My people

My people.

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your people?. . . my people

white people are subhumans

Me on the left.

You're both wrong, actually they are mine.

We should make a Finno-Ugric master race thread. That will show them our might

I have saami gene's. I'm a berber.

you mean a barber?

No, berber.

Alessandro Achilli and colleagues noted that the Sami and the Berbers share U5b1b, which they estimated at 9,000 years old, and argued that this provides evidence for a radiation of the haplogroup from the Franco-Cantabrian refuge area of southwestern Europe.
(I'm a fin. We wuz kangz!!)

pretty sub-humongous senpai

my ancestor :)

Man, that original photo is disturbaningly unhealthy. Do you have any idea what kind of bacteria and worms thrive in meat like that? There's a reason we discovered fire.


my english!

>worm and bacterias
>on the north
Nah. Don't think so.


dude, eating raw elk is not a good idea

Ye retard i think mongols who live same way for 2000 years need your advice

is delishus

>t. country of the deep fried butter

What does elk meat taste like? Is it more like beef or pork?

neither really. it's very "gamey". it has it's own distinct taste and is really not all that great unless it is cured.

they do if they want to stop living the way people did 2000 years ago!

Why do Black women seek the Finn dick?

how on earth one does bite that, that looks like some snack for kang kong

>reminder if you have white skin you aren't berber


I'm a pale Berber.

e*uro influence***
you have the shitty r1b genes

Well that's racist!!!

My ancestors:)

sorry senpai but we don't like whites

I'm riffian Berber I'm white not black.

hope this helps

riffian and kabylie and east tunisian are heavily mixed with europeans
the most pure inbred groups are
jradou and chneni berber in tunisia with 100% e y-dna but they are small group arround 1000 each one
the most pure big berber group are souss and chaouis in west tunisia and east algeria

ah fuck
i mean those two pure group are brown and 100% e y dna so the original berbers are brown not white or black

Is it a bad thing to have European ancestors?

no it's actually a good thing but it makes you less of a berber and more european
