At least you live in Europe

At least you live in Europe

Memes aside, Argentina is quite good

At least you are white Mr.Argie

i don't

Only geographically.

i don't

Argentina is whiter than Europe anyway

please euroman love me

i have a date with a qt Argentinan today, any advice?

Don't sperg about mexico.

are you kidding me?

albanians aren't white?


I wish I could help you


>are you kidding me?
If you compare yourself with the rest of latin america you are good, just look at bolivia or peru

No. We're Mediterranean

at least you're not of friulan descent

>If you compare yourself with the rest of latin america you are good
so we're less shit than the others, that doesn't make us good

we're meds too, most of us are of italian and/or spaniars

You have a lot of Germanic influence tho

I'm comfy on same continent as you.

>You have a lot of Germanic influence tho
just because a bunch of germans came here after the war doesn't mean we had german influence desu, 'Argentina is germanic'' is just a meme


Just be yourself.

S-so you're not white?

>No. We're Mediterranean

Yet have no maritime vocabulary or traditions.

You are mountainous sheep-herders, barbarians


we are Greeks

Hmmmmm.... I see

I'm Spanish, you sperg

the average Argie looks like this

That's white by my standards

it depends on your concept of whiteness I guess, by Sup Forums standard meds aren't white by default, no matter how lightskinned they are

It's just banter I look exactly like you

But your flag is pretty


El chicano tiene nariz mongol y ojos rasgados no es galle posta ese.

They should drop the sun

Nah, it makes it unique.

thanks :3

our sun is smug af, I like it

My gf left Europe to come live with me here.
Europe is not that great and it has no future thanks to migrants.

argentina is fine

That guy wouldnt be considered white in Argentina

At least you can move to hot climate within your country. My entire country is a climate shithole.

Just use the Buenos Aires flag as your national flag. It is white and Germanic.

where's your hand from?

...unlike Buenos Aires


and how did you get a french gf?, or she is argentine?

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with Germanics? Germans are cucks and their diaspora in Argentina is the worst out of western Europe's, I'd trade all those white-niggers for more Italians and even Jews

>I'd trade all those white-niggers for more Italians and even Jews

I know plenty of people that have moved to Argentina from Europe/North America/Australia
When you think about it, USA is superficial and full of nogs, Australia is far away from anything and can feel isolating + tons of white trash, and Europe has too many muslims, half the countries are autistic sperglords who don't know how to speak in public and half the countries honestly don't do anything.

I asked her out
Of course she is not Argentine can't you fucking read?

Slavs are the worst European immigrants in general but Germans are the worst WESTERN European immigrants.

are you stupid? she could be argentine living there or diaspora, there is a decent amount of argies in France

>prefering italians and (unironically) jews to slavs or germans
into the trash you go

Didn't I say she was from Normandy?
> there is a decent amount of argies in France
Fake news
>Preffering upper middle class people to low middle class people
Yes, that's me alright, it doesnt matter if you preffer german argies since they race mix like crazy so there wont be any soon.
Also slavs are fucking garbage what are you smoking?

>slavs are fucking garbage
I dunno mate, I was in contact with slavic diaspora and they're bro tier, no different from the average argentine

meant for

>Also slavs are fucking garbage what are you smoking?

You all imagine Europe much better than it is actually

>no different from the average argentine
You mean a poor retarded mestizo brutes? you're not wrong , I'd wager they are poorer, more ignorant and religious than your average real (buenos aires) Argentinian, I mean they all live near villas or in villas and they are mostly crazy evangelists not to mention they race mixed with mestizos like crazy, virtually every pale turro you see has a polish/russian relative

>free college
>free healthcare
>very low cost of living
wew moving to Argentina now

>I mean they all live near villas or in villas and they are mostly crazy evangelists not to mention they race mixed with mestizos like crazy, virtually every pale turro you see has a polish/russian relative
my experience was completely different, they were all middle class, educated and good people in general, I live in a province btw, maybe that's the difference

also argie gfs

>very low cost of living
only with a burger salary desu, it's quite expensive for us

They are also mudslimes to boot.

>Very low cost of living
Yeah that's why Argies go shop to Miami, we just like to waste money since everything is SOOOOOO expensive in the USA dude!
(note : sarcasm)
Also healthcare is not free, you need to get private insurance if you want reasonable service in both time and quality, you risk getting mugged if you are a white dude in a shitty public hospital full of mestizos too.

So Argies don't consider themselves white after all?