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Shy Armenian ethic Israeli QTs edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Find cute girls from all regions of Israel, post cute girls from here and there, talk with them, make some plans to meet them, or not, and link your favourite music.


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I fucked up big by not posting my picture in the first place. I love my qts and they seem to like talking with me but now because of the fuck up I have to live in the fear that they might hate me because of my appearance.

>Shy Armenian ethic Israeli QTs edition


Hello frends :DD herro where are the cat poster girll xD


Are you slanty eyed?
If the answer is yes, unless you're obese or you have some sort of facial deformity I doubt they will hate your appearance.

I've just used what user said as the edition's name tbqh

i abolished argentine qt for brazil and russia qt
russia qt very qt but kind auaitstic and shyy
brazil qt flirty and has good bunda but she isnt online as much as i need
rest of qts are subhuman whoorse interest in clude watching films and listening to msuic like eminem
fugging autists :-DD

only important post itt im happy its directed at me

sleep tight thred im going to sleep

>I've just used what → # user said as the edition's name tbqh

We know :^)

Well yeah, I am. Isn't it the opposite tho? I doubt white people like my weird-to-them looking eyes. I'm not obese but I look like a huge faggot too. I'm probably 4/10 at best.

Oh, and my qts aren't weeaboos either. I'm sure normal white people find slanted eyes weird.

You're actually japanese? Dont IP girls find asians hot etcetc?

Just use your real photo next time. Or even now, you'll weed out the useless qts

Yeah. I'm sure IP girls only like handsome Asian men though.

Honestly I'm too invested in my current qts to do anything that might make them hate me. But doing as you say is probably for the best. Damn, I just wanted some nudes for fun. What have I done to myself.

Fresh Greek

How do you call slanted eyes when they're actually straight, though?
Pic not related.


Netherlands yes!

Can someone explain why westerners do this? Is it because women enjoy being dominated so they use Islam as their fetish? Is it seek for attention?

Feel bad, got a Korean girl who really likes me, I only enjoy talking to her but I kinda led her on a bit...
She told me about some racist German guy she met yesterday and how bad it made her feel

>tfw really quite racist

he looks 1/2 indian

Somehow I have the feeling that she is not interested in my English tongue, but rather in my German dick.
Why are East-European girls so clingy and hungry for Western-European men?

They're literally the female version of Indians or muslims going like "hi u r beautyfull princes. skype?"

>normal white people
>on interpals

Women don't have political beliefs, they just believe whatever other people tell them. It's your job to drop some subtle redpills my man.


t. redpilled my leftist ex

I can redpill a normal girl but short of being a dick it's hard to redpill a girl against race mixing when she says she likes me

teach us kemal, last time i tried it i got called racist

Yeah this shit with Russians got old pretty fast, to the point i don't even bother anymore. The second or third message is always a request to skype.

That's not really what i meant, and besides, that would make you a hypocrite. By all means let her know what mass immigration, muslims and blacks are really like though.

>a hypocrite
Not really since I want nothing to do with her romantically

You have to ease them into it. Show her a video of what blacks are really like. You can't just blurt out i hate niggers, which is what this German probably did. Years of brainwashing takes a long time to peel off.

Anyway, there's no point bothering with any of this until you're sure she's your girlfriend.

haha niggers :-DD

just lmao at not telling the gook how it is that dhey ar subhuman animal and u ar tru aryan man master race

bleach her and then tell her dat, women r 2 dumb to comphrened that they are inferiores :-DDDDDDDDDD

t. redpill master pro

>this shit with Russians got old pretty fast
She is Polish.
This is some pan-Slavic thing.

Well i've never had it from a polack. Most of the poles i see visiting my profile have big jew noses so i don't speak to many though.

You have to be very gradual and take it slowly. Don't talk politics in the beginning, talk politics when there's a bond of trust between eachother. Don't say "niggers/muslims/etc. are evil", be very calm mannered about it. Show statistics, they help a lot. Gather a lot of evidence and show it to her.

The average leftie from Europe thinks that Muslims are peace loving bunnies. Show this person what % of Arab countries support Sharia and death penalty for homosexuals.

Going to post about these threads on their forum now desu

Do it for the lulz

post link

They've been posted there before a long time ago




>his qt doesn't semi-proudly tell you that she's racist

>15 y/o jb messaged me

What the fuck, how? I thought you couldn't message people over the age of 16 if you were underage

just look at this pathetic bitch kek

someone didn't get enough hugs when she was a child

How the hell did you get to a topic like this? Where is she from?

>you are addicted to sex, can you manage not to ask for my nudes for a week
...5 minutes later
>oh baby i want you so much
not falling for this
>why do you reject me, I will not talk to you for a week

i literally asked her what she does when she's alone and this is the first message on the topic.

she talks so condescending, I just want to stop responding but its also funny how delusional this bitch is, she actually thinks she's superior to people because she does yoga and tries to improve herself.

the paragraph before that one.
>nonsense talks
>omg this inferior being is trying to talk about the movie we just saw with me.. like....

