Wake up in europe

>wake up in europe
what do?

be fearful because of the advance of fascism and totalitarian ideas that wane individual freedoms in the name of collective "security"

Hop on a train and go visit all the qt Russians on here

this is why im moving to spain lol

convert to islam and collect neetbucks

try to find nearest Kyrgyz embassy and return back home

get a welfare

depends...russian women marry a western guy for dem money, russian men buy vodka and get drunk

well spain is going in the same direction, a lot slower than uk, france or germany, but definitely we're losing social and individual rights in the name of protection and the collective

all europe future is dark, yes there might be small safe spots like spain, canada... (and i think that's all) but what's the future of those small spots if the rest of the world turns back into totalitarianism?

only mosques

go inside mosque pray allah to teleport me back to my house

Shower and make coffee like i do every morning

Make a tinder accout and find qt white bois

are u grill

rape the first women i see

you are not even Spanish user,south american i guess

jorge me das angustia suicidate de una puta vez

Do a 360 and walk away

Are u a white boi

>white boi
well, i have fair skin

Mine's probably darker but yeah

so are u grill


go back to spain

no homo plz

>be relieved that I probably won't get shot
>realize that terrorists and gypsies now exist


dey not that dangerous as your niggers in ghettos

Gypsies are not dangerous desu

No homo bby boi


Go to the mosque.

"Oh no, I must be in Sweden then. "

hot the craziest MF dab the entire continent has ever scene. The energy would throw me straight back to my house here in Australia.