
>beautiful women
>delicious cuisine
>long history
>interesting culture
>105 average IQ
>large territory
>hard working

>communist authoritarian dictatorship

Is anyone else saddened that China could have been a non-shithole country but all that potential is gone to waste?

>Beautiful women

Just go to Taiwan man. PRC girls still hold onto a lot of traditional stuff when it comes to relationships but Taiwanese girls are slutty as fuck.

I agree.

t. 100%白男人


>He doesn't know about Chiang Kai Shek

I literally and unironically thought you were describing Canada until you mentioned the communism.

China existed before Mao fucked things up

And the China that existed before Mao was dirt poor except for the top 1% percent of society, and the common populace constantly suffered famine, war, and exploitation.

You forgot
>delicious feet


Sure thing Chong.

The point is that the notion China wouldn't exist without the commies is absurd.

>beautiful women
Only people who have never been to China say this.

The average girl in China is like 3/10, and while I do agree that their 9-10/10s are absolutely fucking amazing, there's way fewer of them than in the west.

don't know what you are talking about senpai

Yeah, that's indeed absurd

Janny is Canadian

you deserve the ban for your blatant communist shilling


Canada is communist and also Chinese.

And things have exactly?

canada isn't communist, we are the definition of radical centralism

China isn't communist anymore it has a mixed economy thanks to Dengism


lol To see a doctor in Canada you literally have to get up at 5:00 am to go stand in a line 100 people long in the darkness and freezing snow just to sign your name on a form a nurse hands out at 8:00 am so you can come back when the clinic opens at 9:00 am to wait in line again to make an appointment with a doctor sometime that late afternoon to discuss a SINGLE malady that he will refer you to a specialist for who you have to wait on a waiting list for two years to see and who will refer you to a specialty clinic in a foreign country because your medical system doesn't have the technology resources to treat you. If that's not Communisn, what is?

Agreed 100%

What does it take to get a chink gf?

>105 average IQ
this always gets me kekking

You know they get those numbers from their best private schools in Beijing and Shanghai, right?

>trusting the Chinese government to report accurate statistics instead of commie-colored-glasses wearing propaganda

China is a better country than Japan

And some day both might rival Germany, Inshallah.

China isn't even socialist, and communism is literary "decay" of state untill it's not necessary and die
Read Marx, and then shitpost
Or even not Marx, anarchist agree on it too

Anyway, it doesn't mean that China isn't fuckin authoritarian regime

>beautiful women

Then why is the ruling party the Communist Party of China?

Check your facts before you talk shit, Poleman.

If the rulling party is communist party it doesn;t mean that country is communist
Check Nepal and constitution of Vietnam ("[Vietnam] is on a way between capitalism and socialism")
Communit party (theoretically) leads cunt into communism, not make country communistic
Better check facts before, German
And you didn't even searched for definition of "communismq"

That's because of doctor and nurse shortage. You are reading too much into it.

They hate blacks. I forgot to list that under pros.

I'm not black, thank god

And Chewy is a goddess

imagine you marry one, go to work and she cooks your dog

Why would they call themselves communist party if they're not communist?
Doesn't make any sense.

>105 IQ

isnt that just from Shanghai tho, idk if that is true for the people more inland

>>communist authoritarian dictatorship
how about Taiwan?

Turning into a europe tier democracy would ruin all that, look at what it did to the descendants of the first europeans in america.

Unfortunately for you it seems China may be winning the developing world over which model to follow

What about:

>Your offspring will have an itsy bitsy little baby penis for his entire adult life.

Thats a pretty harsh dealbreaker.

t. Mainlander on vacation

Democracy is the most efficient political system since it allows for easy transfer of power and enacting the will of the people

Taiwan is part of China



>Not in the timeline where all of china was colonised rather than just Hong Kong

For a minute I thought you were talking about Canada...


It's shit, it's exactly why the mainland is laughing at the USA

>multiethnic is a pro

Something tells me you arent a real Canadian...

>interesting culture
>thought you were describing Canada


you can't govern 1 billion under a democracy

china works because it is the way it is

Look at India if you want a democratic shithole

Chinese are banned from Sup Forums?
I love white Chinese girls, post Chinese girls feet

no but google is capped in China and they can't load the captcha


It won't be couple of decades until they are overthrown. The older generation from the Mao era just need to be phaseout. Japan just had to invade China when the nationalists were just about to wipe out the communist. China being a bitch to all its neighbors is your fault Japan.

chinese are subhumans

How's it taste?

