What is the most irrelevant state in the US?

What is the most irrelevant state in the US?

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I dunno, maybe Nebraska


Mississippi is pretty third world

Missouri, unless we're talking bout worst states, then they're the most relevant.

Mississippi is incredibly important you idiot

is cali the most relevant? normies seem to love cali and ny

Is Wyoming somehow relevant?
I know that are some ICBM there

Everyone that isn't red in this map. I don't know where some meme cities are.


Yes. It has tech companies, hollywood, farms and the most people.

How so? What economic or cultural value do they provide the union besides TLC reality shows about the yokels who live there?

The current

Cali is the tech powerhouse, and NY is the finance powerhouse

wyoming or montana or idaho or any of those states that are fairly large but with very small population

Virginia, Georgia, Washington, Oregon, Alabama, South Carolina, mississippi, Tennessee, nevada, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Wisconsin. Are some of the most important cities in the US historically

Ever heard of the Mississippi River? Or the blockade during the civil war.

If Mississippi didn't exist theirs a strong chance the C.S.A would've won the war

South Dakota
North Dakota



hands down... no question, Arkansas.

search for Arkansas... only find one. Wtf Sup Forums ? did you forget all about this nothing state?

North dakota, most interesting thing there is the museum on the movie fargo

Blues music and britney spears

Besides "Oregon Trail" I don't think i've ever heard anyone mention a single thing significant about Oregon. Sometimes I don't think it's even real

Idaho or Oklahoma.

District of Columbia

Name one (1) interesting or relevant thing to come out of Colorado.

Rocky Mountains national park

Grand Canyon..


this fucking lynx

Thirded. Delaware is just completely unimportant.

North Carolina

south park