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A turkic tribe, the Bulgars...

Look at this genius

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Good morning /balk/. What are your plans for today?

I hope that it will be a slow day at work so that I can watch some anime

Fuck anime

take that back gayreek

fuck you, nigga

I will destroy all anime

I will destroy the pussy of that trashy whore but 2D is still superior

I will destroy all anime in all dimensions

excuse me sir but balk is an anime thread

why does she look like Dinko, lol

because they are both functionally retarded

Dinko "I let refugees in after i take their money" Yambolski

Ok then, here's some anime for you

Even if he only takes their money and shakes them up, that's still a good thing, since it makes crossing our border more undesirable for the shitskins

kak se ebe?

Nope. Fuck half-measures. We need the border control from the People's Republic back.

Of course that would be preferable, but Dinko's actions are still a net positive

>китaйки нa мaкeдoнcки e "кинeзинки"

The "Macedonian language" is a national treasure.

G'mornin balk

Bulgarians should speak Macedonian and use the latin alphabet, discuss


Umiraš da poziraš da kopiraš da blestiš
Sled sebe si ostavjaš, grešni izvodi
Umiraš da poziraš da kopiraš da blestiš
Sled sebe si ostavjaš, grešni izvodi

Mraziš po pătja vsičko gaziš
Dali šte ja opaziš dušata si od tazi sueta
Mamiš săs slavata se hraniš
Dali šte ja opaziš dušata si od tazi sueta


we have our own alphabet that we created
you are cucked by using someone else's alphabet




I'm troll you

But seriously, you romanization system is cucked as fuck, why can't you use a normal one? with slavic letters - š and etc






Why are you even here
Go back to ex-subhyu man!


мaйкoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo къдe мe въpнa

only 90s kids remember it

what's the point of romanization if foreigners still can't read it? nobody but ex yugo uses those letters. not even you


But I can read it

imagine be her pusy slave!


>Albanians say "Djesi" for hello too

this 2bh

who else does

Actually is for "g'morn" and it's a shortening of mengjesi

Literally nobody understands your shitty memes why post them?


>who else does

Serbs in Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina

aхaхaхaхaхaхaхaхaх and where did you think it came from? does that sound slavic to you?

They say "gde" (where) and "si" (are you) some pronounce it "dje"

Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

China 1949 to early 1960s
Albania 1949-53
East Germany 1950s
Iran 1953 *
Guatemala 1954 *
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Syria 1956-7
Egypt 1957
Indonesia 1957-8
British Guiana 1953-64 *
Iraq 1963 *
North Vietnam 1945-73
Cambodia 1955-70 *
Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
Ecuador 1960-63 *
Congo 1960 *
France 1965
Brazil 1962-64 *
Dominican Republic 1963 *
Cuba 1959 to present
Bolivia 1964 *
Indonesia 1965 *
Ghana 1966 *
Chile 1964-73 *
Greece 1967 *
Costa Rica 1970-71
Bolivia 1971 *
Australia 1973-75 *
Angola 1975, 1980s
Zaire 1975
Portugal 1974-76 *
Jamaica 1976-80 *
Seychelles 1979-81
Chad 1981-82 *
Grenada 1983 *
South Yemen 1982-84
Suriname 1982-84
Fiji 1987 *
Libya 1980s
Nicaragua 1981-90 *
Panama 1989 *
Bulgaria 1990 *
Albania 1991 *
Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s *
Somalia 1993
Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
Ecuador 2000 *
Afghanistan 2001 *
Venezuela 2002 *
Iraq 2003 *
Haiti 2004 *
Somalia 2007 to present
Honduras 2009
Libya 2011 *
Syria 2012
Bulgaria 2013-2014 *
Ukraine 2014 *
USA 2017

>USA 2017
really turned on my pumpkin seeds

>Albania 1949-53
If only they achieved it. We wouldn't be such a shithole

It just means "where are you" - Dje si

But always found it weird that it's used as a greeting

The USA is the biggest cancerous tumor on this world

they do that in varna and burgas too. also dvd is pronounced djvidjie

I'd say their CIA is, which is the one that propped up Boyko.


ooooooh, i get it now

Sorry buljash, but you always were a shithole, you don't want to work, you can only succeed as criminals.

>you don't want to work
So? Greece is the same and not having communism made it better than whole Balkans even with denbt

holy shit hive mind


Kek, Spain tho thiccccc


>spain fatasses

The albanian woman is spot on tho


you balkan subhumans are always jealous on other people
you really are useless scum

t. laz subhuman
Don't worry, people will only pity you,never envy

Both of us know who the real sub-humans are.

Greeks produce a ton of shit, oranges, olives, olive oil, they have the second largest merchant navy, the largest port in the balkans, and massive tourism, you only export welfare leaching, crime producing separatism inducing inbreds.

>German demographics
>40% Turkish


40% gypsy and turk

I thought I'd never see the day when a Mac is defending the Greeks

You're talking about now, not 47'

that dude is not a germ

also are you enjoying your first day here on /balk/


Greece will always have strong tourism and shipping industry. Also the land has good climate for growing fruits and vegetables.
albania is just useless

No but he does live in New Turkey AKA the Former Republic of Germany.

Laz """"""""people""""""""' are subhuman
I was talking about how we would be better if communism didn't came here. No one can say that if Greece was communist it would be as good as now

Why? We love Greece, memes aside, we go there all the time, every summer, most people go to Solun on the weekends to buy cheap shit.

And what did you have in 47? Even less.

>some peaceful ancient people are sub-humans
>analbanians, known as scum in europe, somehow not

Both turkroaches and albaboons are scum, no need to argue.

I do not associate with Turkey.

Because Greece has potential, without communism you would kill eacother in blood feuds and honor killings, you still do despite communist efforts, backwards muslim countries are the only ones improved under communism.

Because of the whole Muh Alexander the Great crap


I'm sure you're not

götümi yaxtiz
hayatimin informations balkan orsp cocuglara verdiz
simdide onlara her keren yalan söyliyorum


my ass is burning
you guys gived my informations of my life??? to the /balk son of bitches
now I have to lie them all the time

Yeah, and we would've achieved even more without communism.
You are just projecting now. Honour killings and religious Acts were banned since King Zog's time.

People who spout that should be gassed, we never should have adopted that shitty star of vergina flag, biggest mistake ever, its so ugly and it pissed off the Greeks. If we were more tactical and didnt go we wuz we would have the upper hand in the dispute, we did untill gruevski went full we wuz mode. Im sure if we didnt adopt the flag and go we wuz we could have kept the name, if we made it clear it has nothing to do with aco the gay pagan.

What flag would you use besides your current one ?

wow is iki still around?
that's dedication

>albanians following the law

Wow thanks you made me chuckle.

>we never should have adopted that shitty star of vergina flag

I agree, there is another flag you can adopt.

Still projecting. It worked than as much as it worked during Hoxha. The only difference is that Hoxha destroyed churches and mosques, while Zog kept them as museums.

The red and black bicolor ofc. VMROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU

Its perfect, it was used by VMRO, its in our national colors, red and yellow arent by the way, the albos cant object because those are their national colors as well. But i like our current flag, its comfy.

serious question, do you just close your eyes to the way your people behave in macedonia and kosovo?

Wasn't the VMRO a Bulgarian terrorist org that murdered the Yugoslavian King?

I fucking wish thats aesthetic as fuck, but i dont like the way the lions look, and the red lion on a golden shield is better imo.