One of Japanese music chart number-one singles in 1996

>One of Japanese music chart number-one singles in 1996

>>One of Japanese music chart number-one singles in 2016

What happened to Japan after 1990s?
How do we save Japan?

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(little) Japan died in the late 80s with the asset bubble collapse. All of their dreams and pride and economic powers were crushed and have been dead for decades. They haven't even returned to late 80s real wage rates. Now it hosts over a million NEETs, a million pedophiles, and millions of those who reminisce on high school and haven't matured past it.

It's amazing how closely a nation's artistic achievements parallel its success/hopes/ambitions and image of itself. Anime is another example of that.

Why do you hate japan?

>This video contains content from AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS.INC, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

>Sorry about that.

>your pic
Two can play at that game.

Japanese culture in general has become very immature. I see no integrity nor seriousness in their music and movies.

They've had some decent shows and movies in recent years. Don't know much about music as it's hard to find it on youtube nowadays.

Japan Then
>genius directors like Kurosawa and Ozu that made world renowned films
>genius writers like Mishima, Oe, Dazai, Endo etc. who wrote world renowned literature
>cutting edge tech and electronics industry, ran by Japanese visionaries
>based culture revolving around manliness and respect

Japan Now
>shit tier movie industry, nobody can even name a truly great Japanese film from this century
>only meme writers like Murakami left
>30 year recession that shows no signs of ending
>culture taken over by pedophiles and autists

What went wrong?

hmmm, can't really blame this one on the bombs can we? Is it da joos? Or is that one Jap psycho user right and Koreans have taken over their entertainment industry and are applying the techniques they've learned from all that Talmud reading that's going on there, to destroy the Jap soul in revenge?

Is "ids da pesky koreans" the weeaboo equivalent to stormfags' "ids tha jooos"?

Idk, I've heard about it only from that one Jap user. But other Jap user always tell to ignore him, cause he's a psycho.

I meant "other Jap anons"

no one pays for their song these days. some people still pay for the event ticket that comes with their product.

>j-pop will never be powerful like in 90s


Thanks for 秋元康

so which artists, bands etc are popular in Japan these days? Is it rue kpop is taking over? plz post examples.

so there's no “music chart” anymore
everybody knows that here

One ok rock?

hmmm, so more rock. So is pop just not that popular in Japan these days?

Why so many fucking singers?
Jap music is absolute shit desu.

>tfw Japanese music is just anime music

It seems like japanese music got stuck somewhere in the early 2000s.

It just doesn't seem to evolve at all. I've heard different versions of this song in the OP for anime going way back.

I liked these girls. They make decent music.
Most japanese ballads, and pop are absolute garbage.

If the current anime trend dies, Japan remains nothing and dies.

forgot link