
Remember when our Naj kidnapped the Mongolian lover (probably Chinese agent) of his close adviser for trying to blackmail him using special forces troops, he then decided to take her to the woods and shoot her on the head personally, and he had the special forces troopers strap military grade explosives on her body and blow her up?


You mean this type of Asian?

that's kinda hot, sauce?

I fucking wish I had it

remember this? lol

Mongol golddigger had it coming t.bh


kill yourselves not even joking

What are THE most important Malay foods again?

Is Char kway teow worth it? And Ais kacang / Cendol?

>malay foods is chink
daily dose of lost in deep thought

Why do you deny your Chinese heritage?

Besides, Wikipedia says chink food is Malay.

As in, it originally came from Malaysia.

>What are THE most important Malay foods again?

Tempoyak, awesome food

or this

>what are THE most important Malay foods again?
Chinese cookies

>made of durian
That doesnt even exist here.

anything that related to durian is important for malayan

One thing for sure. They dont eat pagpag
Only tagalogs eat pagpag

For Bisayans the most important food is pagpag and shit

Why would you taste Malay's food when you got nasi goreng and satay on your rijstaffel menu?

A lot of Dutch people, not me, put left overs in a soup.

Because I already eat rijsttafel quite often.

Boxing is my favorite sports

I like the part where they punch each other

Do you like Indonesian cuisine though?

Everyone does. It's also quite diverse so there is always something people like.

Which one is your favorite?

I usually eat stuff like pisang goreng, satay, soto ajam, mie goreng, kerupuk. Perhaps gado gado.

As a snack I sometimes just get lemper or spekkoek.

Lemper is my favorite.

There is also nothing like it in the Dutch cuisine. All of it is foreign, but it's a bit coconut flavoured or something? I don't know. It's just good.

a-are you a real dutch ?

Damn that is precisely something that my mom would make.

You should visit us sometime, many other cuisine that you should try.

That is made from nasi lengket and abon sapi (beef floss), sort of Indonesian onigiri.

You can all just get it at the Chinese here. And in supermarkets.

There are even microwaved versions of it all in most supermarkets funnily enough. Which of course does not taste the same.

The only Japanese food we know is Sushi desu.

I wish I was a NEET, how do I politely resign?

>I resign, okay is it? Walao


Hurry up! You're late for work wageworshipper!

Does malays always end with a explosion?

Like the stars in the night sky, they end with a bang and also takbir.

Everything went wrong

Why? NEET life wasn't worth it? Got no money left so you have to sell your body just to watch anime?

Fucking boss

>tfw your cunt will never revolt
We're just too nice and loyal!
>your Hang Tuah STILL served his King eventho he was being cucked

>Malay will never Revolt
Goddamn, grow a dick Malay-kun.

ngelawak gan?

Revolt over what?
Property price in Kuala Lumpur?

>revolt like indonesia
>get new leader like gus dur

no thanks

>go to Indonesia
>ask for crumpets in a restaurant
>waitress gets upset and kicks me out

>go to Vietnam
>wish someone a "good day"
>he starts yelling at me and chases me down the street

ngelawak gan?

Gotta wait for Malaysian Hitler I guess.

I can't believe that Brunei lied to me.

>go to tagalog homelands
>get mugged raped stabbed scammed the moment you get out of airport

Fun rally yesterday.
How can yellowfags who barely has attendance on their anniversary rally even compete?

>the moment you get out of the airport
>not the plane

>>go to bisayan homelands
>>get mugged raped stabbed scammed, thrown shit at your face the moment you get out of airport

Iol commietards rally

I wonder were are the cucks who complains about rallies


Bondoc said he couldn’t give a crowd estimate.

“I know it’s very contentious but we have sincere demographic. Hindi bayad itong mga ito. Lahat yan ay volunteer,” Bondoc said.

The amount spent for the concert was P1 million. The Pagcor official said they were able to raise P2 million through crowd funding. But only half of it was spent.

“Our promise is let’s use the one million first. And then if we need future funding for future events, that will be spent for future events. Ako ang in charge sa pera na yan. I’ve given them my word and I give public my word that that money will not be misspent,” Bondoc said.

I wonder if they gave out chicken joys like the INC rallies

whats wrong with gus dur ?

Funded by groups with certain interests. It's unlikely that the funds from the gavagives.com campaign funded them since it looks like the campaign is flexible and has yet to reach one month to get a cashout.

D.A.V.A.O. movement/Jimmy Bondoc will get the funds. Based from the FAQ the money will be given to them once the campaign period ends or a certain date if it's flexible (monthly or quarterly). Either way, they'll get at least ~P2M with the current collected funds.

its rising

Opened the hell gate of liberalism into Indonesia

Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Oh shit. You're right.

>What's wrong
He did nothing but traveling around the world.
The only contribution from him was this

>>ask for crumpets in a restaurant
>>waitress gets upset and kicks me out

>cút đi is pronounced as good day
Lel no, it's is closer to "cut these" if anything.

But cut these is not even close to the actual pronunciation.

gib job pls

wrong spelling wrong..heh

I wish I was NEET.


Is the ASEAN region really East Asia's Mexico?

No, but Philippines is Asian Spics.

As in border hopping?
Only Pinoys do that.
If you are referring to manufacturing then yes, Myanmar makes Japanese underwear, Vietnam various stuff, Thailand textile and electrical appliance and Philippines grows bananas.
Due to increasing union powers and wages in China sweatshops are moving to Indochina.


>tfw just quit my job
feels good mang


>Be neet
>go out and get a haircut
>2 faggots sandwich me and slapped my ass

I-im scared guise. Tfw 5 more years till President Pacquiao kill these fags.

more like sillypenis mirite

How does one become a gigolo? Asking for a friend.

Go to Bangsar with cardboard and write sucky sucky 5 ringggit.

If pagcor is involved its certain that our taxes are too

Our taxes are funding these commie shits

Are you /fit/? Got big dick? Know kamasutra?
If so then you are eligible to be a fuckboy.



Laos is love
Laos is life
Laos is a miracle of the universe
Laos might've done many things wrong, but it's still a beautiful country inside and out
Laos is the best SEA country ever made
Laos just needed to smile again once communism is over

>Laos is the best SEA country ever made

>Laos is the best SEA country ever made

This poem is not meant to be taken seriously. We all know Laos is the brightest.
What flag?

why Laos?
why not vietnam?

I was making it for a country that is the most overlooked among ASEAN nations, that's why.

That Davao movement looks like a separatist one.

Also it seems like they profit from these commie rallies


I wanna fall in love

Me too

Thou need to love thyself before you can love others.


And also a functioning genital.

Fall in love with you ^///^

I am saving myself for someone special :3

can't do either. lols

Hi lads,

Post gamer "gurls" from your cunt.

Very cute :3

Not with a tagalogs
All of them eat pagpag


hast du ein Problem?

I just saw this on the news when I woke up. I can't believe they got triggered so much that they gave up time and money to go out for a politician and suck his coc.k in public. Even I wouldn't do that to any LP member. PAHAHAHHAHA

>that commie qt
How much PHP do you think it would take to drop her pantsu for a capitalist pig? Or do I just have to talk about Marxists theories and she'll drop it?