My ancestors :)

my ancestors :)


My ancestors :)

My ancestors : )

My ancestors :)


i wuz viking :)


my ancestors :)

i thought they got pushed out of most of the uk

My ancestors :)


>To interrupt a moment of prayer would as well lead to death penalty. The Carolean soldier was told not to fear, since if God meant him to die, he would die no matter if he dodged the bullets or not. The Carolean offensive tactics needed firm discipline.
>Within the military, priests often participated in battles to raise morale amongst troops.
>Directly after the volley the Swedes charged the enemy ranks with pikes, bayonets and rapiers. Note that the pikes were used as an offensive weapon: in close combat they had the advantage over their foes' weapons thanks to their range, it often happened that complete ranks of enemies ran before physical contact, frightened by the long pikes and the fact that the morale of the battalion could calmly withstand their fire.
my ancestors:)

He's unironically proud of being a rapebaby, sad creature

The Irish are a West Germanic people amalgamated from groups who variously sailed to Britain across the North Sea in 443 AD and the Strait of Dover in 1066 AD, finally arriving in Ireland (or "Eire" as it was then called) in 1171 AD, eventually displacing the native Gaels. Why this is not the official version of Irish history is a mystery to me.

they'll still be white in 50 years time, where as Sweden will be ethnically muhamadeen hehe

My ancestors :) (ノヮ)ノ*:・゚

My coffee (:

>Gaels, along with Scot, come from the names of Egyptian royalty
>Island Celts were quite literally We Wuzing back before blacks made it cool
You learn something new everyday

>Gaels, along with Scot, come from the names of Egyptian royalty

cringe, did orange roof tell you that?

my ancestors :)

>tfw second generation Scandinavian immigrant

Muh Vikang heritage

My ancestors :)

It's never been called Eire because "Eire" means "burden". Éire is the name of the country, you potato nigger south-pole fuck. We should've glassed Czechoslovakia when we had the chance.

My ancestors

My Ancestors

Your ancestors, every human being is no more than a nigger adapted to a certain biome