What do you think of South Africa and South Africans?

What do you think of South Africa and South Africans?

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i don't

Nelson Mandela was actually a pretty cool dude, t b h

richest country in africa and with white people :)

I want to hug a boer

>communist terrorist

I like it, although less and less as time goes on. I'm never moving back there.

For now. It's going to go the way of Zimbabwe soon.


Memes. Era el tipico terrorista de traje y discurso conciliador. Mierda de presidente pero los boers le deben la vida, si no fuera por él era genocidio.
Never visited and I'm taling out of my ass: the post

I hope as many White Africans get out as soon as possible.

I hope the ones that choose to stay survive.

I know 11 SA whites. And they are coming to America more and more. All of them left because of how dire situation is getting over there.
They are all doing whatever they can to get family and friends out as well.

It was better under white rule, but you have to admit that the Europeans inside had it LONG time coming.
It was essentially a Turkish/Balkan situation that was just boiling away.

>check flag
>that urge to prep anyone coming from africa
Checks out. Pls continue.

White Saffers are actually pretty chill. They recognize they get only a sliver of the violence that the average black Saffers gets and largely have the wealth and power to live quite good lives. Even the poor ones.

Carmen Solomons was my second waifu and she is a beautiful Khoi-Dutch girl that is better than Kate Swanderpoel imo

>What do you think of South Africa and South Africans?
Honest opinion?

White South African's should fuck off. It's not their land.
>inb4 you too
There's no more abos around.

>It was essentially a Turkish/Balkan situation that was just boiling away.
What an idiotic analogy. There were multiple wars against the Ottoman empire. And the people in the balkans were indigenous unlike the Bantus. AND the core of the Ottoman empire in Anatolia is still a Turkish country.


>They recognize they get only a sliver of the violence that the average black Saffers gets

>White South African's should fuck off. It's not their land.
It's not the Bantus land either. It's the land of the bushmen. So the bantus should fuck off as well, as well as the millions of immigrants from central and west africa who came there in the last few decades.

>White South African's should fuck off. It's not their land.


>cuck joke about white people

Come back and try again tomorrow.

Most murders occur are amongst poor blacks, in farm attacks most killed have been black farm hands. The sensationalist idea of White genocide is not based on reality, the white uper class and middle class are fine. The white rural class and working class are just losing their racial buffer to the daily reality their black counterparts have faced since well the Europeans set foot.


These are the indigenous people and they're a minority:

there's black on black attacks motivated by poverty, which you get anywhere
the attacks on boers are entirely motivated by race

>What an idiotic analogy. There were multiple wars against the Ottoman empire. And the people in the balkans were indigenous unlike the Bantus. AND the core of the Ottoman empire in Anatolia is still a Turkish country.
I was going for more of a they got kicked around for half a millennia and then went berserk on them the first chance they had. I don't give a shit about ottoman history desu.

You're a fucking idiot, Apartheid in SA was pretty god damn brutal, the dutch/english have been there for hundreds of years subjugating the africans that were already there for THOUSANDS.

I see why other countries hate us so much, I bet you're from Ontario.

Stop posting.

that's a load of bullshit

my family had been living in africa for 200 years. My great grandfather, grandfather, my father and I had never known anything but africa. It was as much of our home as it was the black africans (who aren't even indigenous to the region themselves). How was africa not our home?

What does your post have to do with the fact that Bantus are not indigenous to South Africa and should fuck off as well?

South Africa??



>>cuck joke about white people
It was about americans not about white people. That obsessions of yours

initially, but we ended up in zimbabwe before leaving

I'm not talking about Bantus you daft cunt, there are more than one black ethnic group in SA.

I'm pretty sure black south africans didn't subjugate each other to the extreme degree that whites did to blacks based purely on race and desire to take their resources.

>It was better under white rule, but you have to admit that the Europeans inside had it LONG time coming.

It wasn't really. South Africa was shit back then as it is now. It just have that veneer that the Apartheid era government tried to uphold.

Imagine a house where only the foyer looked good and everything else is an utter mess.
That's South Africa.

I bet you're that Persian shitskin. Kys.

>my family had been living in africa for 200 years. My great grandfather, grandfather, my father and I had never known anything but africa. It was as much of our home as it was the black africans (who aren't even indigenous to the region themselves). How was africa not our home?
Why are people getting so worked up over this. I'd say the same about some Turk living in Germany or some Paki in England. They're NOT racially natives to the land, no matter how much they try to say they are.

Pioneering groups had reached modern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa by CE 300 along the coast, and the modern Limpopo Province (formerly Northern Transvaal) by CE 500

Not it's because those people target FARMS.
They also attack Black farmers and Indians too.

unless you're cornish then you can't claim to be a racial native to england

The fuck are you bringing up bantus continuously for? Did I even mention them once?

There were blacks in SA thousands of years before whites.


Communist in name only though. His polices on the economy are not communist in reality.

Like is it communist to privatize state companies?

