I think we can all agree that the only way to solve all conflicts in Eastern Europe is to give Croatia all of its...

I think we can all agree that the only way to solve all conflicts in Eastern Europe is to give Croatia all of its rightful land.

You forgot Kaliningrad Oblast. Give it to Croatia and I agree with you!

croats are ugly subhumans

WTF I love diaspora now!

Would agree if croatians weren't such balkan subhumans

I love Croatia (not even a diaspora, being a turk)

Have the croatians fascists awoken yet?

croat subhuman

Yugoslavia is the only answer

Wow, I am croat now? No I am not. I am turkish you stinky potatoe

Not that Im against union with Croatia, I really like vacations in Rovinj, but I really doubt they can into real big politics.

Croats are the true Herzogs of that clay, so yes.

you are a subhuman

croats are subhumans

Are you Serb diaspora?


he's a greek(turk)

Is there a difference?

I am a Greek

Greeks are better at everything.

It's hard to maintain rule over southern Europe when your boyfriend Nikolopolus is busy railing you in the butt. No wonder you lost Macedonia and Ionia

How can Greece lose something it never had?

Greeks are Christians and look down on gays.
Macedonia is part of Greece now.
Ionia was lost because whites helped turks.

stupid post slavic subhuman

If my post is stupid, then why did it end with trips?

Croatia: 2
Turko-German pretending to be Greek: 0

turkey is better than croatia
there is no reason for croatia to exist
just another useless slavic shithole in eastern europe

I'm curious you did not invalde Slovenia's Lebenraum.
Is it because you began by moving the goal posts there?