
depression on the dancefloor edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>blocks your path

are psychics con artists?

How many lurker fags are there in here reading this that never or rarely post lads?

I bet there's at least 12. Freeloading bastards.

mayor dog lol


Not very nice of them to point those guns in the back at your mum though was it.

Even if she is 13 nautical miles out

Best male fashion vlogger?



>tfw can see cheekbones out of the corner of my eye

starving myself has been worth it lads

the amazing atheist

Could you imagine if Sup Forums red-pilled /mlp/ to their side?

the weaponized autism would be able to take over the galaxy.

He has nice fashion but his channel isn't about fashion

millennial robes

Total War: The Thirty Years War when?
Yesterday they came up with this fantasy shit up, again.
Cant you do anything right?

What's this about a file the NYPD have?

>he thinks i'm going home

26th bday today lads

might take a normie pill later


As someone with Aspergers Syndrome, I love how we use the term Weaponized Autism . Using our "special talents" to defeat the globalists and MAGA.

>mlp and pol merged


>won the hearts and minds

Funny how the term fake news suddenly sprung out of nowhere almost the day after trump won the election.

Happy Birthday mate

literal fake news

he used it all through his campaign

anyone know where i can watch game of thrones in decent quality? isp kiked me out last time i torrented



>He has Aspergers


poor people aren't allowed to have nice things sorry

>that pic
glad i'm not some iberian poof with black hair
who /anglo/ here?
blue eyes blonde hair human reporting in

>teenage son of wealthy family ruins his family name by being a hippy fuck


what are your plans for the day?
>just done a poo
>eating leftover curry & posting on Sup Forums
>about to go for a walk

>fucking east london is 2nd highest

can't imagine how shit and poor the rest of the country is

Happy birthday lad. Cracking digits too.

blue eyes brown hair like adolf

>paid for by donald j trump for president, inc
>president, inc
fuck this world
it's nothing but trash



poor people don't live in east london anymore


Absolutely horrified at state of the British housing.
What's worse is the boomers making it worse by using the market as their retirement plaything

hbo isnt on netflix cretin

Looks like an attractive version of me

>being a hippy fuck


>>paid for by donald j trump for president, inc
>>president, inc
>fuck this world
>it's nothing but trash


for you


Fired up the ol' runescape account

Can see my conversations from 2008

do you need to be a british citizen to be PM

going to go to the running track and do some running
then come back and get takeout or something

Fired up the ol' runescape account

oh wait :(

what should I put in my tinder bio lads

>pay for hbos special snowflake netflix to watch a single show

>what is newham
>what is tower hamlets
poor people don't live in hackney anymore

i don't wear turtle necks
but i do have one of those old style vietnam jackets that i wear around though
it's quite comfortable

yeah australian chonners are pretty attractive for some reason

theory: turtlemong = phimo

No, you can be Irish or from a Commonwealth country too

Hayfever lads

A qp

hmmm shan't be watching that

Filters broke

cretinous melts

before /brit/ after the banter got too much

English, Actor, Musician, UCSB alum. (go Gauchos)



Origi > Lukaku

you can also be a muslim from a non commonwealth country

did a post

>go on mlpol
>100% of the mlp posters are german or nordics

Try again m8

I drew this

did someone get doxxed?

There used to be a documentary about a swedish girl who liked to dress up like a pony with the thing in her mouth etc. she went to america and carried so fat yank around on a wheel thing. I wanked to it but then youtube took it down.


Slowly starting to think Joe rogan is the greatest free thinkers of our time


how embarrassing

surprised they aren't russian

you should have been aborted

why are horse vaginas so cute lads

only starting? woah buddy your 3rd eye is sewn shut

>one chance at life
>i'm not a wife girl with a black bf

>People told me how bad Hackney was
>Go to Homerton and it's just full of hip uni fucks

seriously where the fuck can i watch game of thrones in at least 480p

ah yes

wife girls

Who is the 0.1%?

last year for april fools they changed the whole layout and interface they havent done anything this year this is shit



are liz

>where to?

