Do we really need two countries here?

Do we really need two countries here?

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No, we need 21

Basque freedom when?


Duh, Basque. Catalonia FTW!

no, andorra and france need to be deleted. iberian island when?

Someone tell me what the honest difference between Spain and Portugal is. Outside of the language difference, they seem completely identical to me.

Portugal are Arab-tier, Spaniards are whiter.

Balkanisation of North America when



we wuz menorcas?

t. I've never left my state or even my town

Language is an important difference, the language is one of the most important things of the cultures. The Italians, Germans and Greeks based the creation of their countries in the common language.

The same argument could be made for much of the countries of the world.

Spain drinks big boy coffee, Portugal drinks baby coffee.

Portuguese > Spanish

Spain is as artificial as a European federation while Portugal is entirely natural.

The Portuguese were the Maori of Europe. They smell like fish and its culture is based on navigation.

Spaniards were a warrior and artistic society where religion was very important. Something more like Tibet.

>t. I've never left my state or even my town

that meme is dead, froggie

I still like Portugal senpai.


I wanted to say Polynesians.

Name 13 european countries without google
ps I will know if you cheated so don't even try

well, one is a nation-state, the other isn't.

This. Spain is a nation, Portugal is just a region of the Spanish nation.

portugal is cooler than you dirty arabs

The Portuguese are reserved and melancholy. They don't live up to the Southern European stereotypes. They also speak English better and are less insular.

Spain doesn't have one singular culture, and Castillian was forced upon different regions. The cuisine is different, the people are different, honestly most things are different except in Galicia. The biggest difference would be that Portugal is happy being a single country, whereas Spain is not.

Basque country
We need 7

>Name 13 european countries without google
>ps I will know if you cheated so don't even try

>prove I'm wrong
>i don't care what you say i'm right

calm down you autist. anti-americanism isn't required to prove you're french

What? Why you insulted me? I'm a sensible person man.

because i'm an anglo and i can do what i want

>england international superpower by 2020

His point is true though, that most Americans don't travel overseas because of the cost and your lack of statutory holidays.

Leave basque country alone

lmao ok w/e you say homeboy

>i'm an anglo

That's a reason to clean your teeth, not to insult me.

>and lack of statutory holidays
It's not fun being a wagecuck here.

It's mainly because America is the dominant country on the planet. Americans have a choice to travel, many Europoors and others don't.

Also Europe is the size of America, so it's not a fair comparison.

It honestly shocked me when I saw this for the first time. We get three weeks, the UK I think gets nearly a month. Meanwhile American employers can give you nothing

22 percent of us actually get nothing. I get less than a week paid but then again I only work 3 days a week. Couldn't even fathom working full time and getting barley anything.

I understand that there's more to see in America than just about any other country, but we're further from Europe than you are, but per capita we travel to Europe and overseas in general far more than Americans.

It's an established part of our culture to go overseas on an OE (overseas experience) when people are around university age. God knows how many thousands of kiwis are in London at the moment. The same thing is true in Australia as well.

America doesn't seem to have that as part of their culture,

I'm not a fan of too much social welfare, but it seems criminal how Americans get shafted when it comes to employment.

Joke's on you. I'm on unemployment benefits, every day is a vacation.

haha I'm actually Polish

didn't know the Sp*nish were that dumb desu

>tfw job won't lay me off

That's because Australia is cucked by America/Western Europe

Meanwhile you get screwed by your employer and your own government. I know which option I'd rather pick.

haha I'm actually Estonian

didn't know the P*lish were that dumb desu

Much more Americans actually have passports and travel overseas today than even 20 years ago. America is just comparatively insular. It's like being in a bubble. 99 percent of the media we consume is American and for most of us you could travel hundreds of miles and still be in our country. For most of us, at least where I live the world may as well end at our borders.

Bravo Estonia!

The American underclass are arrogant sheep, but that's the price to pay for being on top.

If we were cucked by Russia or China, all Americans would be traveling learning other languages and consuming your culture/media.

This might surprise today, but the Spaniards were described as melancholic, reserved, lordly and well... cruel, during the renaissence and up until the 19th century were we began to be described as joyous, festive and lazy. I still don't know what triggered that, but there are many "Spains". There are massive differences not only North-South but also East-West and among the communities inside. Part of what is Spain is also pure fake, Francoist propaganda using gypsy dances and music to make the country look more sympathetic and inoffensive abroad, shadows casted to blind foreigners but that have ended reaching us, and even we started to believe that that is what we are. Most of "Spanish culture" is made up, there is no real Spanish culture other than the regional ones although most share certain traditions of course. However, if you look at more traditional and old Spanish culture you can see that lordly, haughty, melancholic, spiritual and more dark nature of old Spain, for example in the processions, kinda contrasting with that image of innofensive always happy fiesta guy we have abroad today. And things like the run of the bulls were no more of a funny festivity than a real macho bravado to cull the weak and expose the youth to danger early on, now a watered down pathetic thing to attract tourists. In many regions we even used to set the horns of the bulls on fire, now banned in most communities. But it's probably better this way in this year and age, nothing is static anywhere.

leon, north portugal, asturias and galicia share many cultural things

Surprised no one has mentioned Alaska not being a state of Canada, yet.