>Went to the doctor yesterday
>Waited for about 10 minutes then was let in


But Hitler disagree

>beautiful women
though often pleasant to look at they in many cases are featureless and likely have control issues
>delicious cuisine
if you enjoy eating newborn rats.egg of the ages ,fried Turks, cats and dogs
the western "Chinese" restaurants bring only what is presentable

99% is han
>long history
what is cultural revolution?
>interesting culture
if only
>105 average IQ
an attribute most east Asian country have.why china?
>large territory
i guess
>hard working
ant colony tier

If it wasn't a shithole there wouldn't be loads of chink women desperate for white foreign cock

Emerg waiting times don't spike above 15 minutes in hospitals, and GPs are competent, and most specialists typically work in the same clinic as the GP. At most, you will be referred for a specialty condition above the typical stuff and that has usually about a business day's worth of waiting time. Blood, stool and fluid tests take about 2 days on average, and in emergency situations they can get them done in about a half hour. Also long-term care is actually affordable, and we end up paying less than the average American for similar results. Although one problem is that MRIs do have a longer wait time of about a week or longer depending on severity, but that's changing as more and more higher end facilities open up and there's more MRIs produced for cheaper as the technology matures. There's many issues with Canada, especially around firearms, job markets and real estate, but health care here functions pretty well. If you have the disposable income and prefer American services, you can always just go south and pay extra for treatment anyways.

"China officially recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups, the largest of which are the Han Chinese, who constitute about 91.51% of the total population."

you forgot to add
>greedy as fuck
>no manners
>disregard any law
>only hangout with other mainlanders

the cultures of both Canada and China were destroyed by leftist subverters t.b.h.

chinks can't even build a proper escalator

you are allowed to fuck exactly one woman, or you pay your 100000$ fee.

I know it's cherry picked but I would burn everything in the world to be close to a face like that

>Hong Kong can't build a proper escalator

FTFY. Hong Kong != China

The people don't starve and there is no war, I think that's a pretty huge difference.
The exploitation of the commoners hasn't really completely stopped anywhere in the world.

Hong Kong is only the latest, the one where the woman was chopped up into little pieces while only just managing to save her child was in Jingzhou

>beautiful women
most Chinese women look like pic related.
>delicious cuisine
sewage and dog meat is delicious? ok.
individual cultures and ethnicities were wiped out by communism. Modern Chinese culture is shit.
>long history
that has been wiped out.
>interesting culture
see above two posts.
>105 average IQ
they lie about IQ.
>large territory
would be better if given to a non shit country. Let Mongolia have it.
>hard working
Literally a country of wage slaves

>treat muslims like shit

Where do I sign up?

Canada has never had a culture worth shit.

>worth shit
like korean wine?

China is a god tier culture with a pretty good culture and values. Unfortunately, Communism and Fuerdai culture really fucked it up. However, it won't stop me from studying Mandarin.

And a National Socialist state has never been realized either.

A doctor and nurse shortage because...?

They don't get paid enough to do those jobs and fuck off to other countries as soon as their contracts are clear. And they do this because...?

The government pays them. Because...?

The healthcare industry is controlled by the government. Really makes you think.

>>beautiful women
>>delicious cuisine
which also give you diarrhea
it's harder to unite people. not a single dynasty lasted more than 300 years
>>long history
humanity has long history
>>interesting culture
average IQ
should i be impressed
>>large territory
constantly lusting over for more land. never a good sign to its neighbors
>>hard working
mainlanders are mostly lazy af.

Let me guess. You've had the same family doctor for 20 years. Good luck when he closes his practice.

lol I waited 18 hours in a Canadian emergency room once.

I was once put on a waiting list for a year and a half to have a tumour removed.

The Canadian healthcare system is in crisis. The north in particular is fucked but you'll feel it soon as even the doctors in the south die off or brain drain.

But who knows. Importing another 500,000 third world immigrants next year will probably fix everything.

Everyone in /cum/ loves Canadian health care and thinks you are dumb and stupid

I disagree with this statement

Disagree, /cum/ does not support canadian health care

Watashiwa kanadajin. Baka gaijin.

we let the nationalists fall because we were infiltrated by KGB spies. biggest mistake of the 20th century. imagine if all of the mainland was as developed as HK and Taiwan?

kys english teacher


The KMT lost because they were corrupt thieves and Chiang Kai-Shek was the king of all morons.

>not a single dynasty lasted more than 300 years

They are so soulless insectoids, do not feel saddened by their own wrongdoings.

>beautiful women
really really no
the top 10% of chink women are basically equal to the average western women in looks

Chinese dynasty

>not a single dynasty lasted more than 300 years

What the stupid German
In the most they are communist
They just rule non-communist country, f.e. because they don't believe communist country can exist
They try to make communist China (well, afa they say...), but they say that actually ChRL is socialist country; which isn't cause socialism is economic system where workers maintains means of production, while in China they don't

I think you already get it

>no guns

Get mouth fucked commie

What country was Third Reich if not Nazi?

Chinks are a shame of Asians

You are not giving Chiang Kai Shek enough credit. Taiwan turned out great didn't it