I love little Japanese streets. They look so comfy and social

I love little Japanese streets. They look so comfy and social.


are you being sarcastic?

No I genuinely like them. I wish my city had places like that, too. No cars, just people, being communal like in the old days.

This would look way better with the cable lines buried underground.

In contrast, American streets are too lifeless. You are either inside, inside a car, or just passing by.

It kinda looks latino except more clean.

If these streets were in US they would have been filled with latinos and negroes and you would call them shit

It looks latino af.


I think it has to do with earthquake precautions. Underground damage from shifting soil would be far harder to fix than ramming a few new poles into the ground.

And that's a comparatively lifely American street.

You have a pretty country but it's expensive af to live in.


You're a big country.

I think you mean cramped and downright disgusting with concrete covering every available surface, and the air filled with wires and not a shred of green space anywhere.

It looks like a nuclear wasteland. Which, when you think about Americans nuking Japan in WW2 makes a lot of sense. If it was up to me i'd just nuke it again, that is no way for people to live.


You can find a decent place for less than $1000 in Tokyo


Then I might as well not move. It's already 1000 to live where I am right now and I don't have to learn another language or worry about visas.


thank you.
The price will become lower from now on.
Houses are left over more and more.

If you don't have a decent plan, then yes, it's better to only visit as a tourist.

me too, I love them.

I love japan's urbanism.

Conversely, I love such an American town in countryside



I lived in a place like that for a while. It's ultra comfy. Especially when it snows and you snuggle up under a blanket with some cocoa.

keep em coming

After Western Europe, Japan has the best cities

It sounds really awesome!!

The grocery store, pizza place, library, etc was 2 blocks away, my friends lived 3 blocks away, the school was like 4 blocks away and beyond that was just forest.

Japanese cities > western europe for me.

Japanese cities looks comfy as shit, but also stress-inducing.

Bet it's even cheaper in the rural areas and the mountains.

>comparing a traditional street with a highly crowded avenue
That seems like a fair comparison.


It's cheaper anywhere that's not fucking Tokyo.

t. city of 1 million, $200 USD a month apartment

Tokyo is a flytrap that catches all gajinest gaijin retards. If you have even a semblance of adventure in your scrotum you'd do better elsewhere

where is this

Okinawa probably


I'm originally from a rural area myself, so I wouldnt mind a fucking 10.000 people town as long as I had internet, reliable delivery that doesnt take fucking weeks, and I'm max 30-45 minutes from work.
How's rural Japan for all that? Even the rural areas doesn't seem that rural.

>$200 USD a month


>$200 USD a month apartment
That's pretty extreme for an entire apartment. I don't think anything is that cheap in the US, even in the most backwoods places or the worst innercity shitholes.

Most of the jobs are in the city. Home office is not a thing like in the US.

There's a similar situation here though. I can't move out to somewhere cheaper because all the good paying jobs are in the non-comfy city. Just fuck my shit up.

i want a beach house in okinawa lads
why couldnt i be born rich

I used to rent an apartment for 230 euro a month but it was pretty old, if you were really tall you'd hit the ceiling.

Because you appreciate your money and use it more effectively when you become rich of your own willpower and work.


why cant brazil be calm and comfy like japan lads its not fair

Because socialism. Overthrow your government.

They look primitive, medieval and backwards.
If you want to see a true Asian first world country, look at Korea.

>City of 1 million, $200 USD a month apartment
What the fuck?

we could do that and we'd still have corruption and crime and chaos

Racial inferiority

The 200$ is probably a lie, or he're renting only a small room.

For you

I own an apartment in Tokyo and it's like 240000 Yen a month without utilities.

Sucks though 'cause I get double-taxes living here in the US when the $$$ comes to me.

In Japan you can buy literally an entire apartment building for a few hundred thousand USD

Nobody will live there though because the population is falling

t. gaijin retard

Not a lie.

Old apartment. Built around Showa 50. Creaking wood and aging tatami everywhere. It's probably cheap because it has a ridiculously small bath, but I'm not Japanese so I don't care about baths.

No. If I still lived in the US I'd need at least $500 USD to live in the middle of the ghetto.

That's why "Japan's expensive" is such a meme. Only Tokyo's expensive, and it's still nothing compared to NYC.

You know you're the literal definition of a leech right? Be grateful that our society is structured in such a way that you can profit from doing fuck-all in the first place.

>$200 USD a month apartment
Holy fucking shit, what?
It is just an out toilet or something? That is so insanely cheap.

No, it's two full rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom with washing machine.

As I said, it just looks like a haunted house. The building is so old it was grandfathered from the elevator requirement.

Nice freeze frame there.

>or he're renting only a small room
Even so I'd be lucky to find a room to lease in Australia for $200 a week, unless it was through family. People regularly charge $100+ a WEEK for a room in Australia.

Okay, I've give you some perspective: around 2010 I was working in a factory on the way out of town, a township around 2 hours drive away from Sydney. On the way out of town there was a caravan park which had a handful of caravans set aside for renting out to people. With elective and running cold water (hot water in the shower block within the caravan park) one of those small caravans cost $145 a week.
That was in 2010, they probably cost closer to $180 now.
Pretty much the only way to get close to $200 a week over here is if the place is somewhere were these is no work thus the house has been on the rental market forever and the real estate/owner is desperate to get someone into it that they keep lowering the prices in the hope of having someone move into the tiny little dilapidated shithole of a single room sitter house. These are places where the population may be in the hundreds and the closest work is at least three hours drive away.

$200 a month for anything remotely liveable in a place where there is enough work around to be able to stay there is just unheard of. There are storage spaces and car spaces around that price but you cannot legally live in them due to zoning.

You can stay in my spare room if you want. I won't even make you pay me with sex.