Why are israelis on this board so self hating...

why are israelis on this board so self hating? every time i see them post they always talk about hating their own country etc etc. aren't they supposed to be a bunch of rabid, arab hating ultra-nationalists?

Eh, you serious? I've been seeing exclusively the opposite and I've been here for 4 years I think.

It's called being a realist

I've never seen a self-hating Israeli in all my time on this board.

Zionism was a multiculti idea.

ive experienced the opposite

>"Why are a nation of Jews so self-hating?"

Gee I wonder.

>Arab hating
That doesn't stop the country from being 20% Arab, more so if you consider the Brown Jews who moved from Arab countries and Africa.
>Dense as fuck
>Expensive, taxes outta the arse
So on and so on.
Mind you the as Russian said, I think it's just a few Israelis who visit Sup Forums, in the recent happiness poll Israel was like in the top 10.

They figured their country is not white because they are smart like that

The israeli who almost got extinct in the wwii, they fought back hard, sometimes a little misdirected but hard.

I live in sweden but whenever israel comes up i feel the israelis were gods people once.

The israelis need the protection of all the might of the western world, just saying what i feel.

Are you a protestant?

I sure am.

There is a reason as to their self loathing, their country has been fucked by feminism HARD, even more than the west.

Why american and not lutheran?

Just because you are a german i hope it does not mean you are a nazi (i hope) and just because i am a swede does not mean i am not a protestant.

I just want the jews to prosper, they suffered a lot in the wwii and i just cant stop crying when i see what the nazis did to the jews in the wwii.

Im just suprised to see such a statement here and furthermore due to the religious nature of it which is usually connected to american protestantism.

This, what kind of a prodi is that swede

Israelis on Sup Forums are 50/50 bipolar, no middle ground. Either they are self-hating jews who want to be nuked, or they are JIDF incarnates, Israel can do no wrong it's the most free and advanced country in the world and the most humane army and if you have even heard of Palestine you are an anti-semite who must be killed.

Proxies is my guess

That or just misinformation - they are Jews after all.

Wow it's almost as if different Jews have different values gained from personal experience and upbringing.

Half of them are russians or ukrainians so self hating is only natural for them