This country

this country
is better
than your country

Other urls found in this thread:

Not really
Cyprus is greece but better in everyway

I forgot what you were, but not Greek.

ναι ρε μαλάkα ό,τι πεις


>look at me I write in the language of the country I live in

better in being browner, moorer, poorer, more corrupted, more unemployed and more failed state

and considering that I'm spaniard, it's very impressive to surpass us in all those areas

spain is shit

just because chinese people speak english here doesn't mean they are australian
fucking turk

>look at me I have never been to Cyprus nor I know shit about ancient Mycenae colonies and I spit bullshit while working 60 hours a week to pay the for the welfare of Mehmet and his 573th kid

divorce isn't bad, it shows where women are stronger and independent

it does
australian is an empty word
like canadian
or new zealandian
what a retarded name

it just shows than spain is shit

>I live a wasteland literally on the other side of the world not knowing shit about Europe including that the Turkish side uses Turkish ISP's and appears on Sup Forums with the Roach flag.

No, it's the biggest WE WUZ country in the entire world. Lazy and immoral people who refuse to pay taxes.

They claim to work the most hours in europe, but they don't put in any effort at work, they just fuck around and waste time, no work ethic.

In what way?
Having some old ruins doesn't mean shit.

OECD > Sup Forums opinion

*at making denbts

But they are very nice.
This one is sadly in turkey.

white shits are to blame

ikibey you're back? thought you blew yourself up, come to balk, it ain't a party without you

Sure but nice looking things don't make country good.

*greek shits are to blame

>Sure but nice looking things don't make country good.
tourism is strong in Greece
it will always be strong
and there is also female sex tourism because white men look ugly

but you slavs are literal shit

t. Ikibey, the biggest and most retarded roach of all times

Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life

götümi yaxtiz
hayatimin informations balkan orsp cocuglara verdiz
simdide onlara her keren yalan söyliyorum


my ass is burning
you guys gived my informations of my life??? to the /balk son of bitches
now I have to lie them all the time

Finnish women want Greek men.

Atleast we can flush toilet paper down the drain, turk

>They claim to work the most hours in europe, but they don't put in any effort at work, they just fuck around and waste time, no work ethic.

>OECD > Sup Forums opinion

>german reading comprehension

I've had the not so pleasant opportunity to work with greeks numerous times at my workplace, lazy and apathetic people with bad breath. Hang around the office all day without actually doing anything, not suprising their country is in the shape it is.

didnt read

I can do that too and I am a Greek.

t. "I am greek" turk

I am a Greek

Happy Autism Awareness Day, ikibey!

bulgaria is shit

>average worked hours

Africans also work a lot when they plow fields by hand all day. It anything, this is an indication of 3rd worldness.

Quality work > quantity work

Greece is not an African country.

No, it's a middle eastern one. Just look at this pic, if I had to guess this city, I'd say it's Aleppo or something.

Min tou milas ellinika re den xerei o mehmet

Many Mediterranean cities look like that.
Whats bad about it?

haha this, fuck Gayreece

εγώ είμαι Έλληνας

fuck you

You are Turk

He's a Turk who pretends to be Greek because he was rejected by his kin on Sup Forums. He's sad, ugly and inbred and derails threads with his bullshit spamming

Here is his story

Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life


>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine

If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?

Nice google translate mehmeti

>I can do that too

Because you don't live in Greece

I live in Greece

>doesn't even bother to put a Gayreek proxy on

thank you based Polish brother for remind the roach who he really is

you are gay

analbanians, gayreeks and slavshits should be nuked

You are Turk

He's a Turk who pretends to be Greek because he was rejected by his kin on Sup Forums. He's sad, ugly and inbred and derails threads with his bullshit spamming

Here is his story

Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life


>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine

If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?

a Greek

Do you play lol?

Fuck off with this shit, Greece has fallen and I don't blame only the EU because we as the greek population fucked around a lot not just the politicians. The problem is deep within our culture of trying to grab as much as you can for yourself and not giving a damn about everything else and by doing that you ruin everything for everyone without even realizing it. Another problem that we have is our attitude you can notice it immediately on any street, house, building in general we don't care anymore our cities are shit and don't give me the whole this is how Mediterranean cities look we have been letting anyone who passes to violate anything inside them and we do nothing about it. We can't follow our own laws. We have ruined our public sector trying to squeeze more random occupations in it and by this we have fucked over our school systems and the public sector as more incompetent workers are starting to get a paycheck that they don't deserve. Our local industry is dead blame EU for this but I haven't seen a lot of pretty boys go to work as farmers instead we use immigrants and other scum that come to Greece either to move to other European countries or work here, we should deport all these not use them to support our dying industry. Instead of doing anything useful at all we just sit down protesting and then in the next elections we elect the same dude who fucked us over. And now we even elected a fucking commie its just going great as you can see.
also fuck you muhhamed stop pretending to be greek.