Let's talk about the G*rmans people

Allowed : Intelligent posts
Not Allowed : Hate posts against Gayrm*ns
Recommended: One post to praise the Catholic Faith and Our Lord Jesus-Chist who will soon exterminate G*****ns

Daily reminder that the G*rmans killed more than 10+ millions of French in all their history, and destroyed twice our country

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mashallah islam will conquer both france and germany

East Prussians got KHAN'D

I really think Islam is right for Europe.

Here for that one Catholic post, but for a peaceful integration of the heretics, back into the Catholic fold

Peace of Westphalia was a mistake

You wanted WW1, cunts. And you started the whole mess with your involvement in the 30 Years War and Richelieu. There had to be a point where your constant aggressive expansion had to stop. That was 1871 and it was glorious.

t. americANO

WTF ?!

I love the Finngolians now !


I want an arabic bf :'''(

>your constant aggressive expansion had to stop


We owned everything left to the Rhine before you conquer and steal all our lands, we barely succeded to keep a parody of our original land.

You are not the exclusive descendants of Gaul or the Roman Empire in the region. Any claim can only come from borders after the division of the Frankish Empire. Don't be ridiculous.

Allowing German unification was perhaps the greatest mistake in all of history. It's even worse that we've allowed it to happen twice. We need to redivide Germany according to 18th century borders and slowly flood it with nobler peoples such as the Slavs and Mediterraneans.

Germans ruined europe twice

>only twice

Americans don't know why they were for the reunifications shows how little you understand your own interests.


Allowing East and West to rejoin was perhaps one of the greatest mistakes America ever made. Second only to waiting too long to save the milllions you slaughtered out of your autistic devotion to haplotype aspergers

Letting Germany reunite was the only way to actually winning the cold war. Only the local economic power of all of Germany would be enough to get all the satellite states of the former SU into your sphere. Read Condoleeza Rice's biography on that if you don't believe me, she was the leader of your chief negotiators back then.

Every time someone speak G*rman in rightfull French clay, god a send rapefugee towards Germany

And so we sold Europe for our thirty pieces of silver. Partly out of greed and wanting to defeat our temporary enemies, partly out naively believing the Eternal German had changed his ways. It is a mistake we will correct soon.

France is occupying rightful German land

Keep trying

If you feel better that way, we'll let you play pretend

French people are cucks desu. Hitler did nothing wrong and Islam should conquer Europe.

How is he being ridiculous? The Franks under Childeric I fought with the romans to keep the Visigoths out, the French were very much descendant from the Franks

>back to back to back war losers
>regain superpower status every time
How do you do it, krauts? we lost a war once and got anal-reamed so hard you could fill an ocean with our inferiority complex.

>southern Germany is r1b
they are rightful Irish clay and catholic too! :3

>Achmed pls cuck us and let us become (even more) mongrels
>Hitler was E1b1b North African nigger

Truely the Trojan Horse used against the White Race

Celts originate from Southern Germany, you are rightfully German clay.

Visigoths aren't ancestors of modern Germans. The German people were later united under those Germanic people, that fought with the Romans.

>>Hitler was E1b1b North African nigger
Really compels you to ponder

it's a secret

Hm? Wouldn't be that bad if you had some other leader of Europe there in your pocket, cause without it the whole continent will become war hatchery again.

Not even Germans originate in Germany kek we're going to break up Germany to fund the reclamation of Northern Ireland and Mann, and then we're going to take all of Catholic Europe into our Gaeldom.

Germany should stretch from the Rhine to the Elbe and become a reserve for Muslims in Europe. Preferably the Poles and French will deploy automatic machine gun turrets along their river borders (and the Danes along the Kiel, and the Italians in the Alps), killing any who dare cross.

The Netherlands was a mistake.

This guy get it

I like your ideas Irish poster you are cute

We are simply too powerful

You will also be targeted for ethnic cleansing. All those who are not Gael blood will face devastation. We shall turn the North Atlantic into a Gaelic lake.

What do you think about studying geosciences?

Daily reminder that Germans tried to genocide French during the Occupation

Daily reminder that the next time G*rmans are defeated genocide will be derogatory

>french getting fried
Good, French people should be genocided. For the past 2000 years Anglo and French people have been causing 100% of all the problems in the world.


i mean mandatory

I wanted to say that the French did nothing wrong, but then I remembered they're responsible for America existing.

You are not russian or american, it's a bad idea to try to genocide someone that can defeat you in a war

Germans have no army, we can easily degeat them now


We also made soap out of your people.

Germans are a friendly but autistic people. They are hard working and all this hatred towards them is entirely unjustified

You didn't have the time, but if given enough time i have no doubt you would have done it :)

Daily reminder that Germans are behind the destruction of the White Race

>"The Visigoths (UK: /ˈvJzJˌɡɒθs/; US: /ˈvJzJˌɡɑːθs/; Latin: Visigothi, Wisigothi, Vesi, Visi, Wesi, or Wisi; Italian: Visigoti) were the western branches of the nomadic tribes of Germanic peoples"

ten times this

now we post best French borders

>1st AD

>itt: sour krauts

Such a fine and truthful post
Pic related

Anyway be gratefull that we created you and Christianised the gaulish subhumans

I personally like the germanic phenotype.

Germanic phenotype + brown skin = God among people. That's the ultimate beauty standard here, and I approve it.

>Christianizing anything

You're basically Hans 2.0, you have no future in the soon-to-be Holy Kingdom of the Gauls


Even your fucking country is named after the Germanics that cucked your """people"""
How does it feel to be everyone's bitch for more than 2000 years?

thats shit

Fuck off little bitches, you're Old Gauls and cuck as well

Belgcucks and Luxcucks will soon be removed in and send back to their swamps in G*rmcuckmaniggerny where they belong

>Even your fucking country is named after the Germanics that cucked your """people"""

Nope it is named after our Ancesotrs, but it is true we raped our way through Cuckgium and Cuckmany

It was a pretty hard and long rape but we made it and raped every Cuckmanic I-haplogroup carriers and turned them into French R1b

Not all Germanic peoples are ancestors of modern Germans. If you had read the article, you would know where they ended up: Spain and Portugal.

It's Old Prussians.

I've grown to quite like Germany :^) You have an interesting system for society and education, and remain relevant in a difficult economy and world.

It's not your fault your leaders underestimated the difficulty integrating refugees. And it's certainly not your fault how they negotiated the volume of them.

its because they get thousands of new young immigrants every year who support everything with their taxes

How can the Belgian "people" have such a massive inferiority complex that they need to rub it in everyone's face with the king of WE WUZ reasoning?

Ah yes the usual:
Germanic = German fuckery ITT

That's like Romanian = Gypsy. Even though it was Germany that forcefully germanised thousands of them and Hungary that got its anthem based on Gypsy sounds lmao.

why do we need this thread?
everyone knows that germany is evil anyway

This thread is used to raise the awarness about the G*rmans