Oh my gosh! My house is firing!

Oh my gosh! My house is firing!

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The fire is so fierce!

Lol Why do you make the thread abot that if you say the true thing


The smoke is strong!

Looking at that ugly building makes me wanna puke my guts out... God I hate China

fire the house to shitpost on Sup Forums

Hong Kong was not belonged to China when those buildings were building

Now's not the time if I were you.

Is Hong Kong nice?

I am not living in 2nd floor so I am fine.

Pretty nice

How often to people have their clothes fall or blow off those window hanging clothes lines? I'd be too paranoid to hang them out there.

It is quite rare to happen. Those lines do work.

Give us a tour of your apartment.

>the capitalistic version of commieblocks
just higher
little rich snowflake states tend to do this
but your kind of skyscrapers looks nasty tbqh, senpai

What is it like to live in these giant apartments? Can you post your room or lounge room

No, the whole building is being blocked. I can't go back my room to take photo.

I hope everything is okay Hong Kong :(

By the way, you would say that "My house is on fire" rather than "firing".

I grew up there and my brother lives in tung chung. In my opinion London is nicer plus Hong Kong summers are hideously unpleasant.

It's not so bad

What a depressing existence, to live in something like that. Chinks always seem to live the most miserable lives, cannot understand them at all desu as a lot of the times it looks like they bring it upon themselves.

The number of air conditioners and the narrowness of buildings is very distinctive.


You brought them to us.

Brought what ?

Those public housing were introduced by you guys.

Not surprised desu, we've ruined our own capital and lots of other parts of our country with it, it only stands to reason that we ruin the colonies with it too.

What caliber is your house?