/balt/ /ausnz/

spoopy animemes edition

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well good thing you won't be getting a gf anytime soon amirite

w-what goes on in saaremaa

thinking about buying might and magic heroes 6, but again it's one of those games with such shitty reviews on steam
idk sigh

Excellent taste

>well good thing you won't be getting a gf anytime soon
I already have a gf

Thanks =D

fucking normie ree

>getting a gf
I thought balt was better than this.

>another virgin weaboo
god you people are sad



>friend keeps bugging me about playing some gwent with him
i hate social interaction FUCK

Could you guys not attach a reaction image to every post you make? Otherwise we will end up in the same situation as last thread.
1 in 3 posts is a good ratio for reaction images.


stop posting weeb shit please

>I do *x* ironically
haha you're so special

I'm not afraid to die.

>I smoke
haha you're so cool

>i care what other people do

>i reply in caps
haha you really need the attention huh

100% cancer thread
full of chinese cartoon pictures and shitlovers
disgusting 2bh

Don't tell me what to do

nice the containment thread still works, keep up the good work janny

I will have to agree on this one.

what happens on Saaremaa

you just made it much better my friend :) /s

what is saaremaas secret

Awful taste, you should feel bad.

hahahaha what is happening :DD

you should lurk more bfore posting

>be a regular in another general
>occasionally pop to /baltausnz/ and complain about weebfags
>weebs keep posting anime to /baltausnz/
>all weebs contained in one thread out of spite
>rest of the generals free of animefags

reddit out

you probably visit mämmi and mämmi is one of the most notorious weeb generals on this board, you're spewing bullshit so kys

i'm not from reddit haha :) /s

you afraid to talk to his face??

>Sup Forumscucks get a dose of their own medicine
>chimp out for the rest of the day
hope the merge is permanent, tbqh
they deserve eachother

jaja thats funny youre funny

i'm not giving (you)s where they're not due, sorry.

.you No


explode yourselves

get the fuck off my stage

I will have to wait till you little kiddos gonna go to sleep.
and then you know what gonna happen....

>i deserve free (you)s

i don't care for replies
i care for acknowledgement

post more of these

these threads have gotten so good lately wow


You are lying.

finns suck dicks and I ain't even lying

>early access

I early accessed your mom if you know what I mean

who wants a (you) just tell me, but it gonna be a really rude one


because I like to insult people for no reason

yes hello grab your free gf over here!

Hate it when they give me Swedish flag

Good morning people

Good anime


>tfw me and my old friends had a made a little dam and a camp for 1 day
>also did childish stuff like stealing "tree juice" from old cunts



>faggotry and pedophilia: the general

melt face when

haistakaa vittu :D homot

So when did you come to accept that no real woman can ever live up to an anime girl both in terms of looks and personality?


They don't need real women
they even say it
"2d girls are bettah" and they dislike "3d" women


that's not a woman, that's a little girl.

There are people who are attracted to animated ponies
>/mlpol/ haha

your point

I think weebs and brones should really hang themselves

>nobody from aus or nz itt except me just now
>everybody is posting anime stuff

That's not a little girl, its a ship.

weebs are fucking degenerates

go to police
and say that you are a pedophile
and get jailed
do it for god's sake

What about Also nice double dubs

>posts pic of anime girl


they got you too mate


drugs keep me awake


that's not illegal though


>Turn yourself in for liking ships





Stop being a pedo
yeah if i download little children photos and masturbate to them is completely legal
see its fucking degenerate
just kys with your pedo codes for little girls

lol i spent money so i dont have to do the cap

nwm then

It's ironic I swear

Traps and futa are not homo btw

Good taste

I love you just the way you are.
No homo.

what is a cap

doing that is illegal
but just being a pedo is legal

I’m out my mind, see fear in your eyes
I'm sick, I despise myself again
The tears never come, my body is numb
I feel like a god amongst the men
Cut out my eyes, feed me with lies that I don't never have to see again
I feed the hate, I feed the truth, I give the pain to the youth
Fuck the devil for your wealth, pistol chilling on my shelf
I control my own death, I don't need no fucking help

dude that what weebs do
>download anime little "ship" girls
>masturbate to them