was estimated at half a bottle of Sambuca and a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream supplemented with Port wine and other sweet alcoholic drinks.[4] According to Bryant, he thought the plan for Port Arthur may have first occurred to him four to twelve weeks before the event.

basically normies could have prevented it if they weren't such cunts

what roast are you having today then?

So I'm watching a British TV show and somebody said "I'd love to step on the occy with those."

What the fuck does that mean?

top comment on that vid
>The fights are on aney and paddy are fighting now 3min in to it

dunno why the police are just letting it happpen desu

Getting in the shower

rate the choonage x

*drops all my change on the floor*
yes...this will weed out the conservatives from the liberals in this room of ambiguous strangers
*raises voice* everybody: my money seems to have "TRICKLED-DOWN" onto the floor. what shall i do?

thats tokyo and seoul booked lads

shall enjoy britposting with some new flags

literally ribena. social freak who blamed everyone else for his inability to fit in.

I hate pakis so much

I will now that /lit/ is back, moron

they call them principles to give their views an air of objectivity. really it's just protecting class interests

*throws Ā£1 coins at poor people*
*yells about trickle down economics*

the sheer fucking state of my life lads what an absolute mess

last night i went to some pub to meet a mate i hadnt seen for while, i met him about 9:00 and we had a couple of drinks together but then he said at like 11:30 that he needed to go home as he had something important in the morning, so he went home but i decided as i was still in town i might as well have a bit more to drink and the pub i was as was serving jaeger bombs for 1 pound each so i bought a few for myself but then just kept buying more and more because they were so cheap. i must have looked like an utter cretin sitting in the corner of this pub downing jaeger bomb after another. i think i had like 10 to 15 in the end. then the pub home and i stumbled home and started crying for some reason (some lads saw me cry and were like YOU ALRIGHT MATE HAHA) then i got home and couldnt sleep cause i was all energy drinked so i lied in bed for like 7 hours then i fell asleep for a bit and i woke up and made this post

going to berlin myself in July. might do a spot on shitposting under a german flag.

actually of course i wont. what kind of loser goes on holiday and goes on Sup Forums? you losers probably wont even cross my mind once.

talking about philosophy, why we do what we do, how we see the world etc. It has added to the discourse of both boards in different ways. I hope it makes /lit/ exercise more and /fit/ read more

pound you say?

so kill yourself and give us one less to deal with

>i can't believe anyone who uses Sup Forums of all sites could support tories when they're adamant on government surveillance and stuff like arresting people for hate speech.

Why do leftists make everything black and white.

I don't agree with all Tory policies.

I just disagree with 5x more new Labour policies. And 10x more old Labour ones.

i like u ;3

Brits are literally parasites clinging to the tail of other countries while claiming to be the brain

err, yeahh...

Gonna get some virgin stamps on that passport

Then they should prevail in a free market

Problem solved

Not even a leftist mate

you're the one making it black and white, by implying i'm saying you should vote labour (under whom'st my critique still stands)

hate the tories and i hate labour.
Business idea:
The green party, but with strong border policies

oh the irony

Americunts have twisted politics so much that if you don't support muh small government libertarian autism then you're not a real conservativeā„¢


need to shit and fart

It IS everyone elses fault

They make the game and force me to play

I know you're non-white but I'll take what I can get

Labour are the only credible alternative (or were).

Don't tell me you'd vote for Tim "we can still stop Brexit" Farron.

*heems the entire paddy family AND the mcginley family*

same thing happening to areas in my city. really is a wonderful sight to behold


paddy just got utterly destroyed by pakipoo

literally nothing wrong with the libdems

>(under whom'st my critique still stands)

wish poley would post his secure trip on the blog so it was easier to identify imposters

how exactly were you forced to spy on polish girls

*heems the entire hussain family*

the gaff

except for their weak ineffectual and hypocritical leaders.


Just copped this

i spoiled my ballot by writing fuck off on it

not being edgy, but as you say there are no good choices.

tories are probably one of the worst choices you can possibly make though, no respect for voting in those authoritarian bastards.

>under whom'st

*makes a YouTube video calling you out and challenges you to a scrap*

How is puberty treating you so far? Do you hate your stupid parents?

>he hasn't heard of the whomst'd've'ing meme

he has multiple because he keeps getting banned
these are all him

>only a semi
>have to squeeze between the buildings
>no privacy

ah yes the barratt old builds

I need to change my trip every time I'm banned

Beside the point
Let's not rehash old arguments

the 15 page magnum opus

look how fucking stupid and violent it looks

how you manage to find one of those, those dang old liberals banned it

really want to sniff and lick her arsehole

green texts are not necessarily endorsements

ah yes what will a minority party with ~7 mps do?
or are you complaining about their time during the coalition where they didn't have much say in things so people blame them for silly shit like student fees

not an argument

>literally nothing wrong with the libdems

dad needs me to help him do some DIY

seems pretty ineffectual to me. waste of a vote.

England is the least interesting part of the UK fact #5324: the original James Bond in the novels is Scottish-Swiss, not English.

Run out the house while you can lad

>being an unabashed tory voter
>thinking lib dems are a bigger joke
so you like the government telling you what to do?

poley why do your family seem to eat takeaways so much? seems like every day when you come home your mum (or someone else) has brought home a takeaway / fast food of some description

ah yes, the good old days of The Conservatives in Britain!

feminist centrist who wants a big government
literally a Blairite liberal democrat. just happens to dislike the poor and disabled too.
signed the Maastricht Treaty and put us deeper into this EU mess
sold our manufacturing industries out, devastated the working classes, radically changed our economy, and not necessarily for the good.
sold us out to Europe
did fuck all (but was an alright Foreign Secretary)
opened up Britain for pakis and blacks, lost the Cod wars
chose to prolong a pointless bloody war where we could have achieved peace earlier, sold our Empire off just to help beat Germany
got us into this mess with Germany in the first place by being too much of a cuck
inept in everything he did
>Bonar Law
lasted less than a year

the last based Tory Prime Ministers we had, over a hundred years ago.

>i spoiled my ballot by writing fuck off on it

You sure showed that volunteer ballot counter who's boss.

Going through a second puberty of sorts due to HRT

James Bond isn't real

>because of brexit EASTER EGGS have gotten SMALLER and MORE expensive

FUCK brexit

who /phoneposting/

Got one for 1.50 at tesco


theres nothing interesting about Algeria. just another arab mudslime desert shit-hole.

>feminist centrist who wants a big government
nothing wrong with any of this

>how should we replace this WW2 damage sir
>just put anything in mate
>no problem

>brexit stopping kids becoming fat cunts
is there anything it CANT do?

>muh sugar

fuck off runt

fairly sure if I lived alone I'd be dead a dozen times over

my small act of dissidence > a cuck like you voting for the government to monitor your porn intake