"Brits are ugl-"


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Pierce is irish?



Damn how do brits tan like Idris Elba in freaking England

They all look pretty handsome but the second guy on the left looks weird imo.

Those UV rays are stronger than you think, malgré the cloudy weather

If onto Elba and other blacks for that matter didn't have such ugly wide noses

Gandy looks old for his age

shitty british genes

oh yes the century old black brits

You best not be talking about Dave


>Brits have become the standard bearer of the white man
how strangely the 21st century has evolved

That's a better foto of him then.
In OPs picture his nose looks weird and his ears too.
He looks good on your foto.

>a nigger

Bale is welsh and idk who that is but it's a nigger

Only Superman is ok

Idris shouldn't count since he's Ghanaian British not Anglo British.

irish are technically brits because they're from the british isles
welsh is literally british in every sense you absolute spastic

at least he knows you exist

give him time

this guy has slept with more women in his life than Gandy

i'm not even welsh

just really gets my goat when yanks say stupid shite

your a idiot

Brown haired and blue/green eyes are the best standards for white men.
Blond and blue eyes is the deluxe version, but blonds can also look very ugly. It's a 50/50 chance of being handsome or slav-tier.
White with brown eyes and brown/dark blond hair is normie white.

What I don't get is why white people were so ugly back in the days.
See: Average Germanic and Anglo before 1950

>i was only pretending to be retarded

quality, not quantity


I'd go gay for that manwoman

Did he crossdress?

she looks like a dude but she's got big boobies

Cute lad (female)

Meanwhile, across the Channel.

> arr rook same

frangleterre confirmed as /handsomesphere/

who else is part of it?

>Bale is welsh



>that half arab French guys

Brazil for sure

blacks cant be british.

I thought 1/4 Brits were from Ireland.

my brit bf is half decent looking but his dick is like 10/10