Le french police

le french police


Who cares ? It stays 1,999,999,999 Chinkies.

I didnt say why he was shot or the crime he was accused of.

I've been searching for days but all the internet is saying is that China activated its agents in Paris last week.

>thousands of French people raped and stabbed by Maghrebis every day
>nobody cares, and the election won't change anything

>Chinese man killed by a pack of teenage Muslims last year

>Chinese man killed by a Parisian police officer

The chinks will be the ones to save France.

he made a lot of noise so police came
then he ran at the police officer with scissors
then he got what he deserved

>then he ran at the police officer with scissors
Why do people think they can fight the police?

So many people with authority issues. Does he have a father? OP's article says his family claimed not enough notice was given.

>>thousands of French people raped and stabbed by Maghrebis every day
>>nobody cares, and the election won't change anything
citation needed, tchang

perfect example of radical asianmasculinists. they need to be stopped

well it was an old man afaik

Oh i thought it was a young kid.

Media here is seriously in a blackout on this issue. They reported last week the riots and the fact that a man was shot but thats it.

I just assumed it was like a chimpout, young victim.

Where are the mass protests against violent Muslims? FN rallies don't count, and my second point about the election will be proven true in a few weeks.

Fuck off
I hate chinks but I hate Whito people who hate chinks more

chinks are subhuman, fuck off nipmonkey

>Where are the mass protests against violent Muslims?
Muslims are peaceful.

Also Paris is under a state of emergency, so they cant protest unless they decide to riot; like these Chinese.

t.patrick chung

france full of chinese terrorists
poltards warned you about that
>a few hundred people protested after a crazy scissors-wielding chink was shot
omg europe is so fucked. blame merkel for that

>stab someone
>your community protests about it
>normal people don't like it
>"wow so racist"
if a white man stabbed a cob and got shot do you think white people, even white nationalists would protest ? lol no

even if it was literally hitler reborn who got shot by a black cop
you know why ?

FUCK off chink

>inb4 "why didn't they shoot him in the leg :^))))"

well that canadian sure got btfo

fake news. euro cops don't have guns

>if a white man stabbed a cob and got shot do you think white people, even white nationalists would protest ? lol no

he's right, people only think about themselves, they only react when you attack their purchase power

make than millions , leaf

>thousands raped and stabbed
i was speaking about that

that's more like the eternally cucked anglo

Chinese people are literally the best integrated people in Europe (okay,Indonesian people are 10.10) , please don't shoot them, fuck you France

lol if he doesn't want to get shot maybe he shouldn't make cops shoot him ? no one is shooting the chinese, one chinese attacked police and got shot
apparently now that is racist ?
what the fuck this is so fucking stupid

>family claims father was using scissors to empty a fish
>scientists found no trace of fish on scissors

Immigrants chinking out as usual!

the news I'm getting is
>that family lives in a poor and chaotic neighborhood
>the police were wearing plain-clothes
>it happened before in that neighborhood that homeowners get robbed at gun point by someone who pretended to be the police
>that Chinese guy thought it was a home invasion so he try to defend himself with scissors
>got shot in front of his two daughters
>Chinese in paris chimp out
yep, pretty much it

is the french police the only non cucked police in western europe

monkey french police behaving like american police, nice

all because of muslims probably by the way

fuck french, fuck islam

trigger happy scum isnt non cucked, not against chinese. killing niggers or brown people? sure, but not actual humans