Latinas are the best companion for the racial aware white male in the 21st century

Latinas are the best companion for the racial aware white male in the 21st century

Their personality traits are perfect

>hate blacks

White Latinas have lived in Latin America for over 200 years in most cases and still haven't lost their racial identity, which makes them the most redpilled white race on earth.

So tell me, why haven't you found your perfect Latin girlfriend yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

that's not a white latina, pham, i would suck her titties tho


She looks pretty Med

yeah, like a north african or a lebanese, not a spaniard

>not a spaniard

Don't insult my spanish people

he doesn't look 100% spanish and most spanish people doesn't look like that anyways

This girl has a black boyfriend and literally worships Kim Kardashian.

>hate blacks

i don't agree with everything in your post but i respect it

In name
As long as you have money and it is not granted
Nope.Pretty liberal
>>hate blacks
Nope they burn the coal a lot

> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)01:30:51 No.73033455▶
> (OP)
>In name
>As long as you have money and it is not granted
>Nope.Pretty liberal
>>>hate blacks
>Nope they burn the coal a lot

He's talking about Southern American girls


>that is considered white now
We deserve the >56% memes honestly

>He's talking about Southern American girls
South American girls not southern Americans.South American girls love niggers and are usually pro abortion and pro gay marriage.The image that they are conservative is mostly a meme

He means racial identity as being one which includes native genes; specifically that's WHY the racial identity remained pure. In the US we've had so much immigration everyone's indistinguishable, in the american's mind you can't really tell someone from the british isles apart from a baltic or french or anyone else. So we lost any racial identity we ever had. But in latin america, the new mestizo race born out of spaniard+native was able to maintain its identity with post colonial european immigration. They're a more legitimate culture than whatever the fuck the US has.

Anyway I don't like a lot of the attitudes in OP's post regardless. But he's on to something.

The vast majority of any people in the western world are like that. Give it time it will change, latin america will hopefully develop further on its own

Well racial identity is not going to change appearance. That girl is simply not white. Not saying that there's anything wrong with that, but he should have posted an actual white Latina. Still, I suppose it doesn't matter in the end, there's a big chance the definition of who's considered white in the US will change to include mestizos in the future.

>The vast majority of any people in the western world are like that
I know but the meme that they are conservative or traditional is just a meme

Sure bud

>hey're a more legitimate culture than whatever the fuck the US has.

Nah America has multiple legitimate cultures (I usually shit post that they don't but I'll be serious right now)

>Latinas are the best companion for the racial aware white male in the 21st century

Just look at her nails. They scream LOWER CLASS TRASH.

Sorry, but any race is fine for me, as long as they are reasonable people.

>good traits

back to alabama with you, cleetus
