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Holy fuck that's beautiful

Holy fuck that's disgusting

Gives me Nazi vibes because it's a T H I C C black cross with a white lining

This one's better

Makes me laugh every time.

Fuck off slavshit.
Estonia is a nordic aryan country, unlike baltshits.

National airline of Estonia?

Looks fashy/5



Nordic flags in general look cool

We considered a cross flag but we turned it down in 1919. Because we're pagan.

Current one is cooler imo
(no bully pls)

that cross is too thicc

this is more like it

Praise the sun.

I like it.

I don't approve, there is no room for nationalism, populism or fascism in Europe.

delete this you fuckin bong

Estonian Britannia

I will never delete such a beautiful flag.

Agreed. They really should change it.

delete this one

Looks familiar

1. When will Eesti into Nordic?
2. When will Eesti drive out the Russians from Narva?
3. When will Eesti build a land bridge to Finland, and turn the eastern parts of Gulf of Finland into a fucking lake?

will never happen.

British Empire, please annex, Nordicks don't want us

the thing about benis is, it's round shape is meant for the anus, not the bagina

we don't want you either AIDStonia

We will protect Estonia.

We're on our way.

We're nearly all there. Soon.

>German troops next to kaliningrad

God and Queen bless Britain!
Nah, seriously, top bros



huh, better than the actual Union Jack.

thanks lads

Bravo Estonia!