Be me (american)

>be me (american)
>love france unconditionally
>never even get noticed by them

If they still don't love you I don't think they ever will.

you should convert to islam then

i hate france now desu

France doesn't want to be you friend, take a hint.

france is tsundere: the country

don the burqa and bend over

No more tears now.

B-Baka !


A French person was the poster who gave me the best advice of my life on Sup Forums ever.
Thanks, France.

>hate Italy with a burning passion
>they don't care about us

what was it ?

"stop eating so much"

Spain helped with the independence too and Americans don't even tank it.

Haha fucking Spain is a complete turd. They don't even have Gibraltar. :)

France actually hates you mostly because ur gay

>Be Germany
>the majority of Germans admire the UK, have travlled to it, have learned its language, enjoy its cultural products
>they project their own historical aversion on you and end up thinking you hate them


We thank you and the dutchies as well it's just not as much honestly

I wish I would get noticed by Montenegro but they hate us


Nah, not really.

You're just ungrateful and fat and everyone else thinks you're dumb lol. Also American Christians are worse than blacks. I dislike America a lot.

This is really what people think?

That's alright, I don't mind Spain
I would like to train with your Marines