As a Korean I kinda just assumed she would be

jeez, if all that is true she must have been surrounded by morons all the time, which i doubt is the case.
looks like she actually need a good big dick to rip her nasty thoughts apart, have you suggested that?

this desu
send her "now i'm no psychiatrist, but you sound like you just need a good dicking in that tight cunt of yours"

I tried flirting with her, she simply ignored that part of the messages.

How can you talk to someone like this?

So just like the spanish guy in here ?

Just tell her, oh you are doing the thing you're supposed to be doing and you find that is something to be proud of ? That's sad.

Sounds like a raped by daddy case

I asked her what she means by nonsense talk and primitive people, the answer should be interesting.

>So just like the spanish guy in here ?
he's british, but it's ""banter"" like he says.

pic related her answer when we were talking about being part of something bigger (being in a simulation, in someone's dreams, etc) and I told her about mckenna and how before listening to his talks made me change my views about the topic.


Korean QT who's studying in the US just messaged me... I used to like Korean girls.... until /cp/ killed that for me.


>I don't give freedom to my negative reactions to feed my ego

Yeah like, it's not big enough already.

Yeah I know it's just banter from him, just taking a piss

Tell her you're a firm believer in solipsism.
That's what I do whenever someone pretends to be really smart.

Why doesn't the interpals script work?

you must be good looking


This would be in your taste, yes ?

Rude 2bh

use qtcrawler, google it

do you like mastodon?


What, like the extinct mammoth relatives ? Sure they were pretty cool

Sorry lad :(

the band silly,

Women are just easily influenced, habibi.

Why are you talking to an asian person if you're racist?

Is it actually fun to talk to people on interpals? Like can you make "friends" and learn stuff or is it just chicks trying to get greencards and guys begging for nudes

>just chicks trying to get greencards and guys begging for nudes
mostly this
it's saturated with obese neckbeards, though


Can someone direct me to a working script? ty

I'm not racist in the sense I hate other races (apart from niggers) I just mean I wouldn't date or have sex with someone of another race specifically because of their race
I like learning about different cultures

the pinnacle of slavic genes /Suzy93

qtcrawler ffs, lurk the thread

Hey G-Dogs

thats sort of dissapointing but i cant say im surprised. I guess this is the quickest way to get a penpal.

what should i put for a username

kek stop lying to yourself mate, having a preference doesn't make you racist... I reckon you're more racist than you let on. Which is weird because there's no point saving face on Sup Forums lol

That's just called having a preference.

qtcrawler doesnt work anymore

It barely functions, keeps viewing the same profiles over and over again

How much info should I add into my profile? I don't want to seem like an autist.

I think you're just confused.

Also, my Palestinian QT started sending me loads of photos lately but the camera is always facing her chest. Now this morning she took one of her in her bra.

Don't know what's going on thanks to ye olde autism. What do?

I've made some good friends actually. I have a Russian and an Italian girl that I've been friends with for a long time. There has never been any flirting or anything. Just fun conversations.

Pic related- she was watching an Italian show that makes fun of Slavs, so she translated it for me

I wasn't gonna write a novel about my political beliefs here but yeah

Are young adult russians still red to the bone? I think russias got an interesting history but i have a pretty strong aversion to communists.

Also hot to get a taiwan qt3.14

Not from what I've seen. My Russian friend is pretty nice, and she dislikes politics. She wants the US and Russia to be better friends

Is that her? shes pretty cute, i love winter clothes

Yeah that's her. She is a little QT 3.14 haha.

But to answer your question. Yes you definitely can make long term friendships. I've been friends with that Italian since July, and the Russian almost 2 years I think

>be me
>talking to turkish girl (though possibly catfish)
>she asks if i have gf
>keep talking with her

>3 days later her account is deleted


well do you have a GF?

Argentinian qt is back in game after convincing me that she is indeed responsible for me calling her names and being rude to her and is telling me that she wants to give me the succ rn.


wow that's a nasty tongue

fug my boner is gone

Can someone explain to me why Russian/Ukrainian girls are very clingy? I first thought it's fishing for citizenship, but who would want a Turkish passport? They could choose to message a Norwegian instead.

The most surprising part is that they're not even below average, they're quite attractive.

Don't be so dramatic :) Don't you want to taste that Argentinian tongue gunk?


she wants to give me the succ, now i'm calling her my fuktoi

Isn't it odd, but as I've found out, women like being manipulated, what do you think? The less caring I happen to be, more she seems to be into me.

>tfw incapable of love at this point

no idea but I know what you mean.

my guess is that because women outnumber men so much in most slavic countries, this happens

similar to New York City. So few men that the women become crazy and clingy

Do women really outnumber men in NY? That's really weird.

yeah for some reason in general east coast cities have more women

west coast cities like LA, San Fran, and Seattle have more men so the men are much more autistic and clingy