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best girl only please edition

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bit rude today aren't we

fuck anime


very nice

saw an actual girl(male) at the shops today lads

how do you know that it was a girl(male)?

there's one at my university. scary experience indeed

you mean a tomgirl

fired up the old morrowind 2bh N'wahs

bit outdated for this day and age isnt it

fuck you and fuck your anime

2D women are NOT important.

normies back to redit please thank you

Sup Forums and /ck/ merged to /cock/
/c/ and /an/ are now /can/
/fa/ and /p/ are combined to /fap/
/m/ and /o/ are /mo/

le ebin april 1st ;1)

>Extremely underdeveloped breasts for its age (late teens)
>Voice too deep for a girl, but still pretty feminine 2bh
>Something off about their bone structure (neck, skull, back, limbs) that seemed kind of masculine while still being passable as a girl's
>Looked like they weren't comfortable in their own skin
Pretty sure it must have been on hormones for a while. It had nice child-bearing hips and a pretty fat ass.

Yes very off-putting indeed, although tbf I would still fuck them.

No, it was definitely a girl(male)


>although tbf I would still fuck them
niga plis

very strange experience

bit like ur mum but i still enjoy playin around with her lmoa

Nah m8, it was actually pretty qt. First one I've seen that actually caught me out and forced me to question their gender.

pol and mlp aswell

oh lord this is glorious

>best girl only please edition
haha yeah nah

this will be my last post ITT and the next one becaise fuck this lithshituanian weeb

Wow, lithunian has caused a good thing to happen, bravo lithn


gonna go for a cheeky walk with my dog

Make sure you take a plastic bag to put the dog shit in. Haha.

Yes hello.

if you say so

Fuck off with this anime bullshit.


Don't think so lad. Haha


Are animu conventions as artistic as I imagine them to be

Watching kara no kyoukai movies weird that they weird that they throw you in the middle of the story, so its really hard to understand whats going on, the animation is god tier aswell as the OST, the story is meh aswell as the character development, so you don't really care about them.

so much fucking anime


Personality doesn't matter, only looks

hurrdurr anims

Türa küll raisk

Disgusting pedophile

Shiki is still cool, though.

Oled sa pahane, semu?



There's like 50 Shikis in the Fate/Tsukihime/KnK setting. What a shit clusterfuck the whole thing is.


literally only a virgin would say this

best boat

When did the weeaboos take this place over

t. virgin

Since Sup Forums got founded

too much anime

sup virgin

I'm gonna counter attack with wolf posting

There was once this guy called moot. He made a ripoff of a japanese site to talk about anime with his friends.
Very secret ancient history.


furries and weebs virginwalk out of here

me and my budies

Thanks for the free you shitcunt


since when animal posting became fury stuff?
they are just regular animals with no modifications

Who virgin here




I don't judge, if you want to fuck a wolf its okay, just keep it in your bedroom.

i remember syrup sandwiches and grandma allowances

ahh I'm not even gonna fall for that bait



I see that my wolf posting worked now they don't post as much anime stuff
like they say fight fire with fire

I don't post "anime" I post anibe.

this is suprisingly accurate, i'm saying this as a virgin
did you do some self observation?

it sure did mate


not his image I have seen it on the other boards as well

ya alright


aryan wolf

oh okay


Japanese wolf.

hey goys wanna merge with us for today

t. pooland


very cute

Brilliant post



not good I'm only one against whole army of weebs

What Is The Answer

I Hope Its Positive


but I will not stop



Isn't this from Sakura series?



>bf is unemployed, rude and infertile
>planning to earn enough monies to buy a car and dump that fagget afterwards
>then I'll find myself handsome and intelligent bf
truly jewish master plan