
I think injury reserve are still better at making songs and don't overuse autotune, if you ignore BANK, TRIP and SWIM its actually quite good, producers are clearly talented and have different styles. This board and Sup Forums won't like CASH tho lmao. MILK is quite nice for some reason. Still think HEAT and GOLD are the best for me. probs like a 7.5 or 8/10.

fuck dude I loved swim

>had a dream last night that she loved me back
>shit happened how it happened so the past is perfect

These guys give me the same feeling Injury Reserve gave me when their last album dropped. Whoever the black dude with stache is has such a nasty flow

Ameer Van and yeah all his verses on this are dope as hell

nice trips

oh my bad, somehow it was released in the UK before US, should be up now

Lmao the one time it comes out in Canada/UK first and im on vacation in NY, of course

second listen, there's so many different styles played out but the whole album is still coherent, even with 17 tracks - a lot of the songs sound like HUMBLE., Days Before Rodeo, 808s, and also some Yeezus, production sounds a bit amateurish and unpolished but I think it works well with how just how much youth the whole album oozes. MILK, TRIP, FACE and BUMP all bang hard


user uploaded a 320 here, have fun in nyc!!

Merlyn's verse on MILK >>> good shit

Ameer kills all these other dudes on almost every track