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Ignore random pic.

Why do people like Scandinavian flag design but hate on the pan-Slavic one?

I get called Slovakia or Russia for example. Why doesn't Denmark or Finland get called Sweden?

Our flags are meant to look similair that's the point but they are not the same!

>Why doesn't Denmark or Finland get called Sweden?
but they do

In my country dumb people will often mistake Norway and Sweden

Because Nordic crosses are actually good looking, and since they're a pattern, not a palette, they allow for some creative design.
Unlike that p*nslavshit eyesore of blue put next to red with an occasional memestamp that is barely recognizable unless you zoom in.

Fucking Indonesia giving me shit.

(Not him.) You should just sit and discuss the matter with Slovakia and Serbia, to make your emblems larger and of equal size, so that one of you could put it on the left, the other on the right and the last one in the centre.

Heck, why nobody mistakes Czechs with anybody?

Are you blind? Slovakia's emblem is in the center and Serbia's flag has different order of colours than we do.

By all objective standards it's aesthetic as fuck, thank you very much.
And if I want to draw it, all I need is a more or less white surface, my own cut finger, and a single move of my hand. That's it.
Meanwhile you'd need something blue and you'd have to scribble your tiny meme peaks or it would look like a Russian flag.

Emblems on flags don't make any sense.
>Heck, why nobody mistakes Czechs with anybody?
The triangle is pretty distinct.

>Katsap flag
Kekus Maximus.

Because Panslavism has killed millions of people and is objectively a retarded ideology that serves mostly as a tool for Russian imperialism.

Nordic crosses are just a bunch of autists trying to form an exclusive autist club.

Lo fucking l.
Shouldn't be waving the Union Jack then.

>Are you blind?

I'm blind enough. What do you want after all, not to be mistaken, or flow the whole world with your butthurt?

Croatian design is well thought for example, and Serbia of course fucked everything.

Just admit you could do better for a flag and move on, lad.

>Pole lecturing others on butthurt


any pan-slavic flag > Union Jack

I'm just being objective

>Our flags are meant to look similair
That's because so called """"slavic"""" brethren cannot into creative shit.

I'm not even British and think their flag is objectively one of the best in Europe. Pan-Slavic flags are ahistorical and have nothing to do with the culture of the nations they represent. The best Slavic flags are the Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, and the Ukraine.

You stole it from the Dutch in the first place.

>Because Panslavism has killed millions of people and is objectively a retarded ideology that serves mostly as a tool for Russian imperialism.
v e r y good post
you know all the right words lad

What about our flag

Nordic flags are distinguishable

Slav flags are same shit everytime with maybe a weird symbol

I mean aesthetically, you can't say that British flag is better looking than lets say Slovenian flag

That's a matter of opinion, I think it does, but I think a defining factor when choosing a flag should be that it's recognizable. Panslavic flags don't do this, there's a bigger difference between this country's flag and Australia's then there is between Russia's and Slovakia's, and this flag is literally on their's. And that's a shame because Slovakia and Russia are very different cultures (which goes without saying, obviously).

>ayyy guys explain to me why do you think my flag is shit
>WOW how dare you actually criticize my flag
Luka pls
If panslavism is so great, why don't you rejoin your Yugoslavian brothers? :^)

delete this immediately or I will report you

Typical european lies. Russian flag was invented by Vladimir the Great himself in 988.

>waving usual freemason tricolor ribbon
>muh muh thousand-year reich

LOL @ Pan Slaves """"""History"""""

Because everyone only looks at colors, not tiny patterns that are barely visible on a phone.

White Finland's flag was supposed to be a lion on a red background but then Red gommie bastards decided to adopt the "yellow stuff on a red background" theme and no one wanted to be confused with them. Would have been better than a gay Scandi cross, though.

fyi that's the flag of Kraków and Saint Mary