Post your city

Post pics of your city and tell people what you think of theirs

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you Germany


R8 my pollution

>Long Street park
Very creative Japan

Pic related is my city

I hate modern big cities.

your city is a funpark?





Pic related, my garden now


I love Sapporo, best city in Japan. I want to go down tanukikoji again and spend the evening in susukino

Looks dreamlike, maybe due to the lights. Would fall in love with a girl, watch snow fall together.
That's a park
While I usually like china town as a concept, that looks... meh, also, I dislike the overcast weather
This is what Los Angeles would look like if it was poorer. Disgusting.
Looks like something out of a fantasy RPG.


i like it shame about all the violence and no money and favelas and the rest of the city

Mordor in the winter.
Preddy noice.
A good hard rain is nice.
Cute but boring.


very nice

Depressing as fuck
Would kill myself / 10
Looks to generic

very safe, chill and comfy, wouldn't want to live anywhere else

A proper north american city. I like the green, the city doesn't sprawl into a horrible grayness.
Looks like a casino, desu.

No my city is pretty real.
Why do you have so many commieblocks?

Come Home White Man

Good thing there's a river there. It ties the place to reality, makes it more real.

A city needs water.

A city without coast or river is like a desperate fortress against the elements.


Oulu is a shitty little city, 65 degrees north.

pretty. id make you cum right in the middle of the square if you want me to



edmonton is an uninhabitable shit full of asians and dumb white people

in this photo you can see both my house and the house of my ethernal crush

cool skyline

Not when it floods your garden! kek

Pic is my village

I love japanese cities, this one looks cool

Generic north american city, I don't really like it.

Nice, very nice

I really don't know how to feel about this, it looks unreal

breddy gud.

São Paulo

It's shit



Jesus, all Shitalian cities are ugly as fuck. What a fucking piece of shit country, there is literally not a single decent place in that moorish pisshole?
If all the cities in there look like your generic Italian city then I kinda understand why your pseudo-nation leads the world ranking of suicides per country

0\10 you could post any central African village or Amerindian argentine town and I'd rank it higher than any Italian city.
This thread was RUINED BY YOU.

8/10 Bretty gud japanese city
4/10 Could be worse for Mexico
9/10 Comfy
3/10 ugly communist mess
7/10 comfy
6/10 not bad
8/10 nice modern-looking city
7/10 looks fun to visit
8/10 comfy
9/10 would drink wine and eat baguette in
8/10 looks way better than i'd expect brazil to

planned city reporting in :]

reminds me of canberra

why do all planned capital cities look the same


you can post cherrypicked panorama skyline shots all you want, but you surely don't live there

post something in your area/neighbourhood

pic related looks very shite, but looks much better now in the spring


regular street in my neighbourhood

It looks fine to me.

Watch it stray German shells!


Too dense for my taste

Literally looks like Finland desu

Seems comfy desu

Cool architecture

Comfy af