Gibraltar, Castile, Murcia-Albacete, Asturias and Leon (both can be together)

Gracias for your informative reply user. Unfortunately most of us only know of the image sold abroad, which as you say is more of an Andalusian culture. I realise there are huge differences between regions in Spain.

I love some of those darker Catholic traditions like in your picture.

Basque independence when?

>the yank actually believes this
you're getting the fuck blown out of you by a kiwi at the moment

mfw people don't know about castilan paganism and winter mascarades


the only original thing that they have is their language, even the blood is too mixed with other spaniards and you can see very similar the traditions in Cantabria and Castile

North of Spain is weird.

Witches, witches everywhere.

not only north

lol this is true
genetic tests can't even distinguish between basques and other iberians but they always pull out their
>>>>muh 'original western europeans'

this is a bait thread

They remind me of the bad guys in the 13th Warrior movie.

If there is a pure-blooded Basque he has to be in an isolated cave

maketo es la raza

tiny spanish bonfire

In Latin America we always thought of Spaniards as much darker and sinister than ourselves. So I guess we aren't the only ones who didn't suck up those lies.

Bitch please, we bathe in fire.

And the Beret, which is a basque invention.

Most of your northern traditions originate from the Basques.


what's the dark place in spain called?

You kiwis kind of don't have a choice either.

Since you are commonwealth you might as well visit europe, and since New Zealanders need foreign investment bad, overseas experience actually makes sense for those connections and learning about other countries.

America is enough of a self sustaining nation and since we aren't into colonizing countries much anymore barring the occasional oil pillage, there really is not much of a need for us to leave the states or even a want really.

>the 19th century were we began to be described as joyous, festive and lazy. I still don't know what triggered that
most probably the south Americans image spilling on Spanish people

Do we really need two countries here?

more like english authors, spaniards were since the roman times considered extremely austere people for example, it's funny to read about our stereotypes during the peak of the spanish empire and how the changed after the peninsular war


Portuguse coffe is better than Spanish one bruh.

pretty dark actually


What do you want to know? Spain like any Western European country is full of history and weird stuff, every town has a millenay/hundred of years old traditions than no one knows for sure from where it comes, culture is very alive too, lots of stuff from Diables to Procesions.

Than is coming pretty awesome senpai.


Raulo did a pretty good porn comic that's based on Spanish paganism desu. It's called Aguas Calientes.

I don't know what started it, but your language is a huge part of your image as dumb and lazy, because it sounds a bit weird for being way too open and loud and even camp at times.

That and all the cocaine and party-cities.

Not that I think it represents all of Spain, but if that's the only image that goes outside, then that's what you're judged for.

Mexicans don't help either, unfortunately.

The origin of the beret is confusing, it's probably basque but some people thinks that the first ones are from scotland... in castile the traditional hat is also a beret.
About tradition, i would say that the most influential traditions in the north are the asturian-galician and the basque, in my opinion the traditions of asturias and galicia have more celtic influence. Castile was born between them, in Cantabria, so it share many cultural things with both of them like folklore and traditions. I consider castile like a monster of frankenstein in their culture and language, they took many things of their neighbours and conquered territories, for example one of the traditional dances of north castile is "la jota" and its very typical in the region Aragon.

Bathory has plenty of Pagan Spain too. I think he was an artist for one of the best researched RPG in Spain, Aquelarre.

Man sometimes I feel like I'm the only faggot on this whole site who remembers Raulo.

>tfw We dont have paganic shits in Andalusia
Feels bad

Sup Forums is cancer, all the threads I started about Euro-comics died very slowly. I'm not a great fan of Raulo art (too exagerated for my tastes, I prefer Serpieri or Yves Mitton) but he does a good job with the story.

ya me podre a buscar algun dia, seguro que teneis

>Sup Forums is cancer, all the threads I started about Euro-comics died very slowly.
Yeah I tried a couple time and got insulted for it. Capeshit manchildren own that board.

There has to be, no one can extrip our retarded traditions.
It's fucking nauseating, Americans have good comics (Hellboy it's one of the coolest comics ever) but it's only cartoons or capeshit, and american cartoons are pretty meh. Heck, I had better reception with comic dumps in /tg/.

You wouldn't happen to know where to find a PDF of the french version of Aquelarre by any chance?

Sorry user, I got myself a Spanish copy (I think I have all the best material collected already) but not in other languages. I can search it in Spanish if you want tough, the art is exellent.

Thanks, I found the Spanish version on #bookz already. No trace of the French one though.


REEEEEEEEEEEE zintzoa izateko motel

Yup Sup Forums should just be "cartoons and capeshit". Decent comics will never get the time of day.

Hypothetical relationships in Netflix series based on capeshit spinoffs get more attention than good comics

>It's another "I think I'm an expert in X country but I don't know shit about it"