
me irl edition

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Need to do bubbly bumbum burps


sunglasses are so fucking expensive




Good ones are

Yeah it's not like that for me, I'm literally incapable of being aroused by slender women.

Works well since my gf is that kind of chubby where it isn't that obvious when she's wearing clothes.

Got my wine


The ultimate goal

got my new ones for 2 quid


why does everyone suddenly care about shoes so much???

probably don't offer any protection whatsoever

wearing fakes are dangerous

good lad

Finished my Guinness

Do I have a Whisky?


negrofication of the culture

The only interesting thing about these emails leaks was that after years of Sup Forums screaming about satanic rituals and kiddy fiddling, it turns out politicians are just quite boring, cringey middle aged people.

>tfw too white for shoes

right pre drinking is done ready to smash the club

>white wine

You need to sort out the lighting in there

>Foreigners get to see the sun
>Put on special spectacles to get less sun in their eyes
I sure wouldn't take it for granted

People I hate:

dog owners
fat people
people with nose/lip piercings
slow walkers

mad how niggers are 12% of the american population but provide about 50% of the cultural output



>cultural output

You misspelled Jews

umm they have the sticker on them saying they give UV protection 2bh, doubt primark would get away with breaking the law on something like that since they're such a big store

plus my main reason for wearing them is to stop bugs going in my eyes when i go cycling

close albany

so they aren't fakes, just non-brand wayfarers really



too right

>tfw often fantasise about living in the wild but then I remember that canadian lad who tried it and ate poison berries and died

Things I am:


hakken is fucking physically demanding lads
thought i was gonna have a heart attack last night

fuck, bar Drinkers i passed

>16 yr
How is it?

Brit Thread Finale Tory Member Nova Scotia visits the park and fucking stabs Cornwall in the jugular freddos go flying everywhere as he picks up Cornwall’s twink body and throws it through a glass window But it’s not over yet he wrestles Essex to the ground and curb stomps him his head explodes like gallagher smashing a watermelon pops says “bad show” and then Cornwall wakes up Nova Scotia tory member someone Cornwall loves and admires now fucking terrifies him he lies awake at night hoping that Nova Scotia won't crawl through the window and snap his tiny little aristocrat neck smdh wtf Nova Scotia please fuck a hole right through my throat please tear out my jugular with your cock please Nova Scotia this is what I go to bed and happily dream about every single night only to wake up every morning and cry hysterically because it never actually happened I fucking dream about Nova Scotia punching me in the goddamn face until I’m unable to even see properly I want Nova Scotia to cave my fucking skull in with his big sexy fists mmmmrrryyeeeeeessssssss

A yes

The runt dance

They're talking about noncing you nonce

Why would a manlet slouch?

Literally what is in it for him

>Things I am:


sad but true

Very, VERY smoky. It's like liquid peat. Great stuff though.

Wasn't too expensive, it cost me £24 for a 20cl bottle.

>slow walkers

autistic virgin confirmed

He was a retard who lived in an arctic alaskan forest with no resources

going out with a german bird lads. really challenging my national stereotypes ngl

VERY good choice desu Lagavulin is one of my faves

Brit Thread Finale Tory Member Fat Cam visits the park and fucking stabs craven in the jugular freddos go flying everywhere as he picks up cravens-twink body and throws it through a glass window but it’s not over yet he wrestles brum to the ground and curbstomps him his head explodes like gallagher smashing a watermelon pops says “bad show” and then craven wakes up fat cam tory member someone craven loves and admires now fucking terrifies him he lies awake at night hoping that fat cam won’t crawl through the window and snap his tiny little aristocrat neck smdh wtf Fat Cam please fuck a hole right through my throat please tear out my jugular with your cock please Fat Cam this is what I go to bed and happily dream about every single night only to wake up every morning and cry hysterically because it never actually happened I fucking dream about Fat Cam punching me in the goddamn face until I’m unable to even see properly I want Fat Cam to cave my fucking skull in with his big sexy fists mmmm Aaaaaahhhhh ……. YeeeeSSSSSSS ……..

everybody around me was fucking cheering lad, i was the life of the party


anyone have that pic of a girl sucking fingers juxtaposed with a cat sucking fingers with some kinda "keep a girl who sucks your finger, she nasty" caption?

Nice one

I live in similar conditions and I turned out fine

No they're not you spastic.

You really think if there was pedo ring at the top of the Democratic party, they would discuss it using their work email?

Next weekend's tipple.


Yeah it's fucking great.

First time I had it was like a kick to the face. A mate I was with said "it smells like fag ash". There's something about the aftertaste though, it lingers on the tongue really nicely, and for a long time.

how do you think i feel?

my country was the apex of human civilization in the 1950s and look at it now it's a disgusting mess

>drinking alone

nothing more tragic.

Politicians literally don't have the time to run a pedo ring. It's a 24/7 job.

terrible all around
absolute state of your life

it's the ultimate cover lad. tell everyone you're a nonce and no one will suspect you're a nonce.

It's alright if you like the taste.


His utter mongitude is spectacular

> having friends
Even more tragic.


nothing more tragic.

>he's unable to enjoy the taste of alcohol along with a calm buzz
Queer. Don't you have a beer after work?

Never understood this.

Why would I want to keep a girl who is nasty?

Seems like a fuck and chuck situation if ever there was one.


ahh yes

But they aren't drinking alone when they're posting to strangers on an anime imageboard


fuck off phoneposter

Kurds IN, Poles OUT

I live in a minority majority area.

Anyone else here /minmaj/?

would love to see vang shut down a set at fabric one day

drink about twice a month, and never without friends/colleagues (not an alcoholic)

we're all friends here mate

This is my favourite so far

I've been living in London for 2 months and am STILL yet to see another white person.

My sister loves the film about him. I have kept my criticism to myself as not to make her furious

Maybe blindness? Deformity? Childhood illness?

Underage b&

>hate crime

yeah by blacks

What's it like?

wew that whisky is 202 years old?

>You will never live in the glory days of on-the-job drinking

I want to drink vodka at 9am on a Monday.

Bit of a normie one, but yeah, it's good.

I don't really play favourites too much. I'd rather try new ones regularly.

if you like that you'll love Ardbeg

>In April 1992, McCandless hitchhiked from Carthage, South Dakota, to Fairbanks, Alaska. As noted by Krakauer, McCandless was last seen alive at the head of the Stampede Trail on April 28, 1992, by a local electrician named Jim Gallien. Gallien had given McCandless a ride from Fairbanks to the start of the rugged track just outside the small town of Healy. Gallien later said he had been seriously concerned about the safety of McCandless (who introduced himself as "Alex"), after noticing McCandless' light pack, minimal equipment, meager rations, and obvious lack of experience. Gallien said he'd had deep doubts about "Alex"'s ability to survive the harsh and unforgiving Alaskan bush.

>Gallien repeatedly tried to persuade McCandless to defer the trip, at one point offering to detour to Anchorage, and buy him suitable equipment and supplies. However, McCandless ignored Gallien's persistent warnings and refused his offers of assistance (though McCandless did accept a pair of Wellington boots, two sandwiches, and a packet of corn chips from Gallien).

What a stupid fucking bastard

Sperm for brains

she loves the film about the brother who leaves his sister wondering if he's dead or alive?

i don't mix the right choons for a final set

Do you like American whisky? Every time I try Yank stuff it just tastes like fucking corn.

> retardbeg