
don't love me for fun girl

let me be the one girl

love me for a reason

let the reason be love


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>nationalist awareness rises in the empire
>2 ethnic groups begrudgingly team up against all the others
>it collapses


here's the post I was saving for the new thread:

got a small willy

You on the left

taxation is _____

Bit lonely

Oh no don't do that

girls unironically don't care

why am i wearing heels

GOOD post

gay lads do tho

Liz is a top lass

same x

*treads on you*

makes me really uncomfortable when giant people dress in normal clothing, if I was a big guy I would dress like a Yank biker gang member and intimidate people at the pub.

>Liz is a top lass

Manlet status

fuck off

It's April


since im a fat yank and all does that mean i can put on muscle just as easy if i lift?


we /nonexistent/ now


I hate pictures like this
alone that guy would look just fine and above average

Excellent post


Prince Phil really was master race

just let the gimmick die lad, it's had it's day

Nicht im Rheinland

1v1 me pussyoles

highly scientific anecdotes about black people living long

so... leaving the EU... is gonna be ... revealed as a april fools prank today!? PLEASe!?

Need a job

Need a gf

Need a good grade in this degree

PLEASE be have a feminine penis at the very least


you're fat lol


Your point being what?

starting to think neonazis are just closet fags since all they do is post buff blonde dudes with chiseled jaws

>2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 14th, oldest americans ever: ALL BLACK WOMEN

Almost every US centenarian comes from the deep south also, even the white ones, which may surprise you.

hate these hours desu

this fat yank piece of shit costs £90k

watching the new comedy on bbc

>April Fool's Day
>*reveals new territorial expansion plans*
>haha is only joke


Got stood up on a date earlier. Went to a cafe to meet a girl after talking for a few weeks on PoF. She seemed really nice and genuine. I turned up 10 minutes early and sat around nervously, then it got later and later and she wasn't responding to any of my messages.

Why would someone do that? Feels really upset 2bh.

Fuck Tech Nottingham

no it's not feminine AT ALL x

What's your point?

don't tread on me (except the 'ol ballbag)

REALLY want ex-yank police Crown Vic

all yank cars since the 50s are disgusting

whats pof

>there are people alive right now who were born in the 19th century

had an absolute corker of a new edition lined up but this is what we get stuck with

Didn't know Spurs signed a new right winger

only 'ggers drive those
t. have been to America

*pulls back your foreskin and inhales the rich heady aroma of your bellend*

Probably not real in the first place.

Basically why I never use tinder or online stuff. I know that I'm too ugly and weird to get genuine responses.

I get no feedback from real life girls ever mind you, so I guess there's not many options.


>Did you know that milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists?

the united STATE of america

what do you think


gay dating site

I'm so below the guy on the left spiritually and physically it hurts to look at this picture and think "wow the guy on the left looks pathetic"

not short though

think this is very mental
they were already an adult by the time wwi came around, hard to imagine it

yank cars literally look like new york

>Loving girls
lol fag

She's planning to annex the Sudetenland whilst you're distracted lad


remember 9/11? boy that was a wacky time

evening lads x

>girl asking to go out tomorrow
>I don't wanna miss premier league and the start of the anime season

what do lads

>3mln eu citizens in the uk in shit
>1.2mln uk citizens in the eu in shit
>unknown fate of the uk-irish border
>Spanish threat over Gibraltar

we're in shit. only dailymail readers would not agree

don't think we can be

the last World War I veterans (who only died in the last few years) would have been pensioners by the 1950s

might post-ironically rejoin facebook and be a real insufferable twat to all the people i went to school with and who probably think i'm dead


so do me a favour
your behaviour
is the reason that there is no saviour

i've always ignored timbyrneposting because I dont understand it

but now I've decided I want the whole enchilada

this guy is a schizo, right?

Plenty of fish

We did things that couldn't have been faked though, things that were personal and relative to the time which couldn't be fake


fake news

The best yank car

>Spanish threats


>3mln eu citizens in the uk in shit
Don't care

no, why would that mean you could put muscle on easily? if anything it'll be more difficult because your endocrine system is fucked up by all the fat
lose weight and start lifting and doing cardio

Well, at least you have the incentive to dedicate your shitty life to philosophy or art or some shit.

we're still in the same time
the time of islam and terrorism and 21st century shit
it's one of those world events, like an epoch or era like the enlightenment or renaissance

>(who only died in the last few years)
citation needed


I voted remain but come on
We're two days into a two year negotiation process

dead meme. go away.

's coz your weak

yer all faking weak

ill use yer hide to wipe the bar with

ya facking soft sea monkey

take alla yer on, shiftless alcoholic proles that ye are

and yer beer's shite

ale's pish, mate

disna has that bitter tang

fuck beer withoot no tang


You think so, but probably not.

Never trust anyone you've not met in real life.

Loving royalty is never gay

>like a Yank biker gang member
Ya blo-ee wot mate

that's not a pontiac firebird



he thought delivery drivers had it out for him and the dentist that was based in his building worked for the delivery drivers