
Actually competent usable German synthwave edition.

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need a bf you guys

contemplating wankicide

get him janny

fucking get him janjan

*apprehensively steps into the thread*


Holy shit this is some advanced autism


where? no bent shit btw
I will but it would be funny to have a /brit/ yank


I'll help you pick out something to read. First, answer these questions:

1. Are you conservative or liberal

2. Fiction or non fiction

3. What's your religious sect and is it important

4. Do you "read for the story, which is fun" or do you "read to gather knowledge, which is fun"

5. Do you believe that some things in the past were better than they are now

have seen all of these posts before


The only book I actually feel like reading from their list is The Metamorphosis to be desu

>conservative or liberal
stopped reading here

I used to be a member of the Student Room's MHoC :3

*grabs phone*
*dials 999 except the 9 has been replaced with 'JAN'*

way too paranoid, blunt, easily bored and possessive to have a functioning relationship lads haha

all me

Have any of you lads listened to a radio show? Give me recs pls

David Foster Wallace's essays on tennis were his best work.

like what


Daily reminder to wash your face and cover it in Vaseline before you go to sleep for radiant healthy skin

Sur Spyro on rinse fm

putting the ol' 'cide on hold until the japan 2020 opening ceremony is over.

>1. conservative
>2. Fiction
>3. none and no
>4. "read for the story, which is fun"
>5. yes

Andy Goldstein's show on Talk Sport

alri tim

Literally me but narcissistic instead of paranoid


why do you post the candles?

watching the bears show

there's nothing wrong with pop culture, consumerism, materialism and the normie runt mentality.

they are distractions for the wandering masses, and it will help you distinguish them from their betters- those who are part of the elite, who entertain themselves with high culture.

Any film recommendations that are on now TV cinema selection

I only have it because I won a 3 month pass with maccies monopoly

one of those articles main argument was that to have top success at sport you pretty much have to be a brainlet with low cerebral capacity because otherwise you just get too nervous and fall apart

think theres a lot to be said for that desu reckon sport stars are pretty thick generally

No it's not a coincidence. Jews are just better people, therefore they're always at the forefront of social liberation.

1. conservative

2. fiction

3. atheist and no

4. neither

5. aye

ah yes our resident jew

>right wing parties are in power



V6. I'm talking outdoors on real rock btw. In gyms, I've climbed loads but that's meaningless.

Tom Ross Goalzone on BBC WM

fuck off


you guys should stop blaming the jews for everything and instead convert like I did.
get on the winning team foolish goyim.

doing it wrong

He thinks you must be stupid to handle pressure?

1. neither
2. fiction
3. none, no
4. read for the story, which is fun
5. no

Is Imperium any good? It's the film where Daniel Radcliffe goes undercover in a neo nazi gang

That's solid
I just started in January and I'm up to V3s
I haven't made it outside yet but my next goal is to start some kind of training regiment to improve my strength, especially in my fingers and core

whats styxhexenhammer666 like

kek they literally make their own manifestos for this thing

yep exactly, 'How Tracy Austin Broke My Heart' on consider the lobster

Henry James or O. Henry

Charles Dickens

>The negro is a child, and with children nothing can be done without the use of authority. We must, therefore, so arrange the circumstances of daily life that my natural authority can find expression. With regard to the negroes, then, I have coined the formula: "I am your brother, it is true, but your elder brother."

doing the 'ol do tonight lads

>Charles Dickens
Oh please no, I can't stand the Victorian era.

longing for the touch of a qt yank boy

theres an Irish sub and a group of right wing posters basically took it over and memed around. Their leader was called GrandWizardPatrickPearse and they had all these mad policies.
Was quite funny desu

Which eras do you like

victorian and colonial era in general are boring as FUCK

even the renaissance isn't that good

Lean more conservative
Born Catholic, still consider myself a catholic, practice Buddhism in the Christian context
I gues knowledge but a story can impart knowledge as well, often more than a dreary textbook

Yes, there are many high water marks in history which we rest far below

fuck off

Imagine actually living in the USA


subject displays insecurity and aggression, degenerating into a crude racism when mental are abilities challenged

prognosis: a fragile ego with smatterings of repressed homosexual tendencies

fascinating... fascinating, further analysis is necessary


my arse just went

>sitting in the cinema and that PENG BMW advert comes up

shivers down me spine. I am deanus maximus

Herman Hesse

What do you say in Yankland?

you fuck off

hurr muh boats
hur muh cannon
hurr muh oppressing natives

boring shite

>Henry James or O. Henry

what about henry miller?

>colonial era
some of it is but things like the great game are interesting tbqh

I want to order paki pizza but I don't want my dad to know I'm being a fat cunt

>being upset enough to keep replying

name a more interesting era than the colonial era

One of my favorite authors, and it was Siddhartha which got me interested in Buddhism

>practice Buddhism in the Christian context

The here and now

2. fiction
3. atheist, unimportant
4. read the story
5. no

prefer a strong female lead

Post skirts lads

modern day

Try reading the poetry of Shelley

1. Conservative
2. Fiction
3. Agnostic but spiritual, I hope for a higher being or some kind of higher force, deeper mysteries outside this realm interest me. But I have my doubts.
4. Both. I like books that make me think and leave me entertained.
5. Absolutely.

>modern day
yeah fuck off

Business idea: Go down to the local traveller site, find the hardest bloke and chin him before running over his children


the word you are looking for is "regimen"

it has an entirely different meaning from "regiment"

educate yourself and don't use words that you don't know the meaning of

What i should say is the "European" context instead
I don't see why I should drag along Eastern pomp and trappings when they have nothing to do with the ideas and themselves we're merely added after stripping away earlier "Indian" trappings for themselves

Makepeace Thackery, Bronte, or Virginia Wolfe

>Hurr muh stone circles
>Hurr muh swords
>Hurr muh nuclear stalemate

doin a purge

Not even gay but sometimes bumming a lad is better than a wank desu

you know I'm right
you're deffo just a fucking autist who wishes he was sucking napoleons dick with your toothless scurvy ridden mouth you fat fuck

>unable to refute the other two

just be yourself dude!