His country doesn't spend 50% of it's budget on defense

>his country doesn't spend 50% of it's budget on defense

Enjoy getting invaded by China and Russia.

>his country doesn't have a puppet that spends 50% of its budget on defence
Enjoy getting invaded by China and Russia.

I think you need to get your "Food and Agriculture" guys to run your military. You could save a lot.

"""fiscal""" conservative

>spend 50% of its budget on military
literally wtf?


You do know it will look nothing like this once it goes through Congress, right?

your making us look bad


>it's actually real

Except there are diminishing returns on our defense budget expenditures because private firms and contractors rape us for all we're worth



oh boy government run healthcare

This is how USSR collpsed you retard. They realized that spending 40% of your budget on weapons doesn't work after a while

Let's just see how long they can fool the general US population, the scam works as long as they can create conflicts or keep it profitable. They had a close call with Vietnam.

But nothing lasts forever and US certainly isn't the one "empire to last forever"

This, the US is being cucked by corporatists to create wars so weapon manufacturies can make money.

Jesus christ that's horrific

Don't worry: we deserve this.

Hello Prussia

>already spend absolutely ridiculous amounts of money on military
>decide to spend even more
what is the US preparing to fight against?

Better than having no healthcare


unironically Iran

what a retarded country

>invaded by
LOL, they can't even deal with Ukraine

Now post the non-discretionary budget

t. hohol.

>implying Russia is in direct war with Ukraine

>Enjoy getting invaded by China
china literally doesn't care about anything outside of their perceived rightful claim

>all these idiots that think this is the whole budget
It's the budget that Congress has direct control over. They don't have control over how much money is spent on "safety net" programs because the amount of money disbursed is determined by law and depends on the eligibility of individuals, not congressional fiat. Governmental organizations do not function this way and therefore fall under discretionary budget.

>corporate taxes only make up 11% of the entire budget of the US
Damn, corporations really do run the US.

And yet, our corporate tax rate is one of the highest in the world and people keep talking about reducing it, saying most companies shift their profit offshore or to tax havens


However our effective rate is very low due to deductibles

You know it's funny actually, pre-ACA I had great healthcare. Insurance was affordable and covered most or all of everything I ever needed growing up. Post-ACA insurance premiums go up every year but the coverage actually decreases. So basically every year I pay more money for less insurance, and it's gotten so expensive that my work can no longer completely cover our health insurance policies like they used to and instead covers half of my payment. I still pay more after that than I do for my car every month.

And the best part is... if you're too poor to pay for health insurance, they give you a big fat fine for being poor.

Obamacare didn't make insurance affordable for everyone, it did the exact opposite. It made it illegal to not have health insurance and killed off the entire range of affordable insurance packages. You know when you pass by a store and see something expensive that you want but would break your budget? It's like that, except you HAVE to break your budget because it's against the law to not buy it.

The Salvation War?

i'm not advocating for Obamacare, it was a shit giveaway to corporations

If the corporate tax in the US is so high why does it make up only a small margin of the budget and 1,5% of gdp?

Many companies use loopholes to avoid paying the full amount of tax, all America's high tax rate archives is keep business accountants well employed.

Didn't they booted Russia fromG20?

>be American
>buy insurance from Mr. Cohen so you can visit Dr. Epstein's hospital
>spend half of your budget on Mr. Shekelbergs military industrial complex so you can defend Mr. Rosenbaums home in Israel

This. Well Iran and probably China/North Korea. Wouldn't be surprised if Russia jumps in the action or tries to push into Europe.

Russia can't even do any progress against an Ukraine. Nor against peasants in Syria.


>world is at one of them most peaceful times in recent history (apart from muslims)
>let's pour half our money into the military
trump was a mistake

The only retard here is (you).

t. (You)

Well it's a good thing we don't spend 40% of our budget on weapons.

>we could fund research to make nuclear fusion a reality and have unlimited energy
>instead we bomb some towelheads

What would happen if the did this, just for one year?

its gonna take a lot longer than a year

F-16s will fall from the sky as they can't affort the fuel :DD

Why don't they just keep them parked on the ground then?

No country would invade given their current military stock. It's not as if they wouldn't retailiate and go back up to a 1 trillion dollar expenditure if someone declared war on them.

the world would be a safer place

Yeah, sure

Brotherhood and prosperity among all nations

>his country spend less than 50% of tax money in the tax payers
communist dictatorship tier tax distribution

daily reminder it's the republitoddlers' refusal to compromise forcing obama to hamstring his own bill in order to get the federal budget passed that caused the ACA to be a shitshow

funny how the key facts are so quickly forgotten

Why don't you just have private militaries? Government run military is shit

I mean surely the free market would do a better job of creating a better fighting force? :^)

But investing in the destruction of tyrannies abroad pays off very well.

>when the state budget is the same as the military budget

oh boy, just look how efficient american healthcare is