1. you're country

1. you're country
2. does ananas belong to a pizza?

Used to work in a pizza place. Of all the topping, this really is the fucking worst. Even anchovies were better.

With you guys everything needs to be fruitier than a co-op.

I can order a pizza with ananas, banana, marshmallows and french fries(as a topping) from nearby hairyhand pizzaplace. Try to beat that.

1. Leafland
2. Absolutely. Hawaiian Pizza is common here. Ham and pineapple are a great combo.

That's disgusting tho

Whats wrong with that besides "our anscestors dont mixed ananas with sausages so thats the way to do"

It is only as disgusting as you let it be.

everyone seems to hate pineapple pizza but its a very common topping at the pizza place i work at



A fruity topping?

I will find you and kill you pekka

Used to work at Dominos here.

Unironically spit on pineapple (hawaii) pizzas when people ordered them.

1. Catalonia
2. Yes.

>Even anchovies
anchovies are the best



and yes



We call it Pizza Hawaii, it is very popular and common here.

I want to have an Sup Forums merge

arent you sick of making these threads?

Someone get this barbarian back to genghis khan's horde

Yes, I love it with pork.

French fries I could maybe under stand if I was drunk or high, marshmallows if it's a dessert pizza, I don't know what ananas are, bananas never.

Well, Leafcountry invented pineapple on pizza, so yes it belongs, but it isn't my preference.
How plebeian to hate anchovies and pineapple. What do you prefer, pepperoni?
Yeah that's really gross. Like, you can put whatever you want on your pizza, but never eat that monstrosity in the presence of others.

I'm not done with defiling your delicacies yet, Luigi :^)

No fucking way, disgusting piece of crap


I love it. Just as great as spaghetti with ketchup.

And wearing sandals with socks.



I love ananas but it doesn't belong on a pizza. It's amazing with pork in any form.

>doesnt put ananas on pizza

are you a literal manchild, retarded, or both?

>bbbut it kills you
was life a competition on who could live the longest?

>bbbut its addicting
are you mentally challenged or underage?

>bbbut its expensive
so? was life a competition about who could have the most irredeemable money?

if you say yes to any of these question you are literally fucking manchild weakling and need to put ananas on pizza.