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Daily reminder that have our own Obama in 1981, 27 years earlier than America
Since she is the Princess of Perak, she literally has Srivijayan blood
Is she related with this guy?
No because Palembang Sultanate has nothing to do with Srivijaya and Malay
Is it worth learning to Indonesian?
i'm tired of being neet, want to start a new life and get a job somewhere else.
Yes you can be like this guy
who is that guy?
well, i know Asian guys with white skin are well treated in SEA.
but i'm not as white as he, actually i'm quite dark skinned for a Korean.
dont worry we also like black guy
What is your favorite channel to watch?
>What is the purpose of a monarch?
The monarch is the state, without the monarch there is no state. All the legitimacy the government has is because it has been delegated by the monarch. That's why it's Her Majesty's Parliament, Her Majesty's Government, Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs, etc. All legislations made by Parliament needs royal approval, that's why she has to sign all legislation before it becomes law. Her power exists because God gave her that, as her mortal emissaries to guide the flock from heretics and heathens.
I rarely watch tv now but sometimes I watch nhk for their documentary program like "document 72h" and "somewhere street" , I just like seeing ordinary people do their daily routines and heard their story
Same. I also watch NHK too but I only do it sometimes whenever I feel.
Also do you love cats? I do.
>watching NHK
>watching Abe and LDP's propaganda mouthpiece
I bet you watch RT too
Yes, I really like cat, in fact I have 10 cats.
pic one of my cat
>I bet you watch RT too
I used to sometimes between around 2007 and 2010. Stopped after that (though my dad did watch it at times in Arabic language).
And no, I'm not watching NHK for news, I watch it for entertainment (especially Imagine-nation which I used to) and culture.
Nah I dont watch their news, I only watch their documentaries program. I also watch BBC for their documentaries program like Planet Earth
Oh my.
My favorite species of cats are the ones with slender bodies and small fur. One example include European cat.
I only have persian, angora, and mix of both of them, but sometimes a stray cat like this came inside our house asking for a food
I see, but holy shit this stray cat is so damn cute!!
I also like when they meow.
Is becoming a celebrity as a foreigner in indonesia that easy?
>tfw local elections in my area are habbening next month
>tfw already registered and ready to vote
>tfw Liberal Democrats (pro-EU party) is the main opposition in my area
>last election the standings were Conservative(29), Liberal(18), UKIP(3), Labour(3)
please keep a distance of your cat from bataknigger
you really really don't want the worst thing that can be happened to your cat
How do you make cats poop and pee outside? My cat is kinda scared to go out, as the territory outside is already claimed by another cat
not him but because my house have two bathroom (one main, one is the small one on the back, i let the cat shit there
easier to clean
wake up wagecucks
those toilets aren't gonna clean themselves
all cats are cute even sphinx cat
Just buy a litterbox and fill it with catsands
>Be me in last GE
>Went to polling station early, even then already long queue
>Mostly elderly aunties and uncles in front of me
>Suddenly an Indian pariah wearing a PKR shirt did the "wave to someone in line as if he knew them and then cut in" trick
>I get angry. No rubber estate Pariah PKRcuck can cut infront and get away with it
>Talk to the policeman guarding the entrance. Told him the keling Pariah is wearing a shirt with big PKR logo (not allowed to wear party logos at polling station so that your vote is confidential)
>Policeman nods and pulls the kelingtong out. Told him to go home and change his shirt
>Justice is served
that feet..hnnnggggg
Nice, I hate obnoxious douchebags on polling stations who blatantly ask for attention by showing their party colours. I have never told anyone of my political beliefs, unless Im anonymous. Luckily, people here hate voting and most of the voters in my areas are old people. The polling stations are light traffic, but it means Conservative have dominated the local area because of nore oldies vote
Do people really hate UKIP there? From what I heard, people usually make fun of them or something like that.
Are asean ppl even Asian or even human?
We're Truly Asia™
>Do people really hate UKIP there?
Yes, even though there were more people voting out, it didn't mean they were UKIP supporters. Once Farage left after duping the whole country about the benefit that will return to them, the party is a joke. They now have full of infighting and two of their members had a fight and knocked another UKIP member in the EU Parliament. They have been falling in the opinion polls hard and parties like LibDems are rising and on par with them now.
Only reason the out ones won is because of the working class (mainly from Labour left). In my area (conservative control since time immemorial) there isn't really even much love for UKIP and I never had experienced much racism or anti-immigration insults here.
So basically, after Brexit happens, UKIP and friends are done for?
Yes, we just still live in our primitive culture.
I think they will try, but they won't get that far, not again. The other eurosceptic parties are destined to die out tb.h. They either have to moderate their tone to get an alliance with the establishement and lose their voting base like in Norway or they could stay radical and be isolated and be forever banned from being in a governemnt coalition like in the Netherlands.
>What is the purpose of a monarch?
Besides that also to rig stuff in their state's favour since the Agong is the ultimate lobbyist.
Nothing like rigging the population count areas so that your 100k town has 300k population and gains city status with all its benefits.
Also to rig school band competitions at state level.
No we are pacific islanders.
So I guess if Le Pen loses in France, populism in Europe is done for?
But the Yang di-Pertuan Agong isn't that powerful except for his reserve powers, from what I understand.
populism is already done for. Dr*mpf showed that they are nothing but scam artists
I hear his popularity is rock bottom and even Congress is starting to hate him. Basically, he might lose his re-election bid?
It's over for him, his supporters are having a civil war, half of em realized how badly they got cucked, liberals are literally starting to support dr*mpf cause he attacked Syria, even HRC likes him now. Assuming the president trend where all the previous presidents have served 2 terms, I think he may get elected a 2nd time(personally I think the elections are just smoke and mirrors to fool the goyim into thinking they have a choice), since the alt-cuck has stopped supporting him, but all the HRC libcucks have started to support him.
