You have 10 seconds to act as Turkish as possible

You have 10 seconds to act as Turkish as possible.

Other urls found in this thread:İstanbul'un_belediyeleri_listesi

>runs under the fridge
>genocides ants on the way

Why is everyone obsessed with Turks? It's by far the most secular and democratic country in that region.


Turks are real nice people, I really like them

>30 mins cooking food
>2 hours removing hair from the food
>dinners ready!

>watching Tv in foreign countries
>hears the word "turk"
>gets all excited

What the fuck is going on

Because shit has hit the fan with this čomar in charge. I just feel sorry for people in the non-islamic centres like Istanbul. These people are more modern than half of Europe but they have to deal with his degeneracy all the same.

i know one turkish guy
a really good friend of mine, i dont mind the fact that they're muslims
i like Turkey :)

>sees hole in the ground
>shits in it

Excuse me Franz, but if I may interject--

Turkey in my opinion, is actually less religiously free then its puppet state Azerbaijan.

In Azerbaijan, I do believe you can literally spit on the Korean and nobody would even flinch to the action.

But in Turkey, especially the more East you go, I think such actions would be viewed as blasphemous.

Best thing about Armenians is that you don't have to feed them

>non-islamic centres like Istanbul

Kek. Tbh Istanbul contains all kinds of people from the whole Turkish spectrum.

I dont know anything about turkey

depends where you are in turkey.
People might join you at some cities

>non islamic cities like shitstanbul
Ah yes the original homeland of AKP

>spit on the Korean

I have only been to Istanbul. I stayed with a guy on airbnb who introduced us to his friends, so I'm no doubt biased.


All of you are fascist hitler holocaust nazis, we dindu nuffin, now let us into your countries or we gon punish you!

What, trade sanctions? N-no, we would never do that, it's not like most of our economy leeches off yours or anything!

>Engages in buggery
>Claims not to be gay
>Just a part of Turkish culture
>Please pass the baby oil


Yeah i remember you talking about migrating between beşiktaş and kadıköy.

Needless to say those places are a minority in turkey


Yes, I know, it was a typo. You don't have to remind me that my English is bad.

Those places are paradise.

For non religious Muslims

They seem like the least religious

aga gib moni plox

Also why do so many place names end in taš (stone) ?

Your English isnt bad, dont be a cry baby

*autistic chriping*

We're the most powerful empire in Europe !!

*beat* *fight*


all turkic

How do you know tarkan ?

only taşdelen, taşoyuk and beşiktaş have taş in it.İstanbul'un_belediyeleri_listesi

*crawls* under the fridge*

>spots arm*nian fucking shits on the board
>relocates them to ribbit

Because that's was how it was sold to us, and it turned out not to be the case. Betrayal hurts more than simple opposition.

Bütün yobazların, arap sevicilerin, kürtlerin, anadolu çomarlarının, kürt sevicilerin, dejenere ılık götlülerin ve dejenere batı hayranı aşiftelerin taa amına koyayım. Çocukluğumu, gençliğimi, hayatımı siktiniz. Size inat, sizin gibi orospu çocuklarına inat ÇALIŞACAĞIM, BAŞARACAĞIM!

>Destroys the islamic caliphate, doing more damage to islam than the west has ever done

*slurps gone off milk*
so you be sayin
*shaves unibrow*
so you be sayin that
*gropes western tourists*
we wuz ataturks and shit?

local kebab shop would play his songs all the time, i thought it was mad catchy so i asked them for the name of the artist

Ok, well street names too, e.g. I stayed on dikilitaš


Istanbul is full of Kurds and Syrians you mupit
Turky as a whole is fucked from multiculturalism


Yes, it would seem the Central Asian nations, or rather Turkic nations, are more secular toward Islam than their other likeminded brethren.

I was just unsure about it being secularized in Turkey and the other countries.

But as pointed out, it is secular as well

Aren't Oceanic Asian countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia also secularized when it comes to Islam?

>*slurps gone off milk*
Ayran is very tasty and healthy. Go back to your McDonald's milkshake.

Finland best ally.
Even the turkish diaspora there is the best

deserve what they get for playing empire in the middle east 2bh

fuck erdogan that dondomar seller
heil ataturk kemalism is based

i think malaysia has iran tier islam but with more chinkiness and illusion of democracy

Dont use my name you mong

Good one dönerci, i appreciate it

Wasn't really an empire so much as land that they held

>hurr durr im gay

>South East Asian Muslims
A bit more then Pakis or Arabs but for the most part I wouldn't say they are secular, the religion doesn't dominate their life completely but many do avidly practice. Brunei is in SEA and has Sharia law and so do bits of Indonesia.


