
I get exclusive access to the construction site of a new boulevard to take pictures for /balk/

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Balkanlar veya Balkan Yarımadası, Avrupa kıtasının güneydoğu kesiminde, İtalya Yarımadası'nın doğusu, Anadolu'nun batısı ve kuzeybatısında yer alan coğrafi ve kültürel bölgedir. Bölge için bazı yayınlarda Güneydoğu Avrupa terimi de kullanılır.

Bölge adını batıdan doğuya uzanan ve Bulgaristan’ı ikiye bölen dağ silsilesinden almıştır. Önceleri bu sıradağların adı olarak kullanılan Balkan, daha sonraları tüm bu bölge için kullanılmaya başlanmıştır.[1] “Balkan” sözcüğüne bütün dillerde ının bitişinden itibaren Balkanlar’ın paylaşımına dair sıkıntılar günümüze dek sürmüştür. Bölgede, 49 milyon civarında insan yaşar.

Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan önce, Antik ve Orta Çağ kaynaklarında, topografik durumu iyi bilinmeyen bölgedeki dağların bazı kısımlarına Haemus (Yunanca: Αἵμου veya Αἵμος) denirdi.[2]

is my wifi on


>w-we're not Bulgarians
>I-I promise we're not Bulgarians




Who /CcCcC**Osmanli**CcCcC/ here?

>New boulevards
>New buildings
>New bike paths
>New malls
>New plastic containers

Why do we have the greatest city administration?




Commie parking lot in Shitfia

Daz rite, pimp that bitch city to look better so that we can held the unification celebrations there

Commie block parking in Skopje


All of this is nice, but there are sewer lids every 15meters stinking up the entire city.

Shitfia block planing

I like those trees, really good job

Skopje block planing

There are really cute cherry trees on the "islands" on some of our boulevards. Have no pics tho

How do I obtain a Gdansk gf

Fyromians watch this and get redpilled.


you don't have cases either tho..

Iwould like to know that...
I wish there would be more tree alleys in Warsaw, like in Paris

like this?

xaxa wait what?
is it an art show?

Happy Autism Awareness Day, fyrombey!

>2 years later
>still using subtitles for the supposed same language

shiggy diggy

Its used for deaf people idiot


hes an old man so he mumbles a lot
easier with subs




>dmg control brigade


jas ke ti go utepam anusot od ebane so golemiot mi bugarski kur


ot han asparuh


zdravo balgarin priyateli


>big bulgarian dick need so much blood it clouds his mind and he needs subtitles for his own language
>it is for deaf people I swear


the subtitles are literally exactly the same as what he says

drinking zlaten dab tb h

So what language is he speaking, then?

han asparuh taka kakto sa go narisuvali k*munistite imam 4uvstvoto 4e kakto me gleda 6te po4ne da pee na mongolian throat singing

yes, for deaf fyromians

we can understand what he says

Tusk is coming tomorrow in Skopje.
What should I tell him

Early elections soon

Vote for VMRO or vote to be a cuck

Çoğu balkan bu yazıyı okuyabilir

>fyromian VMRO
makes no sense

Gee I don't know,clearly not Bulgarian. No one uses subtitles for their own language, even for a hillbilly dialect.

what is sign language

The other angle to this

It's literally a macedonian revolutionary organization

The only people who should be allowed to it are macedonians not TATARS

Tatars always steal our inventions

Damn, is that Geneva?

okay, and now show us an angle that isn't street-level pls manlet

The (ex)chief of intel (and Gruyo's cousin) was literally a Serbian mole.

>malkoto bence clock next to a double-decker british bus

can't make this shit up

>It's literally a macedonian revolutionary organization
macedonian bulgarian - yes
fyromian - no

How do you want an angle that isn't street view you fucking gyspy? Do you want me to elevate above the ground with a gypsy carpet like you do in Bulgaria?

balkanları nasıl böyle düzeltiyorsun

manlet rage manlet rage

Fucking manlets

well depending on where you look, the organization either called to all bulgarians, or to all ethnicities on the territory of Makedonia, but never for fyromians. those were invented later, by srbs.

I don't live in bulgaria lol

No reason to rage

i know

>lives in bulgaria

So what fuckface?

It originated in Macedonia by the inhabitants of Macedonia. It never originated in Shitfia or some other tatar shithole. This is why we have exclusive rights. You have no relation to us or our culture.

>It originated in Macedonia by the inhabitants of Macedonia.
Actually, half the key figures were born in Bulgaria.

>those were invented later, by srbs

lies. s*rbs never invented anything.

fyromians were invented by georgi dimitrov, and his mausoleum was rightfully destroyed

i'd revive him 100 times just so i can kill him in different ways, deh-soo


There were only two key figures, Goce Delcev and Todor Aleksandrov. Both were born here. Check fucking mate.

please keep in mind that most vmro members went to bulgaria after the wars and after serbian occupation

The Ottoman and ERE, obviously were really aesthetic empires tb h.

hai sigdir :))))))))))))

Albania isn't better user

>It originated in Macedonia by the inhabitants of Macedonia
Guess where they got the idea.


Sure thing, Fyrom.

Stfu shiptar subhuman

Go back to your pizzeria backroom



ye it was pretty big


This was never Tataria? He spent his life in Stip.

first chereshovo topche was fired at the april uprising

>The only people who should be allowed to it are macedonians not TATARS
The first leader of the organization was literally a Bulgarian named Hristo Tatarchev.

Шo ќe ce пpaиш и ти дeкa ти e cмeшнo дa пoкaжeш eџ, cвe дa ти eбaм?


I admit this is funny

This is getting old. Bannerlord when?

>title: Albanian Beauty
>The Albanian beauty is quarrelsome but he can be attractive whenever he wants
>He's a bath attendant in a hamam (Turkish bath)
>When he gets undressed in front of me my heart beats out of my chest
>I want to hug him behind a curtain, he bites me
>he caresses me with his young and soft hands, the flame that penetrates into my soul turns into a sweat
>he removes his belt, i see his white hips, soap bubbles
>he dries me out for nothing, bitter fruits of separation will not dry my tears

i think he's laughing at the fact that fyromian wikipedia is not a reliable source as it calls Alexander the Great and his family and country ethnically macedonian

This is the Albanian dream since 1400

To rim a Turks ass as a full time job

They try to live up to it till this day

>after the battle

Tell me more about the great voyvoda Toshe Proeski.

erotica is cringy

In the same book he also fucks Tatar (literally Tatar not Bulgarian), Jew, Armenian, Greek, Arab and Serb boys


>Teen arrested over gang rape of 15yo girl streamed live on Facebook
>The girl, Deahvion Austin, was sexually assaulted by several young men on March 19, while the crime was being viewed by 40 people on Facebook Live. Five to six men were reportedly involved in the assault.
>None of the viewers reported the incident to the police, who learned about it from the girl’s mother on March 20, showing them screenshots of the assault.
