"""Brits speak English"""

>be me
>glorious american living in pinnacle of humanity
>having a drink with a friend at the bar
>see obvious british person
>approaches bar in the opening next to me to complain that the low quality cheap beer he ordered was not only disappointing but served cold
>overhears us talking about the soon to start baseball season
>friends mentions a particular roster situation involving a player with the nickname 'panda'
>after a few American piss water light beers the brit drunkenly intrudes, "oi a bloody pander didya say?"
>"pander what, what are you talking about?"
>"you just said pander you wanka"

British English is no longer English. Add r's when they do not exist, do not pronounce r's when they do. Generally butcher everything and try to pronounce your sentence as if it was concocted by a blender

Bong English is even worse than aussie English and Australians actively try to be crude

Other urls found in this thread:


why would you make this atrocious blog post

Really made me think

>Go to Scotland for the first time
>Like it, and like the Scottish people.
>Be in a pub in Edinburgh
>A fat guy dressed in a kilt with his wife on next table
>He's American, but uses words like "wee" and "kanny" in his speech
>Tells the Eastern European waitress where his family come from in Scotland and which clan he is a part of.
>They hear I'm English when I order my food.
>Starts telling me how I should go back to England and don't belong here.
>Wife leans across and says "Aren't you ashamed of what your people did to my people?"

>American English
Clear as fuark, easy to understand and converse with
>British English

American accents sound too nasal, whiny, and the simplified grammar and vocab make them sound stupid.

Good post

Bad posts

>we're all from the Bronx and CA's Central Valley

>pinnacle of humanity
>not switzerland
lmao okay

Switzerland isn't even real

More like Japan

The 51st state? Technically part of the US. They have gone nowhere but suckling on our teet since we defeated UK, Poland, Germany, and Russia in ww2

this and unironically

>be an american
>can never automatically get along with his fellow anglos no matter where they might bump into each other in the world by having shared slang and commonalities in their culture and spoken/written english
>will always be on the outside
>will always sound kinda faggy and whiny

We don't have to all bow before the queen , have her flag on ours, and get her name tattooed above our ass when we turn 12 years old unlike some cucktries

Shit that never happened the post. I'd expect an American being a weaboo in Japan, but this is a straight lie.

Some brits speak some completely different language and it's totally random too.
I've met old brits with completely normal English and young brits with normal English.
Yet some individuals will slur every other word and spit the words out like they have marbles in their mouth.

If this thread has proved anything, it's how much we're missing out by not being part of your faggy island cunts club. Y'all sure seem like an absolute treat to be around.
As I always say when folks like to bitch about us; just stop doing business with us. Don't buy our products, don't consume our media, and don't use any services our technology provided by an American.

Lmao the post oh what shall we ever do? Your post made me cringe so hard.

Don't take the bait bro, you know that besides that on the internet the average American doesn't give fuck about any other country.

In all fairness, we have plenty of unintelligible speakers here too. It's just far more expensive for us to travel there than it is for Brits. You probably get lower-grade British tourists than their American counterparts.

>americans need subtitles for this

Could you imagine living in an otherwise characteristically alpha male country like Australia and being one of their beta weeabo posters that hides in the shadows and tries their best to banter on 4chin


which British because there is quite a few of them?

I'm a polfag who grew up in in Northern Ireland, and this is default English for me. American (spoken by people I met, not in movies) is very harsh and difficult to understand at times. BBC english is OK.
I completely do not understand English and Scottish English.

Yes hello where are the gold

I speak from experience on the island, I've never met a brit at the seaside because I don't go to their containment zones.

>brits dont need subtitles to understand this


I've never encountered Swiss players in Warband multiplayer

Where were you my whole life?

I only play singleplayer so I can live out my Swiss folklore fantasies desu

Trips for truth. There is nothing less attractive than the disgusting sound of words that roll off a british tongue.

Their mouths are as disgusting as their speech

I remember those 3 men. They were the representatives of Uri, Unterwalden, and Schwyz. United in their hatred of G*rmans, decided to become independent from them henceforth.

Or something like that happened which made the Old Swiss Confederacy. Can't remember exactly the details but everyone there seemed to have a hatred for G*rman nobles.

Yo d00d lets walk on the sidewalk to go buy some pants in the shartmart and keep them in the fridge

10/10 post, honorary Canadian

>Be American
>Drink beer that has an alcohol percentage lower than 5

Shat up yah bloody wanka



A post regarding the United states ranking #2 behind Belgium regarding overall beer quality
>Traditionalists may deny it up and down, but there is no questioning it: the United States is a world leader in beer today. Breweries here are opening at a rate of 1.5 per day, American brews positively dominate global ranking lists, and, although the overall amount of beer consumption has dipped slightly, there has been a marked increase in the consumption of craft beers in the US of A.

>The American brewing style is so popular in other countries that craft brewers are expanding to Europe, including Stone’s plans for a Berlin brewery and Brooklyn Brewery’s sister operation in Sweden. Breweries like Hill Farmstead, Russian River, and 3 Floyds have entered the rarified upper atmosphere of globally adored breweries, where almost forgotten styles have been revitalized and innovated upon with a ton of success. However you slice it, the unprecedented explosion of beer culture in the USA is showing no signs of slowing down.

It seems the American invasion of europe is already underway, your welcome cucks

We should start an international petition to rename it bonglish

This happens all the time in Scotland (and Ireland). Seen it myself. Americans are fucking terrible.

>things that never happened


why are yanks such thin skinned whiny cunts
terrible thread



British english is glorious stop it you uncultured swine REEEEE