Dikilitaş means waystone, usefull for navigation back in the day.
I would guess thats why some of the streets have taş in it.

I see, thanks

*steal some white guy's phone*

I liked Malaysia, especially in the Sup Forums Hunger Game simulations hosted by some Canadian, who I presumably believe has stopped posting.

But yes, Malaysia kept surviving each game usually as the winner. Truly masterrace.

Its so funny this pic but i have been to Turkey twice (2010 and 2011) and i would say Turks are a much nicer people than they look today.

Before all this racket with isis/isil and russia and all that that i was there.

I remember good food, and nice people, annoying sellers yes but you can always say no.

And also extreme heat like +45C for a week, i remember trying to walt to castle of Alanya +40C, we got a few km then the heat was to much.

A turkish cabbie drove up and asked d if we needeed a ride and we sure did. So he got us some water and asked what we wanted todo.

We told him we were heading to the castle of Alanya but the heat gor to us. He said he would give us a guided tour of the castle and he did. We saw everything and got all the stories.

After he drove us back home to the hotel he started to add up what a fulle day f taxi and guider tours would cost us and the sum was 75kr or like 7.50€,

I gave him a 20€ and he was worth a lot more than that. I will always remember that cabdriver, he was so nice and so friendly and i think i will always associate Turks with friendly people.

Most of us unironically love helping out tourists (both from different cities or countries) and introduce them to our culture.

Alot of hotel owners and travel agencies are cringing hard at the recent ''no dutch tourist plz'' pics on the internet. As if we have an abundance of tourist already.

*Withstands nuclear radiation*

Watch soap operas

Turkey is the place where you can urinate on a Koran in public and nothing happens, but if you say Ataturk was a faggot, the cops will arrest you and kick your ass.

Türkçü türkçügtü türklerim türküm

Were they beheaded?

Been to Izmir and all the Turks were very nice :)
Although everybody was drinkin' boiling tea and it was like 40 degrees or sth
Is this why we lose when we fight?

40 degrees is fucking chilly, man. Only 8 above freezing.

He's a Yuropoor. He uses that "other" temperature system. Pay it no mind.

dont greeks drink tea when its hot?
Wtf i tought we were similar greece i thought we had a thing going

we aren't really a tea nation when I think about it
we lean more with the coffee side
oh come on, I will put a C next time so you don't get beffudled

It's Turkey m8, not 90's Iran or whatnot

Greatest muslim ever,
Is it true that many Turks today hate Ataturk, I remember some 9 to 10 years ago when i was in Istanbul guy who rented us apartment had big picture of him in his office and his pic was on on every note

I suddenly hate every country i come in contact with

Also much nicer people than those arrogant cunts from greece

*pray to God Atatürk the man who made Turkey secular*

only kurds, jihadis and çomars with slight intelligence. (unlike the çomars who both somehow worship erdoshit/islam and atatürk at the same time)

We have a winner lads

>implying Papatürk is a m*slim that worships a paedophile's religion

They were going at it even before the US became a country.

fucking kek

even though he rekt some ancestors back in smyrna
he really did push his country forward and you gotta show respect for that
turkey needs a second kemal
hell we need A kemal

I read somewhere half of the kurds are alevi non-believers, why would turks on Sup Forums lie to us ?

In what island did you go croatfriend?

no, it means obelisk

>dick in lit ass

tea takes the heat away komşi, haven't you heard of it?

hdp (kurd "secular" communist party) supporters want sharia more than erdogan supporters do (akp). some of kurds still commit fgm. region is extremely backwards. they even have kurdish hizbullah in there.

So this is the secret
I see

>turkey needs a second kemal
>greek flag

you mean zaza's, the ethnicity that constantly gets oppressed by k*rds and yet no one cares.

>nonbeliever kurds

Literal commushits that deserve to be killed.

yeah i just looked it up as well.
I always tought it meant waystone.

But arent the hezbollah /ourguys/ ?

I DID say we needed a kemal, too
I don't like were thing are going

Attica and Peloponnese, mostly stayed in Athens

This is true

kurdish hizbullah is kind of a turkish gladio against commie kurds. they are not related to hezbollah of iran.