/v4/ + /friends/

good morning

Other urls found in this thread:


i am friend

I want to die

balts are russians

good morning lads

what the fuck to do in hungary?


>boards split again


i am awake


april fools
chinkmoot merged mlp and pol and some other boards, but i dont use any of them so who cares

hug qts

mongol menace

Visit the Great Wall of Hungary

Eat Langos

Get into a fight with nationalists by saying you 100% support the monarchy and all decisions made by his imperial majesty

Ask where you can visit the soviet momorials, because you want to pay your respects to the heroes of the peoples revolution


can i immigrate v4 country
me bottom right

whats up

does v4 have a unified flag?

Just getting out of bed after hour of lying, gonna play eu4 probs

>after hour of lying
did the same, bit hungover so i didnt wanna get up desu
gonna play path of exile soon

>Path of Exile
I tried it a few years ago for about a few days and couldn't get into it. Is it any good or is it a Diablo tier grindfest?

it's a diablo tier grindfest
that's the appeal of this genre

I need money

this its like diablo 1-2 and the game is truly free without any p2w bullshit and the devs are really good
huge update coming in june so that might be a good time to try it again

Make money

>tfw no time to browse 4chins

me n gf rate

average slav potato face

why so much bragging

stil beter than hairyturkishwomen.tumblr.com

Check out my documentary on the Slavs!


Nno, Turkic women aint that hairy...

t*Rks are unibrow goatfuckers


why so much selfhate



>i had a one night stand with a polish guy i met at a club and i told all my girls that he was dutch because i didn't want them to think that i was so slutty that i fuck poor eastern europeans

some normie girl posted this on normie social media where they can confess things anonymously. how does this make you feel?

glad, wouldn't want some white girl getting her reputation ruined over one of us

Consider paid work.

what did you break/lose this time user?

stop drinking and losing shit

So Slavs and Slavs in denial, when are you leaving the EU?

these are edgy slavs in denial
these people keep spamming anti immigration shit 24/7
meanwhile they are just jelly of muslims who can immigrate to germany while their slav asses are not allowed in LOL

we are not, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, the only way we leave EU is that it breaks up

Once they stop giving us gibs.


I regret I was born

being slav fucking sucks
>no positives of being white
>all negatives of being white

Polak got to put it in and no need to worry about bitch calling back

Fám we are from visegrad cba what foreign cunts think of us we got best women in the world

find a flaw
[spoiler]you can't[/spoiler]

Axaxaxxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa maybe poland and hungary does but not slowvakia

>Fám we are from visegrad cba what foreign cunts think of us we got best women in the world
>implying karyny even compare

slovak girls are nice

>posts uk*ainian j*w

The ads are getting more and more silly
>inb4 why don't you use adblock
because ads on main page are mildly amusing and it helps the site

fucking kill me

what are you talking about?
weather is fucking great

I wanna visit V4 countries...How long should I stay at these cunts?
Hungary:Communist Park
Slovekia: ...................................................

Dont come here gook


you only visit Slovakia for budget Alps, they don't have anything culturally or historical relevant to see (no offence)

B-but muh halušky a bryndza

they do have some castles tho, too bad most of them are in ruins

Uneducated ape

dont visit were shit

Why do you hate castles user?

have ever read anything by Evžen Boček

castles are shit

cheap whores

fuck where is everyone

Its Sunday evening and butifel weather yo

insulting Poland on the internet, why asking

im bored
recommend some modern AAA thats not map painting or moba

watching hockey
feels so fucking good
way better than christmas t b h


hradecfags on suicide watch

Damn son.
Good thing I don't give a feel about sports though.


EU4 Ethiopia game became a success after a lucky period of somehow making relationship with Commonwealth friendly instead of neutral, getting alliance as well as allying Venice

I went down to Mutapa and Kilwa to get 4 gold provinces which allowed me to build 80,000 troops without going into minus while on full maintenance. I continued colonization to Australia and now started a war against the Ottomans.

France is ally of Ottomans and Venice, and Venice was at war with Savoy before my war with Ottomans, so they couldn't join me. France was about to join against me but they had 1 negative point in the declaration screen, because one of their provinces was sieged, and so they didn't join when I declared on Ottomans. After a couple of months Venice finished their war and joined me and Commonwealth.

I quickly eliminated Tunis by carpet sieging them, Commonwealth and Venice took Balkans and are now quickly taking Anatolia while Ottomans are sieging my Egyptian region. I tactically retreated my armies so that Ottomans can engage in skirmishes with Commonwealth and be distracted. We already have a bigger combined army even when my technology is backwards, I still have high morale because I finished Defensive military ideas plus took a +10% morale policy, there is no competition at least in Africa.

I vassalized what remained of Mamluks instead of annexing them and fabricating a ton of Ottomans, because Mamluks still have every core that they had in Ottoman provinces. Will be a lot easier this way. Game looks good now and I might even finish it. After Ottomans should be Air, Mali, maybe Indonesia or India.

Thanks for reading my blog, please upvote, share, subscribe and rate..


>5 corruption
>78k stack eating attrition

whats in australia? I dont think they have anything valuable

>mountfield hk

Yeah, I was really conserving money to embrace the time periods to get rid of technology penalties and also saving up to build a manufactory which made a time period appear in my country first. I will be getting rid of it when I can lower my military maintenance after I end the war. 78k stack was two stacks just a month ago, I just had to combine them until they run down to eastern Africa so that Ottomans dont pick them both apart. They will just wait separately for a bit until Commonwealth comes.

Dunno, just want to be first there before the major colonials and have my first and probably only colonial subject. I read somewhere that there might also be gold there.


How long does it take you to finish a game? I always lose interest after a few random events fuck me over

good night, people


but im not sponsored by mountfield, what is this bullshit?!

>good night

>doesn't know about the wageslave's curse

>tfw no slovak gf to hug me at sunday nights

just go to any village/city in south, there are so many hungaro slovaks its unreal sometimes

>slovak gf with that poster

Those are not Slovaks tho, its just Felvidek Magyars

Girl- I am slovak
Guy that replies to her- you are hungarian from highlands

their accent is just too cute



Usually it is around 1600s that I get more easily frustrated, if something big fucks me up or I realize that to fix it, I have to reload 50 years earlier because I did some major mistake, I often just quit it.

good night Iad, monday is coming to me as well

man I wish I was british so qts would drool over my accent

you are beta cuck to the max senpai