If they lose in France or Germoney, then they're fucked and the EU will survive and become a closer union. Even with Britain out, they weren't really central to the EU. The main heart of the EU are France and Germoney.
The French and friends made a deal with teh Germans when the Berlin wall fell, which was to create the EU, single currency and the Parliament. The French were afraid of a stronk Germoney, so they wanted them tied economically, militarily and politically with them. In exchange, Germoney would be left on its own without supervision from other countries. This is why Merkel is so pro-EU, she was part of the original deal.
>alt-cuck really believed that a former active Democratc funder is actually their goy
lol, it was Dio "Liberal" Brando all along
>isn't that powerful
On paper yes but in practice the power of connection can topple state govt, divert investment, push for officials that they want and gain support of local tycoons if they wills it. Should the council of kings agree theoretically the Agong can command the armed forces to coup the Prime minister but they are not keen of going down in history as the killer of democracy and all of them are old men not short tempered youth hence the hands off approach.
In case of my town he simply ordered the population count to include the entire surrounding town as part of the city.
As for the school part
>His old school is always the third in state marching band due to 2 national level and Malaysian representative schools in the same area.
>Our school jobbed and the leader dropped the baton which is supposed to be instant lose
>Year long statewide butthurt
>all of them are old men
I thought the new one was quite young, less than 50 years old or so?
>went to Sup Forums for observation
i regret my decision
never had i seen that amount of obnoxious post
Please don't bring your Jews here, we already have the chink menace to deal with FFS.
A daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with sacrificing all your friends and having sex with your bestfriend's crush in front of him, so that you could achieve your dreams of being a king
He is 58.
So what about the part where fantasy becomes reality including rape trolls and giant monsters?
He doesn't look like it.
lewd animals and giant monster girls are okay
Get up workcucks!
Griffith dindu nuffin wrong.
Actually, Sup Forums is the fastest board of Sup Forums (not counting Sup Forums). It can reach 18 thousands posts in one hour during the prime hour.
Press F to pay respects.
>No more Malaysian Grand Prix next year
I'm not even Malaysian but I find this really sad and upsetting. First AFA, then Animax Carnival, and now this.
so i suggest this fuckin site is just a "lost technology" deus machina like to outsider
let do some flashback, remember scientology shit? yep Sup Forums organize something that make outsider of this site to have participation too
what happen next, anonymous and shit born then
then you got trumpalalatard happened, this shit is happened too after oldfag Sup Forumstard migrate to eight-chan, their positition then replaced by the new one that come from youtube vidya shit, redditor, and other alt-rightist related. This new citizen use our old memes, old strategy, old shit prnaking way for their agenda, guess what again? they did it
Deus ex Machina*
Information is a powerful weapon. Moot didn't know what kind of beast that he had spawned with the creation of Sup Forums.
probably we can try it too in the next election, want to try it??
Frankly I agree with shutting it down since an F1 race and MotoGP race a year is not making enough revenue for it to sustain the cost of upkeep, it'll end up swallowing tax payers money more than anything.
>trucks are now terrorists go to weapon
Anime was right.
nobody cares about boremula1
motogp is much more popular in sea
sorry lad i am oldfag in here
>Rapey man and ship eating giant monster
Kill them with fire not okay.
Interest in F1 have been waning for years know, even the highlight of the Singapore GP was a lizard crossing the street.
>4 killed is huge terrorist attack
Was the chinese family of 6 killed last week in Malaysia by a truck actually a terror attack?
Does the F1 race there have poor attendance or something?
They probably watched Fuuka or something.
you are oldfag?
wow cool bro
>4 killed
I was memeing about trucks though when done right it would be an legitimate accident.
That and the lack of modernizing the facilities. Locals here mostly go there once and probably won't bother again after that.
in sweden just last night
No, don't think that we can meme'd Prabowo into presidency.
Lel, been here since 2011, by Sup Forums standard I'm sill a newfag.
Without Michael Schumacher F1 is finished.
A guy stole a beer truck at a shopping district and hits a department store.
well we just need our normie to have a little chat here...............
yeah epik meme XDXD
What happened to the terrorist?
>beer truck
I thought for a moment he got drunk or something.
>by Sup Forums standard I'm sill a newfag.
Don't worry, you'll be an oldfag once you've realized you've been here for 10 years and question what have you been doing with your life.
I bet Mitsubishi is behind this.
>well we just need our normie to have a little chat here
Fuck no. I'd rather have a Papuan governor as our president rather than having Kakusers ruining mah 4chin.
Suspect is on the loose.
I'm surprised people didn't just grab a stick and mob him.
Apparently I read somewhere that ISIS tends to do attacks when they're weakening or something.
Whoops correction police nabbed the suspect later.
As they say a cornered animal is more dangerous, they have also stepped up plans here but police busted the entire cell.
Something about acquiring explosives from Indonesia to bomb police stations.
This is what I don't understand: how come in the US, spree killers tend to kill themselves, but in Europe, as much as possible they try to escape instead?
Maybe related to why did they spree killing in the first place. In USA most of them are sick of their life and just want t end their life in the most spectacular way possible by embracing the 2nd amendment, no ridiculous agenda for most of the time.
Old white man here
I'm looking for the best place to find an ugly brown whore to give visa and leave my family fortune to
Who will be my sex tour guide?
Different cultures I guess. Just like no radical terrorist from /asean/ countries has the guts to blow themselves up.
>our cunt terrorist come back home from Syria and expect a heroe's welcome
She looks like a young Ellen adarna
Sounds like something an anti-war American would say desu.
War is stupid. Killing and dying just so you can secure the interest of the New World Order.