Why are Krauts so obsessed with England?

Why are Krauts so obsessed with England?

Same reason everyone is obsessed with us.

Our superiority.

They are more anglo than they could ever hope to be.

Keep dreaming, friend. Maybe one day you won't have Sharia zones anymore.

France is better


Er strafe es!

Because the Queen is German

They're jealous

Our god emperor will bring them to heel

We're obsessed with Brexit because we're obsessed with the EU.

t.rotherham rape gang member

>Why are Krauts so obsessed with England?
They are not

We keep ruining their plans for world domination.

I am a Greek

ER strafe es!

We enjoy to humiliate England in Football Cups. But that's it.

It's on old meme (Gott strafe England).

And otherwise just a reddit fag spamming.

Hallo newfriend

are't enlish royals germanic people? like jap royals are koreans

Hallo Reddit

All western Euro Royals are Germanics.

why so salty pätrick

WW1 memes mainly


nazi shill

an actual social democrat actually

English royals are a side branch of an old German noble house. House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
Belgian royals as well.

Those street kids were jailed though.

We actually did use to be really close before WW1, things got complicated afterwards

>central and eastern Europe

True. We had used many German Hessians as mercenaries before.


And then there was Hanover being in personal Union for a while, and the Kaiser being Victoria's (favourite) grandson, and then the (then) cultural similarities

>German Hessians

>central and eastern

The current Queen is a clusterfuck of all sorts.

>Ethnicity: English, European Royal, small amounts of Anglo-Irish, Hungarian, French, and German, and even smaller amounts of Irish, Dutch, Scottish, Danish, Belgian, Swedish, and Bohemian

>being an illiterate twat and not differentiating between the two

what a nice doggo

they're not

They were so close to claiming all the important bits of Europe without a fight. Now, they're going to have to pay money for an army to invade us if they want to fufill their Kraut dreams.

>Onyl Muslim country in Europe alos happens to be in Eastern Europe
Why are you surprised in any way?

>90% of all Brit posters complain constantly about Germany.
Why are they so obsessed with us?

british propaganda

This film is underrated