Ready for the pain, mexico?

Ready for the pain, mexico?

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

America is built on Mexican labour
If all Mexicans boycotted the Oompa Loompa president USA would collapse

You do know a lot of that """aid""" goes to support counter-narcotic operations and to militarize Mexico's southern border.

>make mexico poorer
>more mexicans come to america to escape poverty
>mfw chicano takeover is actually possible
gracias señor trompas

>believing any of this for any length of time

this. obama actually began to reverse the trend of mexicans coming here to a net migration of mexicans OUT of the country, mostly because mexico had begun to improve enough. oh well

I hope this stops the fucking war. THANK YOU.

>california is built on Mexican labor

>tfw white American's worst nightmares are being realised by no other than themselves

>having zero arguments because you know it's true

LMFAO I don't think you understand what's going on. Read the OP pic again

>california is the most prosperous state

lols. Americans are dumb

>El Salvador at 140 in 1995

Holy shit

>Giving aid
Give cartels fancy guns doesn't mean aid you dumb asses

have you even ever been to america?

its not "built on mexican labor", if all the mexicans were to leave today, someone else would fill the jobs.its not like theyre sending brain surgeons, anyone can mow a lawn.

Millions of dollars that directly fund our war are going to disappear. The Mexican Drug War was the worst thing that could ever happen to this country.

Leave us the fuck alone, junkie cunts.

americans want to have mexican pseudo-slave labor so that their produce can remain cheap. liberals only care about cheap goods, not the immigrants themselves.

t. chi

>leave us alone

You got it. You leave us alone as well, which means keeping all your uncles and cousins on your side.

are you joking? they want produce to remain cheap? why? nobody here eats vegetables.

You should open a history book every once in awhile.

burgers usually have veggies

They're going to come over here and buy guns anyway. The wall wont stop drug trade. I feel bad for people who actually thought he was going to work on lowering US debt and jobs back to the US. What a joke.

>If all Mexicans boycotted the Oompa Loompa president USA would collapse
That's not true -- the price of labor would simply increase if Mexicans chose not to work for cheap prices.

Mexicans aren't doing any big, important jobs anyways.

None of this would have happened if Mexico hadn't got a big head. They took our kindness for weakness all these years
and started thinking they could just come here illegally and we werent gonna do shit. And they were right. Then.

Now, their folly has come back to bite them in the ass. If their government hadnt elected such prideful leaders who did nothing to stem the flow and haughtily tried to demonize us instead of doing their best to work with the biggest economy on earth, they could be vastly more welthy and better off as a country.

We all know who calls the shots. Ypu run afoul of us, we're (eventually) gonna do something about it. But Mexico isnt the only one. MANY such cases.


Why? is Fox News in there?

There is a red line dividing the current events (up) and the history of the immigration (down). But if you want to play dumb, and stay ignorant regarding facts, do as you please, just stop replying to me, understand?

I've had older Hispanic women 50+ tell me to get out of their country. It pissed me off, but I knew these were a minority. I don't think Trump has a clue about the dynamic of the southwestern US. Chicanos or whatever the fuck you want to call them are made fun of by people in Mexico and get to deal with people like Trump so they're doubly fucked. The don't want to take over the US or Mexico. They just want to fit in. I'm not 100% committed to the democrats, but Obama was on the right track. If conditions in Mexico are made better, these people will work back home. This is what should be the goal of the US. I would like to be able to drive into Canada and Mexico without needing a passport. Isolationism is dumb.

>The don't want to take over the US

>No more drug war



I'd be nice if our gov (the next one cause Peña is a beta ass) kicks the Americans that are looting our oil and resources in the south out of the country. That might make Mexico move forward again.

Mestizos on suicide watch