>blacks and whites
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Bushmen who are indigenous to South Africa are as genetically distant from Bantus ("blacks") as Europeans are from Somalis.

not in the same manner. They don't even pretend that the attacks aren't racially motivated, you are objectively incorrect here.

it's not limited to farms either. Some of my friends haven't been able to attend university for a year since people are saying the next white person to walk onto the campus is going to be killed. There are certain areas in places like cape town and joburg where any white person that goes near it will be killed purely because they're white.
youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys this is the president of south africa

He mainly allied with communists to get support. Key thing I should mention is that pragmatism is the course in Africa. If it get you support being x you allied with x even if you don't agree.

You do know South African Bantus have a lot of Khoi-san DNA and language influences?

>youtube.com/watch?v=6fzRSE_p1Ys this is the president of south africa

He got reprimanded and everyone in SA hates him. FFS his own party wants him out now and that Ahmed Kathrada family specifically barred him from his funeral.

Also might I mention

>In the earlier apartheid period (1960s), Bantu replaced the word 'Native' in official government usage in South Africa.

Even they called Bantu's native lol.

>You do know South African Bantus have a lot of Khoi-san DNA and language influences?

And yet they appear in the Bantu cluster on the genetic distance map. They're right there "Bantu (South Africa)". Compare to where the San are.

>everyone in SA hates him
you'd be surprised

there's little to no middle class in south africa. You have the rich elites and you have the incredibly poor and uneducated that make up the majority of the population. While the rich don't like zuma, the poor sure as fuck do.
zuma's not an isolated case either. The ANC is filled with people just like him.
everyone says mandela saved the country from collapse, but really all he did was give south africa another 30 years of life

Ehh asides from the sanction the economical polices of the pre and during Apartheid regime which accelerated it. SA's biggest cause of expiry is the fact that South Africa had gold and diamonds, but their profitable exploitation required that the cost of labour be reduced far below what the physical labour-land ratio implied.

Without such coercive intervention in the labour market, most of South Africa’s mines would have been unprofitable until the end of the gold standard era in 1932. If South Africa eventually obtained a “free market” comparative advantage in mining, it was only after several decades of using extra-market means to repress black wages, notably through land appropriation and measures to stop Africans from working on European-owned land except as labourers rather than tenants.

I'm not talking economically

south africa is a powder keg

Yet, South Africa, followed on a smaller scale by Southern Rhodesia, acquired a substantial manufacturing sector by the time most of the rest of Africa achieved independence. The “artificially” low cost of black labour helped, but only in unskilled jobs because the skilled ones were anyway reserved for whites and the choice of technique was generally capital-intensive. Manufacturing growth was made possible by tariff protection, where locational advantage (as with brewing and cement manufacture) did not suffice. Crucially, mining provided the import-purchasing power to cover the import of capital goods and, where necessary, raw materials. It was also the direct or indirect source of much of the revenue used by governments to invest in manufacturing, whether directly or through the provision of infrastructure. The large European populations were a source of both educated workers and capital, but arguably their most important contribution to industrialisation was the political commitment to support it even at the cost of consumer prices that were often above world market levels.

I know jsut want to post this

Moving up the value chain became an ambition of substantial proportions of white voters where they controlled governments, as in South Africa after 1910 and to a large extent in Southern Rhodesia from 1923, as well as of African voters since independence. In South Africa the “Pact” government of the National and Labour parties, elected in 1924, embarked on a policy of promoting import-substituting industrialisation through tariffs and State investment in electricity and steel . Southern Rhodesia followed in the 1930s, partly in response to the challenge of the new South African customs regime . Besides these “settler” colonies, there was a third case of precocious growth of modern manufacturing, i.e. the Belgian Congo. This was absolutely not a case of settler independence or autonomy. As in southern Africa, however, mines provided a favourable context for import-substituting industry, providing infrastructure, import-purchasing power and part of the market.5 South Africa remained the flagship of manufacturing in the region, but the scope for further expansion was increasingly restricted by the high price of skilled labour in an economy where only a minority of the population had access to secondary education and by the limited market for mass-produced goods that resulted from the low level of black wages. If the radical school was right about the contribution of repressive racial policies to economic growth in the early 20th century the liberals were right about the period preceding the fall of apartheid, i.e. the system was now a brake, not a booster, on the development of the economy

shithole, example whats happen if you give rule to dumb apes
russian future

Russia is already like that though. Whites of wrong colour so to speak

A lot of blacks don't like Zuma but vote for the ANC anyway. He'll be gone by 2019

Maybe early 2018.

You're a fucking idiot mate, was I getting into sub-groups of people?

No, all I said was that black africans had been in SA for thousands of years before whites.

Read what someone actually posts before you go spouting a bunch of irrelevant shit.

I like meerkats

No one says anything about bantus or bushmen you fucking mong.
Simply that it's not their land, because it's not.

man you're one dense bastard

oi thunk thair alreyght
t. not eh seth efriken

Honestly i really like SA. This country could be next Canada or Australia but they failed it

Australia, Canada, America and New Zealand were all very different regions to Africa. No sub-saharan african country was ever going to thrive under colonisation