
who is that guy?
well, i know Asian guys with white skin are well treated in SEA.
but i'm not as white as he, actually i'm quite dark skinned for a Korean.

dont worry we also like black guy

What is your favorite channel to watch?


>What is the purpose of a monarch?
The monarch is the state, without the monarch there is no state. All the legitimacy the government has is because it has been delegated by the monarch. That's why it's Her Majesty's Parliament, Her Majesty's Government, Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs, etc. All legislations made by Parliament needs royal approval, that's why she has to sign all legislation before it becomes law. Her power exists because God gave her that, as her mortal emissaries to guide the flock from heretics and heathens.

I rarely watch tv now but sometimes I watch nhk for their documentary program like "document 72h" and "somewhere street" , I just like seeing ordinary people do their daily routines and heard their story

Same. I also watch NHK too but I only do it sometimes whenever I feel.
Also do you love cats? I do.

>watching NHK
>watching Abe and LDP's propaganda mouthpiece
I bet you watch RT too

Yes, I really like cat, in fact I have 10 cats.
pic one of my cat

>I bet you watch RT too
I used to sometimes between around 2007 and 2010. Stopped after that (though my dad did watch it at times in Arabic language).
And no, I'm not watching NHK for news, I watch it for entertainment (especially Imagine-nation which I used to) and culture.