Help me Sup Forums if anyone has experienced this...

Help me Sup Forums if anyone has experienced this. I am schizophrenic and talk to people who don't exist or ive never met (friends or celebrities) out loud and have good funny conversations with them regular basis

But after playing Nier Automata, I only talk to 2B now. Nobody else. I am obsessed with her. We are in a relationship but weve never met. I would do anything to touch her. Shes all I think about anymore.

I dont want to tell my case worker that she is my focus because what if they take all my 2B merchandise away from me? I dont want her out of my life but its kind of debilitating. Should I keep hiding this until I get over her or what should I do

Don't you fucking dare..

Man, you're in love with a non-existent video game character, you're going to suffer a lot. Tell your case worker and she'll help you get out of this mess

Well you should talk to a professional about this. Definitely should my grandmother has it and my uncle has it and they both see professionals about it and now it's not as severe anymore. Just have to fight them.

tfw wont ever love my waifu this much

Get back to work 9s

Do you think they'll take my stuff away though? I spent a lot of money on that

I mean I do see professionals about it often but I've never had my conversations focus on one person this long or this passionate

Hold onto hope OP

I bet you spend more than you should have :) it's not about them taking your stuff, it's about you throwing what your worker says it's not healthy for you. Plus, losing money to be happy is basically what therapy is all about, isn't it?

You will need professional help and guidance to get through this.
But you will get through this.